Monday, April 17, 2006

"X-Men: The Last Stand" COVER STORY "Moving Pictures Magazine"!

“”X-Men: The Last Stand” Cover Story “Moving Pictures Magazine”!"

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright April 17, 2006

“X-Men: The Last Stand” is the COVER STORY of the April/May 2006 issue of “Moving Pictures Magazine”!

Inside are, OF COURSE, Xcellent color photos, but also, an outstanding one on one interview with Marvel Studios President/CEO Avi Arad!

“X-Men: The Last Stand” focuses on a dreaded “cure” manufactured by humans to rid mutants of their natural born, physical and psychological traits, attributes, powers, making mutants “acceptable” to fit in with the “norm” of society.

This interview with Arad discusses this hot button topic, quite intelligently, and the “X-Men” film franchises’ most controversial film to date.

As Arad says to “Moving Pictures”, mankind’s endless prejudice and intolerance, and mankind’s need for tolerance, understanding, and peaceful co-existence with all living beings are what “X-Men: The Last Stand” and its central “cure” storyline, are all about.

Arad goes on to say, “What is a mutant? What does it mean to be different?”

Should the mutant take the “cure” and give up their unique, inherent traits to avoid mankind’s persecution? Or should mutants maintain their natural traits and be proud of who they are and struggle to teach mankind tolerance?

Arad likens this to, does an African American person take a pill to change the color of their skin to “fit in” with society and avoid prejudice?

Of course not. Arad says that, “You are who you are.”

Arad says “The way to fight discrimination is not to change your skin, but to find a way to co-exist and co-existence always came out of struggle. Throughout history, you had 2 kinds of leaders fighting this struggle. Those who became militant and those who believed in long term tolerance.”

Arad explains that ““X-Men: The Last Stand” goes into the issue of “right to life”.”

Arad exuberantly says, “That’s what we so love about “X-Men”. It's infused with real issues and uses these great metaphors.”

Arad then says, “We have this great campaign. “Take A Stand.” THAT’S what this movie's about.”

The interview gets VERY heavy at times discussing real life prejudice and intolerance, via race, religion, what have you, via Hitler’s Germany, the Spanish Inquisition, all through history.

Arad makes a wonderful case of WHY “X-Men: The Last Stand”, perhaps of all the “X-Men” films, is so profound and raises so much hot debate and discussion, but best of all, it raises and hits the resonant, emotional chord in “X-men” fans of awareness….of the evils of prejudice....and the need for the virtues of tolerance, compassion, understanding, and for ALL of us, to….

….”Take A Stand.”

"Moving Pictues Magazine"

Muse News And Micro Muse April 17, 2006

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright April 17, 2006

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