“”X-Men: The Last Stand” Brett Ratner Personally Answers FANS’ Juicy Questions, In Depth!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 31, 2006
Xmenfilms.net has posted an exclusive, OUTSTANDING, interview with “X-Men: The Last Stand” Director, Brett Ratner, who PERSONALLY answers 16 FAN questions!!!!
To read the entire Q&A with Brett, (With GREAT PHOTOS From “X-Men: The Last Stand” Too!), CLICK On The LINK BELOW for YOU:
SPOILER ALERT….Question Number 11 is a SPOILER! So skip past that one if you don’t want to know the details of Number 11’s question and answer.
Our favorite part includes Brett discussing the superb, ongoing, intelligent, carefully drawn out, character development of the “X-Men” film trilogy and each character’s now complete, evolution….into something profoundly BETTER or WORSE in “X-Men: The Last Stand”.
Brett tells xmenfilms.net that, “For me these films begin and end with character. All the characters evolve over the span of the trilogy, so I’ll just pick a few to focus on.”
“Wolverine probably has the biggest arc from first to last movie. He goes from being a loner, to being a leader, and he becomes more human in the process.”
Brett goes on to say that, “Rogue’s struggle with her powers finally gets resolved in our film.”
“Jean obviously transforms from the mild mannered Dr. Grey from “X1” to the Dark Phoenix of “X3”. In the first film, she is totally in control of herself and her powers. In “X2”, she starts to lose control. In “X3”, she finally snaps, spiraling out of control.
“Storm’s politics become more radical over the three films, and she becomes more a powerful leader.”
“Likewise, Bobby really evolves, becoming more empowered and mature over the three films.”
“Magneto, Xavier, Cyclops, and others also evolve, which you’ll see for yourself.”
Our other favorite part is when Brett discusses the plot of “Last Stand”, which focuses on a manufactured “cure” that intolerant humans are trying to inflict on all mutants, to take away their natural born mutant attributes and powers….and in the process, spur a world war, spearheaded by the angered and vengeful Magneto, along with his Brotherhood of Mutants, and mankind….
….which only the virtuous, Professor Xavier and the “X-Men”, who believe that a mutual, peaceful, understanding and co-existence CAN exist between mutants and humans….are on a race against time, themselves drawn into the war, fighting to STOP it, and thus, SAVE the world.
Brett tells xmenfilms.net that “It is an epic story and it raises issues with strong contemporary relevance. The concept for a cure threatens to alter the course of history, and the opposing viewpoints of mutant leaders….(Professor) Charles Xavier who preaches tolerance, and Magneto who believes in survival of the fittest….are put to the ultimate test, triggering the war to end all wars.”
While these are, in our opinion, the highlights of the interview, the entire Q&A is stellar!
Brett really does go all out, in depth, to answer some of YOUR, the “X-Men” FANS, BEST and most thought provoking questions!!
So be CERTAIN to READ the ENTIRE interview!!!!
We want to thank xmenfilms.net, and Brett Ratner for being so gracious for doing this wonderful interview, one on one, with YOU, the “X-Men” fans!!!!
“X-Men: The Last Stand” we think, will STAND out, as an epic, triumphant closing chapter in the “X-Men” film saga….
….in story telling, character development, and a resounding, emotional flourish that will profoundly impart timeless meaning and messages, and resonate forever with “X-Men” fans, in legend, or as “X-Men” FAN, Phoenix Risen, says in their question to Brett, “modern mythology”!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 31, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 31, 2006
Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
"Aquaman" Trailer News! "Smallville" RETURNS With NEW Episode Tonight Featuring Brainiac, Clark's & Lex's Friendship Explodes!
““Aquaman” TRAILER News! “Smallville” RETURNS With NEW Episode Tonight Featuring Brainiac, Clark’s & Lex’s Friendship Explodes!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 30, 2006
Aquamantv.com and Variety.com report that the “Aquaman” spin-off pilot, titled, “Mercy Reef”, may get some TLC from the kind, film making folks behind this summer’s blockbuster, ”Superman Returns”!
Variety.com says about “Aquaman’s” own newly christened CW Television Network, (a mish mash merger of the WB Network and the UPN Network), “that much of the CW’s promo resources will be aimed at letting people know there’s a new network in town….with shows they already know and love. (Including “SMALLVILLE”!) Parent companies, Time Warner and CBS Corporation will help with everything from saturation spots on CBS Radio stations….
….to a potential “AQUAMAN” TRAILER attached to summer tentpole, “Superman Returns”.”
....Speaking of “Smallville”!!!!
….“Smallville”, RETURNS TONIGHT from its February break/hiatus, with the NEW episode, “Hypnotic”, which will be broadcast, TONIGHT, Thursday, March 30, 2006!
Expect “Hypnotic” to feature the return of mysterious alien with a nefarious agenda, wolf in sheep’s clothing, Professor Milton Fine (aka villain Brainiac!), portrayed by “Smallville’s” most popular asset this season, actor, James Marsters!!!!
We can’t wait to see what otherworldly, treacherous, villainy, Brainiac is up to, and what he has in store in this episode and upcoming episodes for our Clark.
The focus of the episode, however, will further detail the unraveling friendship, that once was, and is now on an unstoppable, downward spiral of destruction, between former pals, now enemies, Clark Kent (aka “Superman”), and Lex Luthor.
So what’s all this chaos we hear about that happens in “Hypnotic”?
Lex, in his years knowing and growing up with Clark, feels frustrated and betrayed by Clark, that Clark won’t reveal his secrets to Lex….so Lex keeps trying, sometimes by rather nasty methods, to find them out for himself.
Clark, in his years knowing and growing up with Lex, on the other hand, understandably, feels frustrated and betrayed by Lex for going behind Clark’s back and trying to expose Clark’s secrets, which Clark feels he needs to protect from Lex.
Actor, Tom Welling who plays Clark/”Superman”, tells “TV Guide”, in their March 27, through April 2, 2006 issue that “Now there’s complete mistrust between the two of them.”
Their tensions and infighting comes to a boiling point in this week’s episode.
First, as “Smallville” Executive Producer, Al Gough, tells “TV Guide, “You find out that it’s a scheme of Lex’s to not only try to find out about Clark, but also to break up Lana and Clark.”
Making matters worse, Lex tries to blackmail, Simone, a mysterious newcomer to Smallville, with a secret of her own. It seems Simone committed a crime that Lex knows about and is holding against her. In retaliation, Simone casts a “hypnotic” spell over Clark, that causes Clark to actually try to kill Lex.
Subplots of course surround the further tensions of Clark’s and Lana’s mutual love for one another.
In a “Smallville” episode in January, Clark finally revealed his “Superman” secret identity and powers to Lana, only to have it backfire in a car crash that killed her. Clark pleaded with his biological Krypton Dad, Jor-El to intervene and resurrect Lana. Jor-El helped Clark turn back time to save Lana, and THIS time, Clark thought it best to NOT re-tell Lana his secret to protect her.
Now, Clark is worried that Lana may never be able to accept Clark’s extraterrestrial heritage, and he is also, actually worried about getting romantically busy with his lady love, fearing as “TV Guide” says, that his “supersex may prove fatal”!
Welling tells “TV Guide” that, “I think Clark will always love Lana, but what he realizes is that he may never be able to be with her, for her safety.”
“TV Guide” ponders if this will turn Lana at last, towards Lex’s own hypnotic charms, to which Al Gough says, “You’ll definitely see them getting closer towards the end of the season. Look he’s rich and he’s sexy and there’s always been an attraction between Lex and Lana. Whether or not she wants to admit it, Lana has always had some feelings for Lex”.
Of course, we can’t wait to see the further adventures, the thickening plot, and the intertwining characters (and their development) of “Smallville” in “Hypnotic”, and as the rest of this season plays out!
Lana and Lex as a canoodling couple though? We agree, that though the two couldn’t seem more polar opposites in moral fiber and character, as Al Gough inferred, greenbacks (MONEY!) can prove a powerful attraction! SECOND, greatest aphrodisiac in the world!
But….Virtuous Super Powers are the FIRST!!!!
That’s why for OUR money, we’d go for the man of steel, “Superman”/Clark!!!!
And so somehow we feel, that as “Smallville’ continues its epic story, the epic romance of Clark and Lana WILL triumph!!!!
TV Guide
Muse News And Micro Muse March 30, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 30, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 30, 2006
Aquamantv.com and Variety.com report that the “Aquaman” spin-off pilot, titled, “Mercy Reef”, may get some TLC from the kind, film making folks behind this summer’s blockbuster, ”Superman Returns”!
Variety.com says about “Aquaman’s” own newly christened CW Television Network, (a mish mash merger of the WB Network and the UPN Network), “that much of the CW’s promo resources will be aimed at letting people know there’s a new network in town….with shows they already know and love. (Including “SMALLVILLE”!) Parent companies, Time Warner and CBS Corporation will help with everything from saturation spots on CBS Radio stations….
