“”X-Men: The Last Stand’s” Triumphant NEW Movie Trailer, Plus Review!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 8, 2006
In case you haven’t seen it, here is the link on www.youtube.com to WATCH the NEW, Full Length, promotional movie trailer for “X-Men: The Last Stand” with MANY, SPECIAL thanks to www.youtube.com and poster, Solideye, who posted it, just for YOU!
© Copyright 2006 Twentieth Century Fox: All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2006 Marvel Comics/Enterprises: All Rights Reserved
This NEW, movie trailer is nothing short of brilliant and spectacular!!!!
We can NOT wait until May 26, 2006!
From the looks of this movie trailer, we think that perhaps, Director Brett Ratner, and his screenwriters, will put all the naysayers (including us, we admit it!), to rest, as this 3rd chapter in the “X-Men” films, seems to be not only a sterling entry into the “X-Men” film franchise, but the glorious, pinnacle triumph we all have hoped for in being the finale, closing act of our beloved “X-Men” films, (spin off films not withstanding).
We think the entire ensemble cast has and WILL rise to the occasion and leave us all cheering, with their superb acting performances, as they certainly have left us after we viewed this incredible movie trailer!!!!
What can we say! The ALWAYS supreme ensemble cast including, Sir Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, Patrick Stewart, Rebecca Romijn, Ben Foster, Kelsey Grammer, Anna Paquin, James Marsden, and….
…..in particular, the transcendent, celestial Hugh Jackman!!!!….
….all who literally leave us awestruck, with tears in our eyes, and our heart, emotionally torn and shattered, yet also soaring, inspired, and breathless with the emotionally resonant sheer power, depth, and utter conviction of their performances!!!!
(The same kudos as well, for the amazing script and dialogue!!!!)
…..And this is only in the movie trailer!
If the cast and crew can deliver the same sublime magnificence that we see in this trailer, for the 2 hours or more, duration of the completed film, we might wind up with an “X-Men” film that will go out with more than just a bang, but with a permanent place in the most esteemed pantheon of Super Hero cinema and Classic cinema as well, that we can all be proud of, leaving a legacy and legend that will stand the test of time for our beloved “X-Men”.
In the full length movie trailer….
….Magneto himself says, “When the air is still, and the night has fallen, there’s only one question you must answer….WHO will you stand with?”
We know who….the “X-Men”!!!!
And as Storm, so earnestly and proudly says about the so called manufactured, feared “cure” for the mutant X gene developed by mankind to inflict on our virtuous mutants….
…..“There’s nothing to cure. Nothing’s wrong with ANY of us for that matter.”
We AGREE with you Storm!!!! We love and adore all of you, as you ARE, and for WHO you are, imbued with each of your own special, unique, and wonderful, natural born, mutant Super Power attributes, as well as the very best in virtue, courage, camaraderie, compassion, faith, and hope.
….to which Storm says to Jean, like the beacon of light and reason that Storm IS, in the darkest days of a brewing war between Magneto’s Brotherhood of Mutants and human kind, that the “X-Men” must intervene in and stop, before the world sees blood shed like never before, culminating in the end of mutants and humans, good and innocent, as well as evil….
…..in the “X-Men’s” last stand for justice, in the battle of good versus evil…
…...Storm defiantly, stalwartly, and resoundingly proclaims…
….“It’s time to make a choice. If you’re with us, then BE with us.”
WE are with YOU, Storm, and….the “X-Men”!!!! Forever!!!!
Fabulous! A triumph! Bravisama!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 8, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 8, 2006
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