Wednesday, October 19, 2005

"Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith" Receives Hollywood's Movie Of The Year Award!

‘’Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith’’ Receives Hollywood’s Movie Of The Year Award!’’

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright October 19, 2005 reports that, ‘’Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith’’ will be awarded Hollywood’s Movie Of The Year Award at this year’s Hollywood Film Festival in a ceremony to be held this Monday, October 24, 2005.

Jedi Master, ‘’Star Wars’’ Creator/Director George Lucas will personally accept the honor.

The award has special meaning in that the fans, not judges or Hollywood brass, voted for the award, which was conducted on several websites and received some 70,000 votes, winning over such blockbusters as ‘’Batman Begins’’, ‘’Sin City’’, ‘’War Of The Worlds’’, ‘’Charlie And The Chocolate Factory’’ and more, among many notable films from 2005.

The final chapter in the ‘’Star Wars’’ film franchise has grossed some $380 million in the USA alone, and that’s in addition to its galactic size box office take throughout the worldwide market, as well as the Empire sound of ca-ching when ‘’Sith’’ is released on DVD this November 1st.

Festival founder Carlos de Abreau proudly exclaimed ‘’We are very proud that the winner of this year’s Hollywood Movie Of The Year Award is George Lucas’s film, ‘’Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith’’. Mr. Lucas is a creative genius, a visionary at its best.’’

Lucas was also awarded The Life Achievement Award from The American Film Institute this past June 20, 2005, as well. The AFI Life Achievement Award is considered by many in movieland to be the pinnacle, most esteemed honor and recognition by the motion picture industry.

Hey, what about an Academy Award for our Jedi Master George Lucas? Yoda of film he is! Waiting we still are!

Great news still, this is. Backwards talking like a 1,000 year old 3 foot tall, green Jedi Master soothsayer we are. Veyizmere oy!


Muse News & Micro Muse October 19, 2005

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright October 19, 2005

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