Saturday, February 25, 2006

Is Venom, "Spider-Man 3's" New Villain?!

“Is Venom, “Spider-Man 3’s’” New Villain?!”

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright February 25, 2006

In our article, yesterday, Friday, February 24, 2006, “Breaking News, “Spider-Man 3” Wears A Black Costume!”, we discussed and asked, what could possibly make Spidey decide to take on this NEW fashion statement?

Once more, YOU Can See For Yourself in the photo posted of SOMEBODY wearing a black “Spider-Man” costume, on the OFFICIAL “Spider-Man 3” WEBSITE!!!!

© Copyright 2006/2007 Sony Pictures/Columbia TriStar Motion Pictures: All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2006/2007 Marvel Comics/Marvel Characters: All Rights Reserved reports that, this “Supposed” photo of Spidey, MAY not even be our normally red and blue clad web spinning Super Hero at all. says that Spidey fan boards are all aflutter, pondering and discussing that this photo in reality….MAY be of the dreaded villain, Venom, formerly Peter Parker’s “fellow “Daily Bugle” reporter, Eddie Brock,” renowned for donning a black costume!

“Spidey 3” fans’ rumor flames are being further fanned by the fact that actor, Topher Grace is confirmed as having joined the “Spider-Man 3” cast, causing fans to speculate and second guess if Grace will in fact be portraying the dastardly character of Venom, known for causing mayhem and chaos for our Spidey Super Hero! Do Tell!!

Plus fans of the original “Spider-Man” comics are well versed in the Venom character and the origins of the infamous black costume that Venom wears.

In the “Spider-Man” comics, reports, “Originally a costume discovered on an alien planet, during the spin off series, “Secret Wars”, the suit eventually revealed itself as a sentient Symbiote, attempting to permanently fuse with Peter Parker’s body. Once the costume was removed, it attached itself to fellow “Bugle” reporter, Eddie Brock making him one of the webslinger’s most feared Super Villains.”

But, Spidey fans also note the ambiguity of the costume worn by some mystery character, seen in the photo posted Friday, February 24, 2006, on the “Spider-Man 3” Official Website, in that, it MAY….NOT be Venom, since Venom’s black costume has “white rings around the eyes and a slick Spider logo on the chest” on the costume, which the costume revealed in the photo on the Spidey Official Website, does NOT have!

So is this a photo of Venom or not?!

Is this a photo of Peter Parker/Spider-Man or not?!


Nothing like a major red herring of open ended clues brimming with lightening rod riddles to keep the gazillions of “Spider-Man 3” fans guessing until the film’s WAY OFF worldwide release date of May 4, 2007!

This ought to heighten fans’ anticipation and keep the Spidey chat boards lit up brighter than a Christmas Tree. Only it’s less than 365 days until next Christmas.

But YOU will have to wait 432 Days, 9 Hours, 10 Minutes, and 34 Seconds (according to the “Spider-Man 3” Official Website Countdown Clock!!!!), to find out the answer to WHO the heck the identity REALLY IS, in this photo, of the Hero or Villain clad in this mysterious black costume!!....and IS Venom even IN Spidey 3?! says that “Spider-Man” co-creator Stan Lee says, “Stay tuned, true believers.”

….We invite YOU to let US know who YOU think the black suited mysterious character is, in the photo!!!!

Stay tuned right here as well! Same blog, same channel, same cool “Spider-Man 3” breaking news updates!!!!


Muse News And Micro Muse February 25, 2006

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright February 25, 2006

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