….to a potential “AQUAMAN” TRAILER attached to summer tentpole, “Superman Returns”.”
....Speaking of “Smallville”!!!!
….“Smallville”, RETURNS TONIGHT from its February break/hiatus, with the NEW episode, “Hypnotic”, which will be broadcast, TONIGHT, Thursday, March 30, 2006!
Expect “Hypnotic” to feature the return of mysterious alien with a nefarious agenda, wolf in sheep’s clothing, Professor Milton Fine (aka villain Brainiac!), portrayed by “Smallville’s” most popular asset this season, actor, James Marsters!!!!
We can’t wait to see what otherworldly, treacherous, villainy, Brainiac is up to, and what he has in store in this episode and upcoming episodes for our Clark.
The focus of the episode, however, will further detail the unraveling friendship, that once was, and is now on an unstoppable, downward spiral of destruction, between former pals, now enemies, Clark Kent (aka “Superman”), and Lex Luthor.
So what’s all this chaos we hear about that happens in “Hypnotic”?
Lex, in his years knowing and growing up with Clark, feels frustrated and betrayed by Clark, that Clark won’t reveal his secrets to Lex….so Lex keeps trying, sometimes by rather nasty methods, to find them out for himself.
Clark, in his years knowing and growing up with Lex, on the other hand, understandably, feels frustrated and betrayed by Lex for going behind Clark’s back and trying to expose Clark’s secrets, which Clark feels he needs to protect from Lex.
Actor, Tom Welling who plays Clark/”Superman”, tells “TV Guide”, in their March 27, through April 2, 2006 issue that “Now there’s complete mistrust between the two of them.”
Their tensions and infighting comes to a boiling point in this week’s episode.
First, as “Smallville” Executive Producer, Al Gough, tells “TV Guide, “You find out that it’s a scheme of Lex’s to not only try to find out about Clark, but also to break up Lana and Clark.”
Making matters worse, Lex tries to blackmail, Simone, a mysterious newcomer to Smallville, with a secret of her own. It seems Simone committed a crime that Lex knows about and is holding against her. In retaliation, Simone casts a “hypnotic” spell over Clark, that causes Clark to actually try to kill Lex.
Subplots of course surround the further tensions of Clark’s and Lana’s mutual love for one another.
In a “Smallville” episode in January, Clark finally revealed his “Superman” secret identity and powers to Lana, only to have it backfire in a car crash that killed her. Clark pleaded with his biological Krypton Dad, Jor-El to intervene and resurrect Lana. Jor-El helped Clark turn back time to save Lana, and THIS time, Clark thought it best to NOT re-tell Lana his secret to protect her.
Now, Clark is worried that Lana may never be able to accept Clark’s extraterrestrial heritage, and he is also, actually worried about getting romantically busy with his lady love, fearing as “TV Guide” says, that his “supersex may prove fatal”!
Welling tells “TV Guide” that, “I think Clark will always love Lana, but what he realizes is that he may never be able to be with her, for her safety.”
“TV Guide” ponders if this will turn Lana at last, towards Lex’s own hypnotic charms, to which Al Gough says, “You’ll definitely see them getting closer towards the end of the season. Look he’s rich and he’s sexy and there’s always been an attraction between Lex and Lana. Whether or not she wants to admit it, Lana has always had some feelings for Lex”.
Of course, we can’t wait to see the further adventures, the thickening plot, and the intertwining characters (and their development) of “Smallville” in “Hypnotic”, and as the rest of this season plays out!
Lana and Lex as a canoodling couple though? We agree, that though the two couldn’t seem more polar opposites in moral fiber and character, as Al Gough inferred, greenbacks (MONEY!) can prove a powerful attraction! SECOND, greatest aphrodisiac in the world!
But….Virtuous Super Powers are the FIRST!!!!
That’s why for OUR money, we’d go for the man of steel, “Superman”/Clark!!!!
And so somehow we feel, that as “Smallville’ continues its epic story, the epic romance of Clark and Lana WILL triumph!!!!
TV Guide
Muse News And Micro Muse March 30, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
"X-Men: The Last Stand" VIEW NEW Photos BEHIND THE SCENES, With Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, And Patrick Stewart!
“”X-Men: The Last Stand” VIEW NEW Photos, BEHIND THE SCENES, With Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, And Patrick Stewart”!
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 29, 2006
Director Brett Ratner’s Official Website wins thanks and kudos from us, for posting some COOL, BEHIND THE SCENES, NEW PHOTOS from “X-Men: The Last Stand”!
The pics are of actors, Hugh Jackman, (Logan/Wolverine), Halle Berry (Storm), and Patrick Stewart (Professor Charles Xavier), all being directed by Brett Ratner!
….READ the CAPTIONS UNDER each photo DESCRIBING What’s Going On In Each Photo!!!!....
You will also see the 6 OFFICIAL POSTER photos from the film which you can CLICK on and ENLARGE!
You also can WATCH, BOTH the “X-Men: The Last Stand” Movie Trailer and Teaser Movie Trailer, as much as you want on Brett’s Official Website which are BOTH posted at the….BOTTOM….of this LINK page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be SURE to regularly go to Brett’s NEWS page, for OFFICIAL “X-Men: The Last Stand”, updates as they happen!!!!
We want to thank Brett Ratner, who just created his own Official Website on March 3, 2006, for treating us “X-Men” fans to some yummy goodies from the film!
We advise you to bookmark Brett Ratner’s Official Website Address for BREAKING HEADLINE “X-Men: The Last Stand” news, photos, and more!
Here is Brett Ratner’s Official Website Link:
Thanks Brett!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 29, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 29, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 29, 2006
Director Brett Ratner’s Official Website wins thanks and kudos from us, for posting some COOL, BEHIND THE SCENES, NEW PHOTOS from “X-Men: The Last Stand”!
The pics are of actors, Hugh Jackman, (Logan/Wolverine), Halle Berry (Storm), and Patrick Stewart (Professor Charles Xavier), all being directed by Brett Ratner!
….READ the CAPTIONS UNDER each photo DESCRIBING What’s Going On In Each Photo!!!!....
You will also see the 6 OFFICIAL POSTER photos from the film which you can CLICK on and ENLARGE!
You also can WATCH, BOTH the “X-Men: The Last Stand” Movie Trailer and Teaser Movie Trailer, as much as you want on Brett’s Official Website which are BOTH posted at the….BOTTOM….of this LINK page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be SURE to regularly go to Brett’s NEWS page, for OFFICIAL “X-Men: The Last Stand”, updates as they happen!!!!
We want to thank Brett Ratner, who just created his own Official Website on March 3, 2006, for treating us “X-Men” fans to some yummy goodies from the film!
We advise you to bookmark Brett Ratner’s Official Website Address for BREAKING HEADLINE “X-Men: The Last Stand” news, photos, and more!
Here is Brett Ratner’s Official Website Link:
Thanks Brett!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 29, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 29, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
"Spider-Man 3" VIEW SET PHOTOS, Update On Peter Parker/Betty Brant Romance & MORE!
“”Spider-Man 3” VIEW SET PHOTOS, Update On Peter Parker/Betty Brant Romance & MORE!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 28, 2006
The kind, cool folks at retroman and superherohype.com have posted some VERY COOL, photos from the production set of “Spider-Man 3” from the film’s Los Angeles set, and 2nd Unit Shoot.
Look VERY carefully for a “Spider-Man” dummy flying through the air!
CLICK on the LINKS BELOW to VIEW the photos! CLICK ON the PHOTOS to ENLARGE them!
MTV.com has a delicious interview with actress, Elizabeth Banks, giving us the inside scoop about reprising her role as Betty Brant in “Spider-Man 3”.
You can read the full interview by CLICKING on the MTV.com LINK for YOU BELOW!
Elizabeth, like many of her Spidey 3 cast mates, can’t spill the goods too much, as the Spidey cast is pretty much sworn to confidentiality by the film making powers that be. (Besides, we DON’T want anybody saying too much as that would spoil the surprise of this sure to be, OUTSTANDING, completed film)!
Banks even tells MTV.com that, “Honestly, you’re killing me with these questions. I just don’t want to be the one to give anything away, ‘cause Lord knows, I don’t want to anger anyone over at “Spider-Man 3”.”
But, at the present time, she CAN say that, “I do definitely sort of explore a little bit more of my relationship with Peter Parker.”
MTV.com says, that Banks “admitted the groundwork is being laid for a Peter/Betty relationship, much like the office romance they shared in the comics.”
Also, Banks knows that any CURRENT information that she can reveal from her ruby red lips, is subject to change, since the film’s completion and release is still over a year away.
Banks thus, then adds to MTV.com that, “I learned my lesson a long time ago that you never comment on how big your part is going to be in movies, because you can always be cut out.”
