Monday, October 03, 2005

Bono And Bob Geldof Could Win Nobel Peace Prize This Friday!

‘’Bono And Bob Geldof Could Win Nobel Peace Prize This Friday!’’

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright October 3, 2005

Everyone knows we have the softest spot ever for U2’s Bono and Sir Bob Geldof. 2 Irish rockers who put their music, and money, where their mouths are, spending some 2 decades of their lives and careers selflessly leading the charge as artist/social activists.

Both are nominated for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, with the Nobel Ceremony taking place this Friday, October 7th.

In 2005 alone, Geldof and Bono organized Live 8, the ‘’One Campaign’’, aided the ‘’Make Poverty History’’ campaign, met with, and convinced the leaders of the 8 leading western nations at the July 2005, G8 Summit to forgive $40 billion of debt to 18, 3rd world nations and double aid to Africa to $50 billion by the year 2010. Both also regularly met with world leaders and have raised worldwide public awareness in a gamut of areas including seeking to implement measures to help stem the tide of AIDS and find a cure as well, create fair trade worldwide, and find answers to eradicate world wide hunger and poverty, especially in Africa.

Of course, Bono and Geldof have been on their never ending mission since the mid 1980’s with Live Aid and Band Aid and have been nominated before for the Nobel, but have never been awarded a win. But this time around, Australian bookmakers are betting Bono and Geldof as 3rd joint favorites at 7-1, along with U.K. bookmakers, after Stein Toennesson, a Norwegian authority prize commentator regarded the 2 musicians as his favorites.

For our money….we wish we could vote, because it would be an obvious hands down, no contest, win. Ok, so maybe there is some tough competition from many other Nobel nominees.

But, Geldof and Bono have some damn wonderful, noble, selfless, and altruistic pedigree. 20 years of dedicated work, personally putting their careers and lives on hold to visit the war torn, disease ridden, squalor plagued people of Africa and other 3rd world nations, meeting with Popes, Presidents, and Prime Ministers…all while still making the most beautiful of music, and organizing dozens of musicians worldwide to help and at least try to make the world a better place filled with hope and promise, by implementing and utilizing music as a tool to raise global public awareness and placing leverage on world leaders to enact positive, concrete plans to better the world.

Live 8 was the nod to Live Aid, as well as a continuance of never giving up, always being willing to step up, answering the call to arms, and taking positive action and making a difference through music…and rock music at that!

In our heart, Sir Bob, Bono, you already won, many times over. But…good luck this Friday with esteem and utmost regard.

Muse News & Micro Muse October 3, 2005

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright October 3, 2005


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I wanted to use this space to thank you Arlene for showing interest in the iniciative to end poverty and hunger in the world, and also to congratulate Sir Bob and Bono as well as wishing them the best of luck for friday.

I am writing you from the United Nations World Food Programme in Rome - Walk the World Division and wanted to let you know about what we are doing in hope that people learn a little more about us and about how they can contribute in this fight against hunger.

Please visit us at

Every time you click onto our site, a donor contributes .19 cents - the cost of feeding a child for one day in the developing world.

It also allows you to email both your foreign minister and finance minister and encourage them to do more to end child hunger!

All of the activities we're currently engaged in will lead up to a global event on May 21st 2006 Fight Hunger: Walk the World. We seek to organize walks to end child hunger in 100 countries, with 1 million walkers. And we give anyone who wants to organize a walk on their own the opportunity to do so on our site.

So please, spread the word, we can definitely do more.

Thank you!

Desiree Forsyth