Friday, February 03, 2006

"X-Men's" Wolverine Battles The Hulk In New Comic Book!

“”X-Men’s” Wolverine Battles The Hulk In New Comic Book!”

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright February 3, 2006

Settle down “X-Men” fans! We know you are already doing back flips from the title of this, so we will cut to the chase!

“Entertainment Weekly Magazine’s” February 10, 2006 issue pays homage and gives major kudos to the newest, latest comic book featuring our favorite “X-Men” Super Hero, Wolverine!

Turn to page 139, for this week’s “EW” review of “Books” for a special section titled, “Comics 101: All The Write Moves”.

Read a positively, 4 star sterling review of, “Ultimate Wolverine VS. Hulk” available for $2.99, on Marvel Comics © Copyright Marvel Comics: All Rights Reserved.

The review, features a stunning, color photo of the comic’s cover which says it all, with our mutant good guy, Wolverine, metal claws bared, and ready to kick major bad guy butt, staring down a vicious looking, towering Hulk.

“Ultimate Wolverine VS. Hulk” is the story of what happens when Wolverine is pitted in battle against the Incredible Hulk.

Talk about an earth shattering smackdown!

Apparently, the Hulk decides he wants to make mincemeat out of New York City, and goes on a rampage squashing the Big Apple.

Well, taking a cue from the song that goes “Who you gonna call! “Ghostbusters”!”, instead, New York’s finest, that is the coppers, call on Logan himself, affectionately known to you “X-Men” fans as Wolverine, to take a bite out of the Hulk, and permanently put the Hulk out of commission, saving New York.

The storyline features Wolverine getting torn into two pieces by the Hulk, which we find exceptionally interesting in regards to how Wolverine will regenerate/rejoin himself by way of his special Super Hero powers to heal himself.

There are also flashbacks, which “X-Men” fans will love, since that has remained a constant in the classic saga of the Logan/Wolverine character, in Logan remembering and thus, discovering his own mutant beginnings, characteristics, and superpowers.

And who better to envision this comic than writer, Damon Lindelof, the wonderkind, mastermind co-creator behind the hit TV series, “Lost”, the ABC Television Network’s magical, mystery tour of sorts, about a group of plane wreck survivors and their not of this world experiences, as castaways on a tropical island possessing supernatural qualities, that seems to have its own unearthly affects on their hearts and minds.

Since “Lost” regularly features weekly, episode flashbacks into the back stories and lives of each of the series’ characters, we know Lindelof will prove a novel storyteller in the character flashbacks for Wolverine and Hulk in this clever and exciting new comic book!

“Entertainment Weekly” writer, Paul Katz literally goes crazy, sexy, cool for this FAB, new comic book giving it an A minus!

Since there is already talk of Wolverine getting his own major feature film, spin off movies, based on the success of the “X-Men” film franchise and Wolverine’s popularity, could this latest comic book entry materialize into a Wolverine film?

We certainly would be happy to see it happen!

Just make sure Logan/Wolverine gets a lovely, Super Hero lady love that can hold her own with him in defeating the nasty villains and the forces of evil!

For our money, we still want to see Logan hook up with Dr. Jean Grey!

Come on Jean, you two make one heck of a steamy, romantic couple of Super Hero canoodlers. And Jean, you know you can’t resist the martial arts, kick butt charms and charisma of this gorgeous hunk of wolverinecake!

Muse News And Micro Muse February 3, 2006

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright February 3, 2006

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