“Banks discussed a list of Peter Parker paramours that will also include Mary Jane Watson (portrayed luminously by actress, Kirsten Dunst….and OUR favorite of Peter’s love interests, as well as OUR favorite actress to canoodle with actor, Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker!), and Gwen Stacy (played by newcomer, actress, Bryce Dallas Howard).”
Banks adds to MTV.com that, “Peter Parker….he actually is Hugh Hefner”.
WE were thinking the SAME thing! Guess those Spidey virtuous, Heroic Super Powers are FAR sexier, attracting more women, even better than bees to honey!
Banks played ambiguous when MTV.com asked her about the much buzzed about and question raising photo of a mysterious black suited figure….either ”Spider-Man” or Venom, posted on the Official “Spider-Man 3” Website.
When MTV.com queried Banks whether the suit had Venom’s signature, white logo rings or markings that would assure us that the suit wearer is in fact the Super Villain Venom, and NOT our Spidey….Banks bluntly answered that the suit completely….“It’s black.”
Well WE’RE not falling for that!
This could be a ruse by the film makers to keep us on our toes with more open ended teasers.
Or maybe “Spider-Man” dons Venom’s costume to TRICK Venom. There ya go! Or maybe Venom dons “Spider-Man’s” costume to TRICK Spidey!
Or maybe WE enjoy giving you all some food for thought and as “Saturday Night Live’s” Linda Richmond would say, WE WANT YOU, to DISCUSS….and COMMENT….HERE!!!!
But, remember what we said before. None of us wants THAT much of any Spoiler! Keeping us Spidey 3 fans guessing with loaded riddles and teasers, is all part of the fun and GREAT anticipation for this 3rd chapter in the “Spider-Man” film franchise.
So, just keep your patience in check, but it IS ok to EXPLODE with excited anticipation!
Stay tuned RIGHT HERE, “Spider-Man 3” fans!!!!
Same blog, same channel, for “Spider-Man 3” updates as they happen!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 28, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 28, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 28, 2006
The kind, cool folks at retroman and superherohype.com have posted some VERY COOL, photos from the production set of “Spider-Man 3” from the film’s Los Angeles set, and 2nd Unit Shoot.
Look VERY carefully for a “Spider-Man” dummy flying through the air!
CLICK on the LINKS BELOW to VIEW the photos! CLICK ON the PHOTOS to ENLARGE them!
MTV.com has a delicious interview with actress, Elizabeth Banks, giving us the inside scoop about reprising her role as Betty Brant in “Spider-Man 3”.
You can read the full interview by CLICKING on the MTV.com LINK for YOU BELOW!
Elizabeth, like many of her Spidey 3 cast mates, can’t spill the goods too much, as the Spidey cast is pretty much sworn to confidentiality by the film making powers that be. (Besides, we DON’T want anybody saying too much as that would spoil the surprise of this sure to be, OUTSTANDING, completed film)!
Banks even tells MTV.com that, “Honestly, you’re killing me with these questions. I just don’t want to be the one to give anything away, ‘cause Lord knows, I don’t want to anger anyone over at “Spider-Man 3”.”
But, at the present time, she CAN say that, “I do definitely sort of explore a little bit more of my relationship with Peter Parker.”
MTV.com says, that Banks “admitted the groundwork is being laid for a Peter/Betty relationship, much like the office romance they shared in the comics.”
Also, Banks knows that any CURRENT information that she can reveal from her ruby red lips, is subject to change, since the film’s completion and release is still over a year away.
Banks thus, then adds to MTV.com that, “I learned my lesson a long time ago that you never comment on how big your part is going to be in movies, because you can always be cut out.”
“Banks discussed a list of Peter Parker paramours that will also include Mary Jane Watson (portrayed luminously by actress, Kirsten Dunst….and OUR favorite of Peter’s love interests, as well as OUR favorite actress to canoodle with actor, Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker!), and Gwen Stacy (played by newcomer, actress, Bryce Dallas Howard).”
Banks adds to MTV.com that, “Peter Parker….he actually is Hugh Hefner”.
WE were thinking the SAME thing! Guess those Spidey virtuous, Heroic Super Powers are FAR sexier, attracting more women, even better than bees to honey!
Banks played ambiguous when MTV.com asked her about the much buzzed about and question raising photo of a mysterious black suited figure….either ”Spider-Man” or Venom, posted on the Official “Spider-Man 3” Website.
When MTV.com queried Banks whether the suit had Venom’s signature, white logo rings or markings that would assure us that the suit wearer is in fact the Super Villain Venom, and NOT our Spidey….Banks bluntly answered that the suit completely….“It’s black.”
Well WE’RE not falling for that!
This could be a ruse by the film makers to keep us on our toes with more open ended teasers.
Or maybe “Spider-Man” dons Venom’s costume to TRICK Venom. There ya go! Or maybe Venom dons “Spider-Man’s” costume to TRICK Spidey!
Or maybe WE enjoy giving you all some food for thought and as “Saturday Night Live’s” Linda Richmond would say, WE WANT YOU, to DISCUSS….and COMMENT….HERE!!!!
But, remember what we said before. None of us wants THAT much of any Spoiler! Keeping us Spidey 3 fans guessing with loaded riddles and teasers, is all part of the fun and GREAT anticipation for this 3rd chapter in the “Spider-Man” film franchise.
So, just keep your patience in check, but it IS ok to EXPLODE with excited anticipation!
Stay tuned RIGHT HERE, “Spider-Man 3” fans!!!!
Same blog, same channel, for “Spider-Man 3” updates as they happen!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 28, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 28, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Nathan Fillion: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Nathan's GREAT Interview About Slugs Galore In "Slither"! WATCH "Slither" Movie Trailers!
“Nathan Fillion: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Nathan’s GREAT Interview About Slugs Galore In “Slither”! WATCH “Slither” Movie Trailers!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 27, 2006
First of all, we want to personally wish a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, to one of our favorite actors, Nathan Fillion, who we just KNOW, that this adorable, dashing, charismatic actor, is most definitely poised to be cinema’s newest STAR!
Today is the BIG day for this Birthday Boy, so we say, Nathan, we hope you celebrate in style with cake, candles, a party and LOTS of fun!!!!
Scifi.com has a WONDERFUL, in depth interview with Nathan Fillion, who discusses his role, starring as Sheriff Bill Pardy, in the clever, dark, comedy horror flick, “Slither”, which involves Fillion saving the world from some really slimy, creepy, crawly grub/worm like monster aliens that invade the earth, which premieres in theaters, nationwide, Friday, March 31, 2006!!!!
….WE have POSTED the scifi.com website LINK for YOU to READ The INTERVIEW WITH NATHAN BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nathan ALSO DISCUSSES his role as lovable rogue, Captain Malcolm Reynolds in “SERENITY”, his upcoming work in “White Noise 2: The Light”, what film horror classic scares him, and MUCH MORE!!!!
Elizabeth Banks, who co-stars as Starla Grant in “Slither’, not only discusses her role in the film, but reprising her role in “SPIDER-MAN 3” as Betty Brant!!!!
Here is the LINK BELOW for YOU to read Nathan’s interview with his “Slither” co-stars, “Slither” writer/director James Gunn, and watch out for everyone’s puckish, playful wit and charm!
Also, here are the LINKS to the MOVIE TRAILERS for YOU to WATCH of “Slither”, (and the plot, cast, etc.).
© Copyright 2006 Universal Motion Pictures: All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2006 Gold Circle Films: All Rights Reserved
Frankly, we are positively “bugged” out by these icky bugs and we LOVE the movie’s tagline, “Slug It Out!”
Leave it to Nathan to take charge as the town’s sheriff, Bill Pardy, and show these slimers, there’s only room enough for earthlings in this here, corn husking, rural town of Wheelsy! Go round up the posse, Nathan!
We think this film’s perfect blend of shocking horror and droll, sarcastic wit (played to the hilt by the gifted Fillion!), will become a cult classic!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 27, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 27, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 27, 2006
First of all, we want to personally wish a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, to one of our favorite actors, Nathan Fillion, who we just KNOW, that this adorable, dashing, charismatic actor, is most definitely poised to be cinema’s newest STAR!
Today is the BIG day for this Birthday Boy, so we say, Nathan, we hope you celebrate in style with cake, candles, a party and LOTS of fun!!!!
Scifi.com has a WONDERFUL, in depth interview with Nathan Fillion, who discusses his role, starring as Sheriff Bill Pardy, in the clever, dark, comedy horror flick, “Slither”, which involves Fillion saving the world from some really slimy, creepy, crawly grub/worm like monster aliens that invade the earth, which premieres in theaters, nationwide, Friday, March 31, 2006!!!!
….WE have POSTED the scifi.com website LINK for YOU to READ The INTERVIEW WITH NATHAN BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nathan ALSO DISCUSSES his role as lovable rogue, Captain Malcolm Reynolds in “SERENITY”, his upcoming work in “White Noise 2: The Light”, what film horror classic scares him, and MUCH MORE!!!!
