“”X-Men 3: The Last Stand’s” Delicious News Updates & Answers!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 3, 2006
The March 10, 2006 issue of “Entertainment Weekly Magazine”, features a Headline article on pages 11-13, “”Just What Is Going On With “X-Men”? Five Burning Questions Answered”.
First the tasty NEW goods on “X-Men 3: The Last Stand”!!!!
We hear that the film makers opted out of the “Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix” story arc as the central storyline, and instead, went with the “discovery of a cure for mutations”, as the main story, because as Marvel Studios CEO Avi Arad tells “Entertainment Weekly”, “It’s not enough, you (would) run out of story.”
To which Twentieth Century Fox Chairman Tom Rothman exuberantly adds to “Entertainment Weekly Magazine”, “It has one of the coolest beginnings. It begins with Patrick Stewart’s Xavier and Ian McKellen’s Magneto together as young men.”
Halle Berry’s indelible, equal parts kick butt/compassionate portrayal of one of OUR favorite characters, Storm, will get to shine even brighter in “X-Men 3” as well, as Storm will become a pivotal figure to the plot of “X-Men 3”!
Now THIS, sounds positively scrumptious and fantabulous! You NOW, have our attention!!!!
Also, Drum Roll….there is exciting, positive, NEW news surrounding the plans for a spin off movie (s) starring Wolverine, (most every fans’, and OUR, FAVORITE “X-Men” character), in that as actor, Hugh Jackman tells “Entertainment Weekly”, “We actually have a second draft (by “25th Hour’s” David Benioff) coming in.” We also hear that Hugh Jackman is so excited about Wolverine getting his own spin off movie, that Jackman “hopes to shoot the film next year.”
We hear that Magneto may be getting his own spin off “prequel” movie (s) as well!!
There also are plans for a movie “featuring the younger “X-Men””!!
Well, hell yeah to ALL of that!!!!
The usual same old, same old, news, re-treads items such as, “X-Men” and “X2: X-Men United” Director, Executive Producer, Screenwriter, Visionary Extraordinaire, Bryan Singer’s reasons for abandoning “X-Men 3: The Last Stand” for the humongous, WAD of money and total creative control waved under his nose to direct and re-invigorate the dead as a doornail, “Superman” film franchise, helming the new, “Superman Returns”, letting our 3rd “X-Men” film chapter baby, fall into the insufferable hands of Director Brett Ratner.
That devoted, zealous fans of the “X-Men” films are up in high anxiety arms with frenetic worry over “X-Men 3: The Last Stand” Director, Brett Ratner, he of the cheese ball “Rush Hour” flicks and the turkey “After The Sunset”, potentially turning the superb, par excellence of the first 2 “X-Men” films into cheese whiz!
That fans are on the verge of mutiny over the crap “leaked photos” from the film that have been swirling all over the internet.
That “X-Men 3: The Last Stand” will most likely be the last in the actual “X-Men” films and complete a “trilogy”.
According to “Entertainment Weekly”, we probably CAN breathe a sigh of relief, about Brett Ratner NEVER working on any “X-Men” film project EVER again though, since Brett Ratner himself, is aware of fans’ more than negative trashings of him, flooding the internet (and from what we’ve seen, flooding the press as well), and so “Entertainment Weekly”, tells us that “X-Men 3: The Last Stand”, “looks to be his, (Ratner’s) first and last” project, working with our beloved mutant’s films.
We do want to make it VERY clear, that there is no one on planet earth, (NO, not even YOU!, just kidding!), that could possibly love the “X-Men” film franchise as much as we do, and we earnestly hope that “X-Men 3: The Last Stand” lives up to the sterling standard set by the first 2 “X-Men” films, which were directed by the amazing and brilliant, Bryan Singer.
But, here we go again!
From the looks of the majority of the article in “Entertainment Weekly”, we obviously can’t help but wonder if the film making powers that be and their PR machine are kicking into high gear, over drive, to douse the incendiary, ever increasing flames of dissent and concern by fans and critics alike over whether “X-Men 3” will lay an egg so huge, even Professor Xavier and his “X-Men” will be powerless to stop it….
……as we ourselves, already reported in our own article from Tuesday, February 21, 2006, "Bryan Singer, PR Machine Work Overtime To Quell Fans’ Fears Over “X-Men 3’s” Fate & Brett Ratner!”
In the 5 “Burning Questions Answered”, while we are delighted that some DELICIOUS, hopeful NEW news is in fact, thrown our way, we wish there was MORE, because for the most part, the article again beats a horse to death with mostly the same old, diffuse the fans’ fears stuff we’ve heard so many times before, we wish we could get Magneto and Mystique to kick the crap out of these BS spinners and just give it to us straight!
We’re just going to keep our fingers crossed TRIPLE OVERTIME that “X-Men 3: The Last Stand” rocks! bigger, badder, and better than ever, and makes us all walk away going WOW!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 3, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 3, 2006
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