Monday, March 27, 2006

Nathan Fillion: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Nathan's GREAT Interview About Slugs Galore In "Slither"! WATCH "Slither" Movie Trailers!

“Nathan Fillion: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Nathan’s GREAT Interview About Slugs Galore In “Slither”! WATCH “Slither” Movie Trailers!”

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 27, 2006

First of all, we want to personally wish a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, to one of our favorite actors, Nathan Fillion, who we just KNOW, that this adorable, dashing, charismatic actor, is most definitely poised to be cinema’s newest STAR!

Today is the BIG day for this Birthday Boy, so we say, Nathan, we hope you celebrate in style with cake, candles, a party and LOTS of fun!!!! has a WONDERFUL, in depth interview with Nathan Fillion, who discusses his role, starring as Sheriff Bill Pardy, in the clever, dark, comedy horror flick, “Slither”, which involves Fillion saving the world from some really slimy, creepy, crawly grub/worm like monster aliens that invade the earth, which premieres in theaters, nationwide, Friday, March 31, 2006!!!!

….WE have POSTED the website LINK for YOU to READ The INTERVIEW WITH NATHAN BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nathan ALSO DISCUSSES his role as lovable rogue, Captain Malcolm Reynolds in “SERENITY”, his upcoming work in “White Noise 2: The Light”, what film horror classic scares him, and MUCH MORE!!!!

Elizabeth Banks, who co-stars as Starla Grant in “Slither’, not only discusses her role in the film, but reprising her role in “SPIDER-MAN 3” as Betty Brant!!!!

Here is the LINK BELOW for YOU to read Nathan’s interview with his “Slither” co-stars, “Slither” writer/director James Gunn, and watch out for everyone’s puckish, playful wit and charm!

Also, here are the LINKS to the MOVIE TRAILERS for YOU to WATCH of “Slither”, (and the plot, cast, etc.).

© Copyright 2006 Universal Motion Pictures: All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2006 Gold Circle Films: All Rights Reserved

Frankly, we are positively “bugged” out by these icky bugs and we LOVE the movie’s tagline, “Slug It Out!”

Leave it to Nathan to take charge as the town’s sheriff, Bill Pardy, and show these slimers, there’s only room enough for earthlings in this here, corn husking, rural town of Wheelsy! Go round up the posse, Nathan!

We think this film’s perfect blend of shocking horror and droll, sarcastic wit (played to the hilt by the gifted Fillion!), will become a cult classic!

Muse News And Micro Muse March 27, 2006

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 27, 2006

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