Elizabeth Banks, who co-stars as Starla Grant in “Slither’, not only discusses her role in the film, but reprising her role in “SPIDER-MAN 3” as Betty Brant!!!!
Here is the LINK BELOW for YOU to read Nathan’s interview with his “Slither” co-stars, “Slither” writer/director James Gunn, and watch out for everyone’s puckish, playful wit and charm!
Also, here are the LINKS to the MOVIE TRAILERS for YOU to WATCH of “Slither”, (and the plot, cast, etc.).
© Copyright 2006 Universal Motion Pictures: All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2006 Gold Circle Films: All Rights Reserved
Frankly, we are positively “bugged” out by these icky bugs and we LOVE the movie’s tagline, “Slug It Out!”
Leave it to Nathan to take charge as the town’s sheriff, Bill Pardy, and show these slimers, there’s only room enough for earthlings in this here, corn husking, rural town of Wheelsy! Go round up the posse, Nathan!
We think this film’s perfect blend of shocking horror and droll, sarcastic wit (played to the hilt by the gifted Fillion!), will become a cult classic!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 27, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 27, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
"X-Men: The Last Stand" COLLECT "Empire Magazine's" 2 Special Edition Covers, Read Their XCELLENT "X-Men" Coverage, Interviews, Features, Photos!
““X-Men: The Last Stand” COLLECT “Empire Magazine’s” 2 Special Edition Covers, Read Their XCELLENT “X-Men” Coverage, Interviews, Features, Photos!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 26, 2006
Yippee! “Empire Magazine”, one of OUR favorite film magazines, celebrates the upcoming release of “X-Men: The Last Stand” in GRAND style, in its April 2006 SPECIAL EDITION “X3” issue, with an AWESOME Cover Story, featuring TONS of in depth interviews with the cast and crew, dishing all about the film, LOADS of Xcellent color photos, and…..
....TWO, Super Cool, XTRAORDINARY Covers....for YOU to COLLECT!
Here is their Official Website LINK BELOW, for YOU to VIEW the 2 covers!
One Cover features Wolverine, claws bared, with Storm, both black leather clad in their “X-Men” uniforms, ready to fight villainy, save the world, and rock!
One Cover features Dark Phoenix/Jean and Magneto, both dressed to impress in flaming red/violet, looking regally imposing, yet ominous!
We love BOTH covers! The Super Heroes Cover and the Villains Cover!
We already have read the issue and it’s a great buildup to the film, with “Empire Magazine” being on location with the cast and crew in Vancouver.
Be PREPARED, that there are some SPOILERS in the article!
Since “Empire Magazine” usually has some of the best, in depth interviews, once films actually reach their release date, we ADVISE you to be on the LOOKOUT for their UPCOMING, “X-Men: The Last Stand” COVER STORY issue, as the film’s, May 26, 2006 worldwide release date looms nearer!
ALSO….we advise you to not only look out for the hard copy of the magazine, but go on “Empire Magazine’s” website as well, as they always publish outtakes and additional, exclusive, bonus interviews, features, photos, and even contests on their website which again is:
EXACTLY 2 months to the day, as the clock ticks away on the countdown to the release of “X-Men: The Last Stand”!!!!
We’re positively Xstatic!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 26, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 26, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 26, 2006
Yippee! “Empire Magazine”, one of OUR favorite film magazines, celebrates the upcoming release of “X-Men: The Last Stand” in GRAND style, in its April 2006 SPECIAL EDITION “X3” issue, with an AWESOME Cover Story, featuring TONS of in depth interviews with the cast and crew, dishing all about the film, LOADS of Xcellent color photos, and…..
....TWO, Super Cool, XTRAORDINARY Covers....for YOU to COLLECT!
Here is their Official Website LINK BELOW, for YOU to VIEW the 2 covers!
One Cover features Wolverine, claws bared, with Storm, both black leather clad in their “X-Men” uniforms, ready to fight villainy, save the world, and rock!
One Cover features Dark Phoenix/Jean and Magneto, both dressed to impress in flaming red/violet, looking regally imposing, yet ominous!
We love BOTH covers! The Super Heroes Cover and the Villains Cover!
We already have read the issue and it’s a great buildup to the film, with “Empire Magazine” being on location with the cast and crew in Vancouver.
Be PREPARED, that there are some SPOILERS in the article!
Since “Empire Magazine” usually has some of the best, in depth interviews, once films actually reach their release date, we ADVISE you to be on the LOOKOUT for their UPCOMING, “X-Men: The Last Stand” COVER STORY issue, as the film’s, May 26, 2006 worldwide release date looms nearer!
ALSO….we advise you to not only look out for the hard copy of the magazine, but go on “Empire Magazine’s” website as well, as they always publish outtakes and additional, exclusive, bonus interviews, features, photos, and even contests on their website which again is:
EXACTLY 2 months to the day, as the clock ticks away on the countdown to the release of “X-Men: The Last Stand”!!!!
We’re positively Xstatic!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 26, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 26, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
"Smallville" Returns This Thursday With A NEW Episode Featuring Brainiac And Tensions Boiling Over Between Clark & Lex!
““Smallville” Returns This Thursday With A NEW Episode Featuring Brainiac And Tensions Boiling Over Between Clark & Lex!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 25, 2006
The March 27 through April 2, 2006 issue of “TV Guide” features an excellent article “Smallville Smackdown!” highlighting the return of “Smallville”, from its break/hiatus in the NEW episode, “Hypnotic”, which will be broadcast, this Thursday, March 30, 2006!
Expect “Hypnotic” to feature the return of mysterious alien with a nefarious agenda, wolf in sheep’s clothing, Professor Milton Fine (aka villain Brainiac!), portrayed by “Smallville’s” most popular asset this season, actor, James Marsters!!!!
We can’t wait to see what otherworldly, treacherous, villainy, Brainiac is up to, and what he has in store in this episode and upcoming episodes for our Clark.
The article, on pages 40-41, tells us that the March 30, episode will further detail the unraveling friendship, that once was, and is now on an unstoppable, downward spiral of destruction, between former pals, now enemies, Clark Kent (aka “Superman”), and Lex Luthor.
The article features Super Cool, color photos of James Marsters as Brainiac with actor, Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luthor, actor, Tom Welling as Clark Kent about to punch the daylights out of Lex, and a photo of actress, Kristin Kreuk (aka Clark’s true love, Lana Lang)!
So what’s all this chaos we hear about that happens in “Hypnotic”?
Lex, feels frustrated and betrayed by Clark, that Clark won’t reveal his secrets to Lex….so Lex keeps trying, sometimes by rather nasty methods, to find them out for himself.
Clark on the other hand, understandably, feels frustrated and betrayed by Lex for going behind Clark’s back and trying to expose Clark’s secrets, which Clark feels he needs to protect from Lex.
Actor, Tom Welling tells “TV Guide”, that “Now there’s complete mistrust between the two of them.”
Their tensions and infighting comes to a boiling point in this week’s episode.
First, as “Smallville” Executive Producer, Al Gough, tells “TV Guide, “You find out that it’s a scheme of Lex’s to not only try to find out about Clark, but also to break up Lana and Clark.”
Making matters worse, Lex tries to blackmail, Simone, a mysterious newcomer to Smallville, with a secret of her own. It seems Simone committed a crime that Lex knows about and is holding against her. In retaliation, Simone casts a “hypnotic” spell over Clark, that causes Clark to actually try to kill Lex.
Subplots of course surround the further tensions of Clark’s and Lana’s mutual love for one another.
In a “Smallville” episode in January, Clark finally revealed his “Superman” secret identity and powers to Lana, only to have it backfire in a car crash that killed her. Clark pleaded with his biological Krypton Dad, Jor-El to intervene and resurrect Lana. Jor-El helped Clark turn back time to save Lana, and THIS time, Clark thought it best to NOT re-tell Lana his secret to protect her.
Now, Clark is worried that Lana may never be able to accept Clark’s extraterrestrial heritage, and he is also, actually worried about getting romantically busy with his lady love, fearing as “TV Guide” says, that his “supersex may prove fatal”!
Welling tells “TV Guide” that, “I think Clark will always love Lana, but what he realizes is that he may never be able to be with her, for her safety.”
“TV Guide” ponders if this will turn Lana at last, towards Lex’s own hypnotic charms, to which Al Gough says, “You’ll definitely see them getting closer towards the end of the season. Look he’s rich and he’s sexy and there’s always been an attraction between Lex and Lana. Whether or not she wants to admit it, Lana has always had some feelings for Lex”.
Of course, we can’t wait to see the further adventures, the thickening plot, and the intertwining characters (and their development) of “Smallville” in “Hypnotic”, and as the rest of this season plays out!
Lana and Lex as a canoodling couple though? We agree. As Al Gough inferred, it HAS to be the money. SECOND, greatest aphrodisiac in the world!
But….Virtuous Super Powers are the FIRST!!!!
That’s why for OUR money, we’d go for the man of steel, “Superman”/Clark!!!!
