Thursday, October 06, 2005

U2 Take Over Conan O'Brien Show & Billboard Touring Awards

‘’U2 Take Over Conan O’Brien Show & Billboard Touring Awards’’

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright October 6, 2005

Tonight, Thursday, October 6, late night talk show host Conan O’Brien, a huge U2 fan (as we are too!), will literally turn over the entirety of tonight’s show to Dublin’s finest, giving them free reign to perform the songs of their choice, live on National TV on the NBC Network. O’Brien has never allowed any musical guest to appear during the entire one hour show…but then, they weren’t U2, the greatest band in the world! (ok, so we’re a little biased, sheesh!)

The Irish rockers (who are also in New York to perform 7 sold out shows at Madison Square Garden), are prepping to perform 3 tunes of their own choosing, and be interviewed by O’Brien, he of the infamous comedic repartee. Just don’t let Triumph The Insult Comic Dog anywhere near our Irish babies!

U2 also is counting its good fortune at being honored by Billboard. The Billboard Touring Awards recognizes the highest achievements in the touring industry each year. U2 received 4 honors for its Vertigo Tour as a finalist in the categories of Top Tour, Top Draw, Top Boxscore Categories, and for Top Manager (Principle Management and Manager Paul McGuinness). The awards will be presented October 26, at New York’s Roosevelt Hotel.

Don’t forget too, that tomorrow, Friday, October 7th, is the Nobel Ceremony and Bono is nominated for this year's Nobel Peace Prize! Here's hoping he receives this most esteemed award, for which he is so very deserving.

3’s the charm laddies! May the luck of the Irish be with you!


Muse News & Micro Muse October 6, 2005

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright October 6, 2005

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