“”X-Men: The Last Stand” VIEW! NEW FASTBALL SPECIAL Clip, Actor Hugh Jackman Showed On “The Tonight Show”!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright April 29, 2006
Actor, Hugh Jackman (aka Logan/Wolverine) was the guest, last night, Friday, April 28, 2006 on “The Tonight Show” hosted by Jay Leno on the NBC Television Network, to promote “X-Men: The Last Stand”, which we personally waited all week to watch, and boy were we ever in for a humdinger of a treat!
Hugh showed a NEW, EXCLUSIVE clip from “X-Men: The Last Stand” that delivered big time premiering the infamous, FASTBALL SPECIAL!
The clip, was quite lengthy and was a battle scene with the virtuous “X-Men” pitted against….The Sentinels!
Superherohype.com has posted several versions of the clip in different media formats for you to VIEW if you missed it.
Here is a play by play recount of the clip in case you are unable to watch the clip!
It begins with Logan, on the battlefield, lighting his cigar in the fire of some wreckage. Just as more wreckage is about to land on top of and crush Logan, Storm quick as a flash, flies down, swoops Logan up in her arms, and safely wisks them both away to safer ground.
Logan says something to the affect, of “That was my last cigar!”, which he dropped, in typical dry, Logan manner!
Storm says that the opposing forces they are fighting are too much of a force for the “X-Men”, who are stuck in the wake of the ominous battlefield.
Logan, never one to let any adversity get him down, as if to say, “I don’t think so”, says, “Yeah, I know.” and then asks Colossus, “How’s your throwing arm?” (Of course, we KNEW what was coming next! SET UP for the….)
Colossus tosses Logan with his claws bared, hurling through the air like an all powerful rocket.
A moment later, Logan, flies back to Storm and Colossus, VICTORIOUS, with the HEAD of a decapitated SENTINEL he has just taken out, a cavalier and triumphant look on Logan’s face, as we always expect and ADORE, from the one and only Logan!
Before they showed the clip, Hugh told Jay that “X-Men: The Last Stand” is the BEST of the “X-Men” films!
Jay then kiddingly grilled Hugh, with Jay saying that he just KNOWS there is NO way this is really the LAST “X-Men” film, and Hugh just kept laughing saying, yes it is, but we don’t think Jay was buying it for one minute!
Hugh also told Jay and all of viewing America, that Friday, was Hugh’s father, Chris’s Birthday, and so Hugh, the audience, Jay, and “The Tonight Show” band all sang “Happy Birthday” while Hugh videotaped it all for his dad!
How sweet!
Also, prior to showing the clip, Hugh told Jay about MTV’s “Punk’d” and “X-Men: The Last Stand” Director Brett Ratner punking Hugh!…
….which Hugh also showed a clip from.
….Apparently the “Punk’d” crew were in cahoots with Brett, literally planting special effects explosions and rigged fire at Brett’s multi-million dollar mansion home, telling Hugh that the Aussie style barbecue that Hugh had started to cook Brett dinner, had set Brett’s home on fire!
Hugh fell for it hook, line, and sinker, and we must admit, it looked as real as it gets. Massive flames, kabooms and all!
“Punk’d” airs on MTV, every Monday at 10:00 pm EST. So be sure to check your MTV local listing for this Xciting, “Punk’d” episode!
Here’s the “Punk’d” OFFICIAL WEBSITE so you can keep checking for when this episode airs!
NBC Network “The Tonight Show”
Muse News And Micro Muse April 29, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright April 29, 2006
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