And so somehow we feel, that as “Smallville’ continues its epic story, the epic romance of Clark and Lana WILL triumph!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 25, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 25, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 25, 2006
The March 27 through April 2, 2006 issue of “TV Guide” features an excellent article “Smallville Smackdown!” highlighting the return of “Smallville”, from its break/hiatus in the NEW episode, “Hypnotic”, which will be broadcast, this Thursday, March 30, 2006!
Expect “Hypnotic” to feature the return of mysterious alien with a nefarious agenda, wolf in sheep’s clothing, Professor Milton Fine (aka villain Brainiac!), portrayed by “Smallville’s” most popular asset this season, actor, James Marsters!!!!
We can’t wait to see what otherworldly, treacherous, villainy, Brainiac is up to, and what he has in store in this episode and upcoming episodes for our Clark.
The article, on pages 40-41, tells us that the March 30, episode will further detail the unraveling friendship, that once was, and is now on an unstoppable, downward spiral of destruction, between former pals, now enemies, Clark Kent (aka “Superman”), and Lex Luthor.
The article features Super Cool, color photos of James Marsters as Brainiac with actor, Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luthor, actor, Tom Welling as Clark Kent about to punch the daylights out of Lex, and a photo of actress, Kristin Kreuk (aka Clark’s true love, Lana Lang)!
So what’s all this chaos we hear about that happens in “Hypnotic”?
Lex, feels frustrated and betrayed by Clark, that Clark won’t reveal his secrets to Lex….so Lex keeps trying, sometimes by rather nasty methods, to find them out for himself.
Clark on the other hand, understandably, feels frustrated and betrayed by Lex for going behind Clark’s back and trying to expose Clark’s secrets, which Clark feels he needs to protect from Lex.
Actor, Tom Welling tells “TV Guide”, that “Now there’s complete mistrust between the two of them.”
Their tensions and infighting comes to a boiling point in this week’s episode.
First, as “Smallville” Executive Producer, Al Gough, tells “TV Guide, “You find out that it’s a scheme of Lex’s to not only try to find out about Clark, but also to break up Lana and Clark.”
Making matters worse, Lex tries to blackmail, Simone, a mysterious newcomer to Smallville, with a secret of her own. It seems Simone committed a crime that Lex knows about and is holding against her. In retaliation, Simone casts a “hypnotic” spell over Clark, that causes Clark to actually try to kill Lex.
Subplots of course surround the further tensions of Clark’s and Lana’s mutual love for one another.
In a “Smallville” episode in January, Clark finally revealed his “Superman” secret identity and powers to Lana, only to have it backfire in a car crash that killed her. Clark pleaded with his biological Krypton Dad, Jor-El to intervene and resurrect Lana. Jor-El helped Clark turn back time to save Lana, and THIS time, Clark thought it best to NOT re-tell Lana his secret to protect her.
Now, Clark is worried that Lana may never be able to accept Clark’s extraterrestrial heritage, and he is also, actually worried about getting romantically busy with his lady love, fearing as “TV Guide” says, that his “supersex may prove fatal”!
Welling tells “TV Guide” that, “I think Clark will always love Lana, but what he realizes is that he may never be able to be with her, for her safety.”
“TV Guide” ponders if this will turn Lana at last, towards Lex’s own hypnotic charms, to which Al Gough says, “You’ll definitely see them getting closer towards the end of the season. Look he’s rich and he’s sexy and there’s always been an attraction between Lex and Lana. Whether or not she wants to admit it, Lana has always had some feelings for Lex”.
Of course, we can’t wait to see the further adventures, the thickening plot, and the intertwining characters (and their development) of “Smallville” in “Hypnotic”, and as the rest of this season plays out!
Lana and Lex as a canoodling couple though? We agree. As Al Gough inferred, it HAS to be the money. SECOND, greatest aphrodisiac in the world!
But….Virtuous Super Powers are the FIRST!!!!
That’s why for OUR money, we’d go for the man of steel, “Superman”/Clark!!!!
And so somehow we feel, that as “Smallville’ continues its epic story, the epic romance of Clark and Lana WILL triumph!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 25, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 25, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
"X-Men: The Last Stand" WATCH Hugh Jackman Video Interview Discussing The Film! Buy "X-Men: The Official Game"!
““X-Men: The Last Stand” WATCH Hugh Jackman Video Interview Discussing (And Raving About) The Film! Buy “X-Men: The OFFICIAL Game”!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 24, 2006
Yeah Babies!!!! We got it just for YOU!!!!
WATCH and LISTEN to an exclusive, OUTSTANDING, live, video interview with actor, Hugh Jackman, (aka Logan/Wolverine), discussing “Why he thinks that “X-Men: The Last Stand” will be the best of the series.” from last week’s, 2006 ShoWest Film Convention. Special Thanks to, and courtesy of TMZ.com and AOL.com
CLICK on the LINK BELOW for YOU!!!!
We think this interview with Hugh says it ALL!!!! We LOVE the way Logan/Wolverine (oops, we mean Hugh!), raves about the film! For those of you whose sound feed may not work on the video, here is a transcription of what Hugh has to say to TMZ.com about “X-Men: The Last Stand”!
“I’ve seen it. We’re not quite done. I think (“X-Men”) 3, is definitely as good, and probably better than (“X-Men”) 2. So I think we’ve done what we always hoped to do, which is make this thing more and more engaging. And (“X-Men”) 3, for my money, is the best performances of the cast, across the board, and is by far the most emotional. I mean it’s huge, it’s big, special effects, it’s amazing, they spent more money on us so all that is there, but it is just, the most emotional of the three (“X-Men” films). It’s a very satisfying film in that way and….end of the series.”
Hugh Jackman, this year’s critical DARLING (and OUR’S TOO!) at the ShoWest film conference, and also ShoWest’s 2006 Male Star Of The Year!....
….had the press and media buzzing around him for JUICY, insider details and scoops galore on “X-Men: The Last Stand”, AND the greatly anticipated,“Wolverine” spin-off!
Also, last night, Thursday, 3/23/2006, we watched the TV Guide Cable Television Network’s weekly entertainment news round-up show, “The 411”, which gave us some simply FAB highlights from ShoWest, and just guess, (well, go ahead, GUESS!), who they showcased and interviewed!!!!
Hugh Jackman, looking as usual, quite dashing, and being, as usual, utterly affable and charming….Oh MY….chatted up “X-Men: The Last Stand”, again ecstatically, enthusing that this 3rd film chapter of our heroic “X-Men”, is “the most emotional” of the film saga!!!!
We also got to see Hugh personally, step onstage to accept his award as ShoWest’s, 2006 Male Star Of The Year!
We agree! Only a handful of actors and actresses possess that extraordinary, luminous, incandescent, talent, presence, and charismatic, celestial qualities, that make them stand out, shine, and dazzle as a STAR!!!!
WE are so PROUD of and Happy for you Hugh! Congratulations on your much deserved honor!
….“X-Men” NOW has its own OFFICIAL video/computer game!!!!
Here is the cover art for the game for YOU, on the LINK BELOW!!!!
Activision and Superherohype.com report that the game, titled, “X-Men: The Official Game!”, will be available for purchase this MAY 2006!!!!....
….in most computer, digital formats including, PlayStation 2, PC, Xbox, XBox 360, Nintendo DS, GameCube, and Game Boy Advance!
Superherohype.com reports that YOU can pre-order the game.
Also, all pre-order customers placing pre-orders through GameStop, will receive an OFFICIAL poster from “X-Men: The Last Stand”!
If the game rocks as much as the “X-Men” films, (and the ever, SO COOL artwork on the game), we’re sure it’s going to have you “X-Men” fans going ballistic (we mean that in a rockin’ way!)!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 24, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 24, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 24, 2006
Yeah Babies!!!! We got it just for YOU!!!!
WATCH and LISTEN to an exclusive, OUTSTANDING, live, video interview with actor, Hugh Jackman, (aka Logan/Wolverine), discussing “Why he thinks that “X-Men: The Last Stand” will be the best of the series.” from last week’s, 2006 ShoWest Film Convention. Special Thanks to, and courtesy of TMZ.com and AOL.com
CLICK on the LINK BELOW for YOU!!!!
We think this interview with Hugh says it ALL!!!! We LOVE the way Logan/Wolverine (oops, we mean Hugh!), raves about the film! For those of you whose sound feed may not work on the video, here is a transcription of what Hugh has to say to TMZ.com about “X-Men: The Last Stand”!
“I’ve seen it. We’re not quite done. I think (“X-Men”) 3, is definitely as good, and probably better than (“X-Men”) 2. So I think we’ve done what we always hoped to do, which is make this thing more and more engaging. And (“X-Men”) 3, for my money, is the best performances of the cast, across the board, and is by far the most emotional. I mean it’s huge, it’s big, special effects, it’s amazing, they spent more money on us so all that is there, but it is just, the most emotional of the three (“X-Men” films). It’s a very satisfying film in that way and….end of the series.”
