““X-Men 3: The Last Stand’s” Brett Ratner Says This Is The Final Film Chapter!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright February 15, 2006
OH NO! Say it isn’t so!
MTV.com reports that according to Brett Ratner, Director of “X-Men 3: The Last Stand”, that this 3rd installment of the beloved, blockbuster “X-Men” film franchise will indeed be the final chapter and end to the “X-Men” films (spin-off films notwithstanding).
As of today, with the advent of some “leaked” photos from the “X-Men 3” film set making the rounds on the internet and causing major dissent about the film and its beloved characters from fans, the “official” title of “X3” now being coined throughout film industry trade and entertainment magazines as “X-Men: The Last Stand”, a firm “no comment” from an official representative for 20th Century Fox as to whether this is in fact the last “X-Men” film or not….
…..combined with substantial doubt and fear from “X-Men” film fans that Ratner’s vision may not “stand” up to the sterling level of the first two “X-Men” films which were both helmed by and were the superb products of Director Bryan Singer’s vision,…
….many fans and film industry mavens are pondering if this 3rd chapter is indeed the final one, or if all this is just a PR ploy to assure that fans run and plunk down their cash at the box office, assuring that “X-Men 3” will indeed be a bonafide hit, moneymaker.
Ratner, whose credentials are best known from his stints directing the “Rush Hour” comedy/action flicks, has been the object of much consternation and criticism from “X-Men” film fans, critics, (and us!) with fear that the only reason this chapter may be the last one, is because Ratner turns our adored Super Heroes into a Super turkey!
To say we have been most concerned that Bryan Singer opted out of directing “X-Men 3” is an understatement. We already knew Singer was up to the challenge, gracing us with his sterling turn at manning both “X-Men” and “X2: X-Men United”, via his brilliant work as more of a Hollywood film auteur, realizing such prestigious, pedigree as his multi Academy Award nominated, and winning, outstanding character driven, acting ensemble film, “The Usual Suspects”.
The “X-Men” films’ single most integral ingredient, is the delicate balance of textured storyline and characters, of which fully fleshed out, detailed development and emotional depth are at the very core and essence.
Plus, the “X-Men” films, based on the popular Marvel Comics, are ensemble pieces, composed of many characters (ie; translating to many actors and actresses), all which need proper focus and care to be brought to vivid life, establishing a key emotional connection between them and fans.
Singer who also co-wrote the screenplays for “X-Men” and “X2: X Men United”, didn’t just make the “X-Men” films, storylines, and characters come to life, he literally made them living, breathing beings (mutants) that have powerfully resonated with fans, earning fans’ (and our) empathy, adoration, and yes, zealous love.
Well, Ratner is scurrying to diffuse doubts that “X-Men: The Last Stand” will fizzle rather than ignite a blazing fire, stating that this "REALLY" is the final, “X-Men” film, (but notice how Ratner throws in to MTV.com an ambiguous, “Well, it SEEMS to be the last of the series”), and thus will have both “closure” and go out on top, with a big “bang”. If you, (Ratner) say so!
MTV.com says that Ratner also plays down fans’ worries concerning what they see in the “leaked” photos, with Ratner telling MTV.com that they were done in the film’s early “testing process, so those photos are very, very old” and that the completed film’s “characters will stay truer to the classic comics and will vary greatly from the criticized images.”
Ya think! All we can say is SOS! When this much smoke..er….screen surrounds a film, and this far in advance to its release date (May 26, 2006), that usually bodes for some worry by the film making powers that be.
Whether this truly is the final “X-Men” film or not, obviously depends not on the hype and hearsay, but how boom or bust the film is, along with fan reaction and box office earnings.
We hope very much, that “X-Men: The Last Stand” is simply spectacular and puts all of your (and our) fears to rest, showing up all of the doubting Thomases and naysayers, (yes! US included!)
We invite YOUR opinions on what you think about all the rumors, hearsay, and valid concerns about one of your and OUR favorite film franchises.
…We just can’t help that nagging voice in our head yelling, Paging Bryan Singer, NOW!
Muse News And Micro Muse February 15, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright February 15, 2006
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