Monday, April 24, 2006

"X-Men: The Last Stand" Interviews With Kitty Pryde's Ellen Page, Angel's Ben Foster, Producer Ralph Winter On EW.COM!

“”X-Men: The Last Stand” Interviews With Kitty Pryde’s Ellen Page, Angel’s Ben Foster, Producer Ralph Winter On EW.COM!”

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright April 24, 2006

EW.COM, the online edition of “Entertainment Weekly Magazine”, posted their excellent interviews and coverage of “X-Men: The Last Stand” from this week’s April 28-May 5, 2006 “Summer Movie Preview” issue, (featured on page 52, the magazine edition also has this same GREAT PHOTO of Beast preparing to fight!), with actress, Ellen Page, discussing her role as Kitty Pryde, with actor, Ben Foster, discussing his role as Angel, and with Producer Ralph Winter!

CLICK On The LINK BELOW TO READ!,6115,1185019_1_0_,00.html

We are VERY glad that Producer, Ralph Winter tells “This is not the last movie. There are a lot more stories. There’s a wealth of characters.”

We also found actor, Ben Foster’s new found “X” symbol status and his reaction to it as fans yell out “Angel” to him everywhere he goes, simply adorable!

Foster tells that “It’s already begun….People come up to me on the street screaming, “Angel!” You know, there are worse things that people can yell at you on the street.”


Muse News And Micro Muse April 24, 2006

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright April 24, 2006

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