Hugh Jackman, this year’s critical DARLING (and OUR’S TOO!) at the ShoWest film conference, and also ShoWest’s 2006 Male Star Of The Year!....
….had the press and media buzzing around him for JUICY, insider details and scoops galore on “X-Men: The Last Stand”, AND the greatly anticipated,“Wolverine” spin-off!
Also, last night, Thursday, 3/23/2006, we watched the TV Guide Cable Television Network’s weekly entertainment news round-up show, “The 411”, which gave us some simply FAB highlights from ShoWest, and just guess, (well, go ahead, GUESS!), who they showcased and interviewed!!!!
Hugh Jackman, looking as usual, quite dashing, and being, as usual, utterly affable and charming….Oh MY….chatted up “X-Men: The Last Stand”, again ecstatically, enthusing that this 3rd film chapter of our heroic “X-Men”, is “the most emotional” of the film saga!!!!
We also got to see Hugh personally, step onstage to accept his award as ShoWest’s, 2006 Male Star Of The Year!
We agree! Only a handful of actors and actresses possess that extraordinary, luminous, incandescent, talent, presence, and charismatic, celestial qualities, that make them stand out, shine, and dazzle as a STAR!!!!
WE are so PROUD of and Happy for you Hugh! Congratulations on your much deserved honor!
….“X-Men” NOW has its own OFFICIAL video/computer game!!!!
Here is the cover art for the game for YOU, on the LINK BELOW!!!!
Activision and Superherohype.com report that the game, titled, “X-Men: The Official Game!”, will be available for purchase this MAY 2006!!!!....
….in most computer, digital formats including, PlayStation 2, PC, Xbox, XBox 360, Nintendo DS, GameCube, and Game Boy Advance!
Superherohype.com reports that YOU can pre-order the game.
Also, all pre-order customers placing pre-orders through GameStop, will receive an OFFICIAL poster from “X-Men: The Last Stand”!
If the game rocks as much as the “X-Men” films, (and the ever, SO COOL artwork on the game), we’re sure it’s going to have you “X-Men” fans going ballistic (we mean that in a rockin’ way!)!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 24, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 24, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
"Spider-Man 3" Filming In Cleveland April 2006! Prepare For CAST Sightings!
“Spider-Man 3” Filming In Cleveland APRIL 2006! Prepare For CAST Sightings!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 23, 2006
Well this poor, misbegotten writer may be stuck on the east coast, but for you VERY lucky citizens of Cleveland, you might want to call in sick to work, have your mom write you a sick note for school (you didn’t hear this from us!)…..
…..Because the entire CAST and production crew of “Spider-Man 3” is coming to Cleveland, Ohio this April 2006, for some on location filming!!!!
Superherohype.com and the Akron Beacon Journal report that Spidey’s film production, swings its web into lucky Cleveland for 7-10 days in April, (though we don’t know WHICH dates yet), to shoot some “exterior shots”.
….No confirmation as to which days, “Spider-Man 3” stars, Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Cliff Robertson, Topher Grace, and Thomas Haden Church will be slinging their webs into town…but, you NEVER KNOW!!!!
....You might want to bring star “Daily Bugle” photographer, Peter Parker and his (or rather YOUR), trusty, camera along to snap photos of any Spiderterrific, “Spider-Man 3” cast member sightings, whether it be during filming, or as the cast enjoys Cleveland’s finest in dining, hospitality, and entertainment, which at this point, is TOP SECRET information!
We think Cleveland is a GREAT choice for film production for Spidey-3!
Yeah! THE home of The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame & Museum, so it makes perfect sense doesn’t it, since “Spider-Man” totally ROCKS!!!!
We think Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, and the entire cast should ROCK OUT at the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, as well as some of Cleveland’s most hospitable and delectable eateries, night clubs, shops, and….hey…isn’t it BASEBALL season?
Tobey and Kirsten might be checking out a home game guys!
Chris Carmody, President Of The Greater Cleveland Film Commission, tells the Akron Beacon Journal that, “I think it will be a neat thing for our community and Northeast Ohio, for others to see what we can do.”
We hear that Cleveland scored over other potential contender cities for filming, due, in part, to its FREE soundstage facilities.
Also, the cast, crew, and production staff will all receive a 10 percent discount from many of the cordial merchants of the city that rocks…so that Tobey and his co-stars can take in and enjoy Cleveland’s restaurants, stores, venues, and such!
Cleveland’s Council of Smaller Enterprises, (Cose) issued a press release heralding and giving information about “Spider-Man 3’s” filming in Cleveland, and as part of the press release says, that Cose has put together a special staff to assist “Spider-Man 3” with “securing construction materials, props, costumes, equipment….Many items used by the crew and production team will be purchased or rented in Cleveland.”
Well, Drew Carey, one of OUR favorite comedians SANG it best in the opening of his TV sitcom, CLEVELAND ROCKS!
Any of you Spidey lottery winning citizens of Cleveland, feel free to REPORT, or COMMENT any Super COOL Spidey cast sightings right HERE!!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 23, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 23, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 23, 2006
Well this poor, misbegotten writer may be stuck on the east coast, but for you VERY lucky citizens of Cleveland, you might want to call in sick to work, have your mom write you a sick note for school (you didn’t hear this from us!)…..
…..Because the entire CAST and production crew of “Spider-Man 3” is coming to Cleveland, Ohio this April 2006, for some on location filming!!!!
Superherohype.com and the Akron Beacon Journal report that Spidey’s film production, swings its web into lucky Cleveland for 7-10 days in April, (though we don’t know WHICH dates yet), to shoot some “exterior shots”.
….No confirmation as to which days, “Spider-Man 3” stars, Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Cliff Robertson, Topher Grace, and Thomas Haden Church will be slinging their webs into town…but, you NEVER KNOW!!!!
....You might want to bring star “Daily Bugle” photographer, Peter Parker and his (or rather YOUR), trusty, camera along to snap photos of any Spiderterrific, “Spider-Man 3” cast member sightings, whether it be during filming, or as the cast enjoys Cleveland’s finest in dining, hospitality, and entertainment, which at this point, is TOP SECRET information!
We think Cleveland is a GREAT choice for film production for Spidey-3!
Yeah! THE home of The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame & Museum, so it makes perfect sense doesn’t it, since “Spider-Man” totally ROCKS!!!!
We think Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, and the entire cast should ROCK OUT at the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, as well as some of Cleveland’s most hospitable and delectable eateries, night clubs, shops, and….hey…isn’t it BASEBALL season?
Tobey and Kirsten might be checking out a home game guys!
Chris Carmody, President Of The Greater Cleveland Film Commission, tells the Akron Beacon Journal that, “I think it will be a neat thing for our community and Northeast Ohio, for others to see what we can do.”
We hear that Cleveland scored over other potential contender cities for filming, due, in part, to its FREE soundstage facilities.
Also, the cast, crew, and production staff will all receive a 10 percent discount from many of the cordial merchants of the city that rocks…so that Tobey and his co-stars can take in and enjoy Cleveland’s restaurants, stores, venues, and such!
Cleveland’s Council of Smaller Enterprises, (Cose) issued a press release heralding and giving information about “Spider-Man 3’s” filming in Cleveland, and as part of the press release says, that Cose has put together a special staff to assist “Spider-Man 3” with “securing construction materials, props, costumes, equipment….Many items used by the crew and production team will be purchased or rented in Cleveland.”
Well, Drew Carey, one of OUR favorite comedians SANG it best in the opening of his TV sitcom, CLEVELAND ROCKS!
Any of you Spidey lottery winning citizens of Cleveland, feel free to REPORT, or COMMENT any Super COOL Spidey cast sightings right HERE!!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 23, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 23, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
"X-Men: The Last Stand" VIEW 2 NEW PHOTOS & Get Your Own FREE Promo PINS!
“X-Men The Last Stand” VIEW 2 NEW PHOTOS & Get Your Own FREE Promo PINS!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 22, 2006
The Ultra cool and kind folks at Superherohype.com have once again come through for all YOU, X-Men fans, and so TODAY, we post the LINK for YOU, of TWO, NEW Exclusive, XCITING, PHOTOS from “X-Men: The Last Stand”, BELOW! Thanks syperherohype.com!
The 2 photos are outstanding action pics of actor, Sir Ian McKellen as Magneto, and actor, Kelsey Grammer as Beast!
These 2 photos simply ROCK!!!! We think Kelsey’s Beast looks SUPER COOL and more than capable of defeating villainy! Go get em’ Beast!!
Get YOUR OWN, FREE “X-Men: The Last Stand” Promotional Pins!!!!
Start the “X-Men” party NOW, as many AMC Movie Theater Chains nationwide, NOW, are in major, pre-release hype mode for “X-Men: The Last Stand” and are GIVING AWAY for FREE….
