Thursday, October 13, 2005

"Star Wars'" Chewbacca Becomes U.S. Citizen!

‘’Star Wars’’’ Chewbacca Becomes U.S. Citizen!’’

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright October 13, 2005

Yep, British actor, Peter Mayhew, aka the ‘’walking carpet’’, as ‘’Star Wars’’’ own Princess Leia affectionately referred to Mayhew’s character, loveable Wookiee hero, Chewbacca, will take the oath this Monday, October 17, 2005 to become a naturalized, United States citizen.

Mayhew, has been married for six years now, to his Yankee wife, Angelique, a Texas native. So Mayhew figured that was reason enough to be sworn in as an official red, white, and blue citizen, in a ceremony to be held in Arlington, Texas, along with 441 other people from some 77 ‘’star systems’’…er nations.

The 60 year old Mayhew is iconic for his 3 decade long, ongoing reprisal portraying the ferocious looking, but lion hearted, beloved action hero, Chewbacca, in all 6 of the ‘’Star Wars’’ films, including the original trilogy, and the prequel trilogy. Where would Han Solo be without his trusty co-pilot at the helm of the rust bucket space cruiser, The Millennium Falcon, and where would Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, C-3PO, R2D2….and us be without this most loyal and heroic furball? We love you Chewy!

Chewbacca just wouldn’t have been the same without you Peter. So we gratefully offer you our sincere, heartfelt Congratulations!

Or in Wookiee speak, GGGGGRRRRRRRHHHHH!!!!

May The Force Be With You Peter!!!!

Muse News & Micro Muse October 13, 2005

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright October 13, 2005

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