“Spider-Man’s” New Love Interest, But Will YOU Love Her!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright January 20, 2006
Oh, good lord! Say it isn’t so! The suits behind the “Spider-Man 3” film are looking to cast the role of Spidey’s new love interest (actually old, if you are a follower of the Marvel “Spider-Man” comic books), being the character of Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker’s very first, true love (before Mary Jane Watson came along), way back when the two met in High School.
While we are doing back flips about the film makers’ decision to stay true blue to the original storyline of the Marvel comic books’, web spinning super hero, we are dropping our jaw, and NOT, with enthusiasm or joy over the buzzed about main contender to be cast in the role of Gwen.
Hope you’re sitting down folks, because we’re trying to let you down..er..easily.
Actress, Bryce Dallas Howard, the leaden, wooden, cardboard covered ice berg that literally sunk the titanic film, “The Village”, the much ballyhooed dinosaur egg laid by lauded Director, M. Knight Shyamalan, due in great part to Howard’s, er, unique performance, is in big time discussions to play Gwen.
Oh, the insanity!
Look, we are ecstatic over seeing more of the sterling, major character driven development that was so prevalent, thought provoking, intelligent, and heart string tugging in the first 2 chapters of the Spidey film saga, spin the tale yet more and play out even further in the 3rd chapter in the “Spider-Man” film franchise.
Thank heavens the always stellar actors, Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, and James Franco will be reprising their roles for the third time around.
But good golly Miss Molly, we can think of a gazillion far more talented, mesmerizing, magnetic, luscious leading ladies and new sparkling Hollywood starlets that would add luster to Spidey’s love interest, Gwen Stacy and really add some sparks and zing to the love triangle and torn hearts between Peter, Gwen, and Mary Jane, than Bryce Dallas Howard? (Just our opinion folks!)
“The Village” was in fact intended as a horror film, only unfortunately, it was VERY scary and not for the reasons it was made.
This film flop’s most deserving achievement for horror and for which it should have earned a Golden Raspberry Award, was the most terrifying factor imbued by Howard’s dead weight, albatross performance.
“Spider-Man 3” fans! We implore you!
Post on your fan boards in protest! Write the filmmakers! Write your Congressman! Write super villains Sandman and Venom rumored to be part of the “Spider-Man 3” story arc. Hell, write Darth Vader!
Anyone with super powers will do who can AXE this ultra villainous casting decision.
Or as Darth Vader himself bellowed it so well at the end of “Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith”, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse January 20, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright January 20, 2006
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