….(YES, you heard right…FREE!!!!!)….a set of 6 promotional pins featuring DAZZLING, color pictures of the current, pre-release posters of Logan/Wolverine, Rogue, Jean/Dark Phoenix, Storm, Beast, and Angel!
Here is a Link on Superherohype.com with COOL, color PHOTOS of the 6 pins!
Yesterday, WE personally celebrated as WE are one, VERY, HAPPY, X-Men fan and camper, as we called and then ran to our local AMC Movie Theater and the very LOVELY, KIND Manager, ….gave us a ROCKIN’ set of all 6!
(Mr. Manager, if you read this, you know who you are and we want to personally say, THANK YOU!!!!)
We are STILL in overjoyed, overload mode! The pins are SOOOOO Cool! WOW!!!!
We also hear that some Regal Cinema Theaters, nationwide, may be getting the X-Men promo pins as well!
So get yourself to an AMC or Regal Movie Theater FAST!!!!
But, we DO suggest calling first to make sure that the particular theater you go to, has received the pins, has them in, and NOT bombarding the very nice Managers, but scheduling a quiet, convenient time for THEM, so that they will enjoy, helping you out in Xtraordinary style!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 22, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 22, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 22, 2006
The Ultra cool and kind folks at Superherohype.com have once again come through for all YOU, X-Men fans, and so TODAY, we post the LINK for YOU, of TWO, NEW Exclusive, XCITING, PHOTOS from “X-Men: The Last Stand”, BELOW! Thanks syperherohype.com!
The 2 photos are outstanding action pics of actor, Sir Ian McKellen as Magneto, and actor, Kelsey Grammer as Beast!
These 2 photos simply ROCK!!!! We think Kelsey’s Beast looks SUPER COOL and more than capable of defeating villainy! Go get em’ Beast!!
Get YOUR OWN, FREE “X-Men: The Last Stand” Promotional Pins!!!!
Start the “X-Men” party NOW, as many AMC Movie Theater Chains nationwide, NOW, are in major, pre-release hype mode for “X-Men: The Last Stand” and are GIVING AWAY for FREE….
….(YES, you heard right…FREE!!!!!)….a set of 6 promotional pins featuring DAZZLING, color pictures of the current, pre-release posters of Logan/Wolverine, Rogue, Jean/Dark Phoenix, Storm, Beast, and Angel!
Here is a Link on Superherohype.com with COOL, color PHOTOS of the 6 pins!
Yesterday, WE personally celebrated as WE are one, VERY, HAPPY, X-Men fan and camper, as we called and then ran to our local AMC Movie Theater and the very LOVELY, KIND Manager, ….gave us a ROCKIN’ set of all 6!
(Mr. Manager, if you read this, you know who you are and we want to personally say, THANK YOU!!!!)
We are STILL in overjoyed, overload mode! The pins are SOOOOO Cool! WOW!!!!
We also hear that some Regal Cinema Theaters, nationwide, may be getting the X-Men promo pins as well!
So get yourself to an AMC or Regal Movie Theater FAST!!!!
But, we DO suggest calling first to make sure that the particular theater you go to, has received the pins, has them in, and NOT bombarding the very nice Managers, but scheduling a quiet, convenient time for THEM, so that they will enjoy, helping you out in Xtraordinary style!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 22, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 22, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
"Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 & 3" Cast & Crew Discuss Storyline, Updates, Working On Both Sequel Films!
“”Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 & 3” Cast & Crew Discuss Storyline, Updates, Working On Both Sequel Films!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 21, 2006
The April 2006 issue of “Total Film Magazine” has a simply scrumptious Cover Story on BOTH “Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 & 3” films, featuring a GIANT photo of a regal Johnny Depp in perfect, dashing, pirate pose as Captain Jack Sparrow on the cover!
The article, “Jack’s Back”, on pages 60-64, is a wonderful in depth, up close and personal, story featuring insightful and delightful interviews with a TON of the cast and crew, as well as a dazzling color photo spread throughout, giving YOU the FIRST, SNEAK PEAK at both “Pirates Of The Caribbean” film sequels!
The article begins with “Pirates’” parent film making company, Walt Disney Motion Pictures’ Chairman, Dick Cook, entertaining the press at Los Angeles’ Kodak Theater, with a gala all day event, preview, of the crop of Disney films scheduled to come out in 2006/2007. To sweeten things up, Cook brings out such luminaries as “The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe” Director, Andrew Adamson, as well as a presentation of Disney’s NEW, 3D film technology!
But….as the “Total Film” article continues, the GRAND FINALE, is a VERY SPECIAL GUEST!!
“Johnny Depp, in full, Captain Jack regalia, flounces onto the stage, flailing about wildly, and bringing the house down as he refuses to let Cook finish a sentence without interjecting the same, slurry mantra: “RRRRRRRUUUUUMMMM?””
“Coupled with some archly timed staggering and lascivious, wild-eyed drooling at every woman in the front 3 rows, it’s safe to say that, in spite of the A-listers that have come before, it’s Jack who steals the show. In much the same way he stole the whole damn summer, back in 2003….”
Then the article goes on to discuss the heightened expectations for both “Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 & 3” films to not only live up to, if not TOP, the stellar standards of the first “Pirates Of The Caribbean” film, which to date has made over $1 BILLION, and has at least just as many eager fans, as well as discussing of course, both sequels’ current works in progress and how they are shaping up.
Director of all 3 “Pirates” films, Gore Verbinski enthuses to “Total Film” that, “I think Jack is the character Johnny Depp was born to play.” (We certainly AGREE!)
But “Total Film” likewise notes that it’s the entire cast, and outstanding storyline, script, and character development that made the first “Pirates” the mega hit that it IS, stating, “It’s the spectacle, mixed with scruffy wit and dog eared charm that made the first “Pirates” film a success.”
Producer Jerry Bruckheimer knows that maintaining that unique, original, charismatic, witty, character driven storyline, chemistry and formula is essential in creating BOTH “Pirates” sequel movies, saying to “Total Film”, that, “We spent an enormous amount of time working on the screenplays (for BOTH “Pirates” Sequel films 2 & 3), to make sure they were inventive and worthwhile.”
Bruckheimer tells “Total Film” that, regarding the current, simultaneous production of both sequels, “It was always planned as a package 2 and 3. For a number of reasons. Economically, it helped with the location shooting. But more than money, it was about ensuring we could get all the creative elements together; writers, directors, cast. There’s a lot of people and getting all of their schedules aligned is hard. If we’d set just to do Part 2, it could have been 3 or 4 years before we could get everyone back together for a 3rd film.”
“Total Film” goes on to tell us that “Up the 101 Hollywood Freeway North, a cab ride from the Kodak Theater, some….creative elements are hard at work.”
“Portions of BOTH “Pirates” sequels are being shot at Universal Studios, and among the sets, is the deck of “The Flying Dutchman”, the ship captained by Davey Jones in “Pirates Of The Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest”. Creaky looking and barnacle strewn, with rusty cannons and mould everywhere, it’s sprawling and intimidating, the haunted homestead of a distinctly disturbed mind.”
Actor, Bill Nighy, who plays Jones tells “Total Film” that, “Davey’s a very upset, angry guy. He’s so wounded from love that he literally tore his heart out and stuck it in a locker, deep in the sea, so he would never have to feel again”.
The main plot of “Dead Man’s Chest” surrounds our budding, young lovers’, Will Turner’s (played by actor, Orlando Bloom, reprising his role!) and Elizabeth Swann’s (played by actress, Keira Knightley reprising her role!), imminent wedding plans, which are rudely interrupted when Will’s Father, Bootstrap Bill (portrayed by actor, Stellan Skarsgard) pops in for an unexpected visit.
For fans of the first “Pirates” film, you may remember Bootstrap Bill was thrown into the sea after a mutiny aboard the Black Pearl.
To complicate matters for our Will and Elizabeth, their irascible rogue of a friend, Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp reprising his role, of COURSE!), has gotten himself into quite a mess! It seems that Jack owes a debt of sorts to the wicked Davey Jones, and if Jack fails to repay it, he will spend all of eternity in damnation! Oh MY!
Will and Elizabeth have to put their wedding on the back burner to come to the rescue of Jack and THAT’S where things get REALLY JUICY and SCARY and filled with SUPERNATURAL doings and creatures!
As “Total Film” reports, “The theory here is that the longer that Jones’ crew, (Jack included!), serve on his ship, the more they become “part of the sea”, leading to a variety of mutant seamen with eels, serpents, and shark heads sprouting out of their bodies. Jones himself, has a “crab leg”. You know, like a peg leg, but with more, well, crab.”
We certainly wouldn’t want our Captain Jack to suffer the same sea salty fate! Oh, NO! Can you imagine Jack with a Sea Horse’s curly tail, or the tentacles of an octopus, or the otherworldly shape of a manta ray?!
Come on, Will and Elizabeth! We KNOW we can count on the two of you to get Captain Jack out of this fix!
