Saturday, October 29, 2005

Bob Geldof Bestowed With Nobel Man Of Peace Honor!

‘’Bob Geldof Bestowed With Nobel Man Of Peace Honor’’

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright October 29, 2005

Hallelujah!! My hero, the most wonderful Irish rocker, artist/social activist, Sir Bob Geldof has been named the 2005 Nobel Man Of Peace!

Sir Bob has been nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize both in 1985, and in 2005 for his tireless work on behalf of helping the poverty and famine plagued people of Africa.

We have always shed a tear, feeling our own heart sink just a tad, that Sir Bob has never been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, as he most certainly is more than deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize and should be given recognition for his altruistic work.

Thankfully, even though the Nobel judges didn’t award Sir Bob with the Peace Prize, that didn’t stop the legions of Nobel Peace Prize winners themselves from coming up with their own very special honor to Sir Bob, who has so selflessly given of himself to the poor, famine, and disease ridden masses of the people of Africa for half of his own life, often putting his own life and music career on hold and regularly traveling in person to the dangerous, war torn, plague infested areas of the deepest hearts of Africa to meet with the people who he has given up the better part of his life to help.

Sir Bob has been granted this most auspicious, esteemed title of the Nobel Man Of Peace by a committee of all the living winning recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of ‘’his unflagging work and powerful voice on behalf of the poor of Africa in the last 20 years and in particular, the last 12 months. He has harnessed world opinion to make political leaders act immediately, improving the lives of millions.’’

Sir Bob will be bestowed with this honor in Rome on November 24, 2005 at The World Summit Of Nobel Laureates by Mikael Gorbachev, the former leader of the Soviet Union.

Sir Bob has this to say about receiving this humbling honor. ‘’I am overwhelmed and proud. It’s more than an honor, it’s almost ridiculous. That’s f**king big. I feel weird.’’

Sir Bob, along with fellow musician, artist/social activist, Midge Ure, organized the all star line-up music group, Band Aid, with its charity single record, ‘’Do They Know It’s Christmas’’ and the mammoth 2 continent wide, music benefit concert, Live Aid in 1985, both which raised millions of dollars for African famine relief, and which spurned Sir Bob on, to form the Band Aid Trust. The Band Aid Trust has remained a vital, active force in continually raising global public awareness, and much needed funds to aid the poor and starving in Africa for 20 years.

This July 2, 2005, Sir Bob made lightening strike twice when he and Midge Ure organized the global wide music benefit concert, Live 8, which not only had the same basic goals as Live Aid, but instead of asking the public to pledge funds to aid African poverty, as had been done with Live Aid, Live 8 was staged to raise enough public and political awareness and leverage to bring the issue to the table of the July 2005, G8 Summit.

It was at the G8 Summit, that Geldof hoped that the leaders of the world’s 8 leading western nations would heed Live 8’s initiative and call to arms, which was the monumental voice raised loud and proud by millions of socially conscious aware people around the world, to increase aid to Africa, forgive debt to Africa and many 3rd world nations, and enact fair trade.

Live 8 successfully convinced the 2005 G8 Summit leaders to double aid to Africa to $50 billion by the year 2010, and to grant $40 billion of debt relief (canceling/forgiving debts) for 18 nations worldwide.

Just see what a difference that one person, one voice, one note of music, multiplied by millions of people, millions of voices, and millions of oh, so meaningful and wondrous notes of music can do!

All we can say is we have never been more proud of you Sir Bob! Our heart is busting with joy for you and that you finally are receiving the recognition and respect that you so very much deserve from the Nobel Committee.

We wish you our very heartfelt best and a great big CONGRATULATIONS!

Muse News & Micro Muse October 29, 2005

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright October 29, 2005

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