Oh, but we DO hear that Elizabeth must fight off some nasty sea creatures in order to save Jack, including a GIANT SQUID with LOTS of tentacles!!!!
Keira Knightley details to “Total Film”, her own green screen, smackdown of a CGI monster squid, and it sounds like she’s having a BLAST!!!! (pirate lingo pun intended!)
Ahoy me mateys! We be mightily awaitin’ on more news and to be a seein’ “Pirates Of The Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest” and we still, be awaitin’ on the inside scoop on “Pirates Of The Caribbean 3”!
We be akeepin’ you posted quicker than a full wind’s gale be fillin’ our ship’s sails!
“Total Film Magazine”
Muse News And Micro Muse March 21, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 21, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 21, 2006
The April 2006 issue of “Total Film Magazine” has a simply scrumptious Cover Story on BOTH “Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 & 3” films, featuring a GIANT photo of a regal Johnny Depp in perfect, dashing, pirate pose as Captain Jack Sparrow on the cover!
The article, “Jack’s Back”, on pages 60-64, is a wonderful in depth, up close and personal, story featuring insightful and delightful interviews with a TON of the cast and crew, as well as a dazzling color photo spread throughout, giving YOU the FIRST, SNEAK PEAK at both “Pirates Of The Caribbean” film sequels!
The article begins with “Pirates’” parent film making company, Walt Disney Motion Pictures’ Chairman, Dick Cook, entertaining the press at Los Angeles’ Kodak Theater, with a gala all day event, preview, of the crop of Disney films scheduled to come out in 2006/2007. To sweeten things up, Cook brings out such luminaries as “The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe” Director, Andrew Adamson, as well as a presentation of Disney’s NEW, 3D film technology!
But….as the “Total Film” article continues, the GRAND FINALE, is a VERY SPECIAL GUEST!!
“Johnny Depp, in full, Captain Jack regalia, flounces onto the stage, flailing about wildly, and bringing the house down as he refuses to let Cook finish a sentence without interjecting the same, slurry mantra: “RRRRRRRUUUUUMMMM?””
“Coupled with some archly timed staggering and lascivious, wild-eyed drooling at every woman in the front 3 rows, it’s safe to say that, in spite of the A-listers that have come before, it’s Jack who steals the show. In much the same way he stole the whole damn summer, back in 2003….”
Then the article goes on to discuss the heightened expectations for both “Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 & 3” films to not only live up to, if not TOP, the stellar standards of the first “Pirates Of The Caribbean” film, which to date has made over $1 BILLION, and has at least just as many eager fans, as well as discussing of course, both sequels’ current works in progress and how they are shaping up.
Director of all 3 “Pirates” films, Gore Verbinski enthuses to “Total Film” that, “I think Jack is the character Johnny Depp was born to play.” (We certainly AGREE!)
But “Total Film” likewise notes that it’s the entire cast, and outstanding storyline, script, and character development that made the first “Pirates” the mega hit that it IS, stating, “It’s the spectacle, mixed with scruffy wit and dog eared charm that made the first “Pirates” film a success.”
Producer Jerry Bruckheimer knows that maintaining that unique, original, charismatic, witty, character driven storyline, chemistry and formula is essential in creating BOTH “Pirates” sequel movies, saying to “Total Film”, that, “We spent an enormous amount of time working on the screenplays (for BOTH “Pirates” Sequel films 2 & 3), to make sure they were inventive and worthwhile.”
Bruckheimer tells “Total Film” that, regarding the current, simultaneous production of both sequels, “It was always planned as a package 2 and 3. For a number of reasons. Economically, it helped with the location shooting. But more than money, it was about ensuring we could get all the creative elements together; writers, directors, cast. There’s a lot of people and getting all of their schedules aligned is hard. If we’d set just to do Part 2, it could have been 3 or 4 years before we could get everyone back together for a 3rd film.”
“Total Film” goes on to tell us that “Up the 101 Hollywood Freeway North, a cab ride from the Kodak Theater, some….creative elements are hard at work.”
“Portions of BOTH “Pirates” sequels are being shot at Universal Studios, and among the sets, is the deck of “The Flying Dutchman”, the ship captained by Davey Jones in “Pirates Of The Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest”. Creaky looking and barnacle strewn, with rusty cannons and mould everywhere, it’s sprawling and intimidating, the haunted homestead of a distinctly disturbed mind.”
Actor, Bill Nighy, who plays Jones tells “Total Film” that, “Davey’s a very upset, angry guy. He’s so wounded from love that he literally tore his heart out and stuck it in a locker, deep in the sea, so he would never have to feel again”.
The main plot of “Dead Man’s Chest” surrounds our budding, young lovers’, Will Turner’s (played by actor, Orlando Bloom, reprising his role!) and Elizabeth Swann’s (played by actress, Keira Knightley reprising her role!), imminent wedding plans, which are rudely interrupted when Will’s Father, Bootstrap Bill (portrayed by actor, Stellan Skarsgard) pops in for an unexpected visit.
For fans of the first “Pirates” film, you may remember Bootstrap Bill was thrown into the sea after a mutiny aboard the Black Pearl.
To complicate matters for our Will and Elizabeth, their irascible rogue of a friend, Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp reprising his role, of COURSE!), has gotten himself into quite a mess! It seems that Jack owes a debt of sorts to the wicked Davey Jones, and if Jack fails to repay it, he will spend all of eternity in damnation! Oh MY!
Will and Elizabeth have to put their wedding on the back burner to come to the rescue of Jack and THAT’S where things get REALLY JUICY and SCARY and filled with SUPERNATURAL doings and creatures!
As “Total Film” reports, “The theory here is that the longer that Jones’ crew, (Jack included!), serve on his ship, the more they become “part of the sea”, leading to a variety of mutant seamen with eels, serpents, and shark heads sprouting out of their bodies. Jones himself, has a “crab leg”. You know, like a peg leg, but with more, well, crab.”
We certainly wouldn’t want our Captain Jack to suffer the same sea salty fate! Oh, NO! Can you imagine Jack with a Sea Horse’s curly tail, or the tentacles of an octopus, or the otherworldly shape of a manta ray?!
Come on, Will and Elizabeth! We KNOW we can count on the two of you to get Captain Jack out of this fix!
Oh, but we DO hear that Elizabeth must fight off some nasty sea creatures in order to save Jack, including a GIANT SQUID with LOTS of tentacles!!!!
Keira Knightley details to “Total Film”, her own green screen, smackdown of a CGI monster squid, and it sounds like she’s having a BLAST!!!! (pirate lingo pun intended!)
Ahoy me mateys! We be mightily awaitin’ on more news and to be a seein’ “Pirates Of The Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest” and we still, be awaitin’ on the inside scoop on “Pirates Of The Caribbean 3”!
We be akeepin’ you posted quicker than a full wind’s gale be fillin’ our ship’s sails!
“Total Film Magazine”
Muse News And Micro Muse March 21, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 21, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
"Spider-Man 3" WATCH MOVIE TRAILER NOW! When Will Movie Trailer 1st Be Shown In Theaters?!
“”Spider-Man 3” WATCH MOVIE TRAILER NOW! When Will Movie Trailer 1st Be Shown In Theaters?!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 20, 2006
Crack open the champagne and savor that lobster too! Here we have FOR YOU, the “Spider-Man 3”, FIRST LOOK, Movie Trailer for YOU to WATCH, courtesy of the super cool, kind folks at www.youtube.com and poster Judao! Thanks! Just CLICK on the LINK BELOW!
© Copyright 2006/2007 Sony Pictures/Columbia TriStar Motion Pictures: All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2006/2007 Marvel Comics/Characters/Enterprises: All Rights Reserved
Did you notice that actor, Topher Grace, as Peter Parker’s “Daily Bugle” co-worker, reporter, Eddie Brock, appears to be TRANSFORMING into the self attaching, black costume that turns him into the evil….VENOM!!!!!
It looks like that darn sentient Symbiote first tries its nefarious intentions, trying to fuse with Peter’s/Spidey’s body. But NO WAY, will Spidey let THAT happen!!
Also, from what we can see, we get a TRIPLE threat of villains! The Green Goblin, Sandman, and Venom! Wow!!!
But, really, do you have ANY doubt that “Spider-Man” can take out all 3 bad guys to the cleaners? Easy as pie! A cinch for Spidey!
Also, remember our concerns about Peter leaving OUR favorite of his lady loves, Mary Jane Watson, for supposed new love interest, Gwen Stacy? Well we think YOU can rest assured that, THAT won’t happen. As this movie trailer leads us to believe that Gwen makes but a brief appearance, and then exists to meet her maker, via an untimely death.
Unfortunately, according to the “Daily Bugle” headlines, it looks like some villainous baddie frames and pins the rap for Gwen’s death on “Spider-Man”!
Well, listen up! Whatever villain tries to frame Spidey is asking for a major butt kicking from US! Put the word out on the street! Nobody messes with our web slinging hero!
Oh, we would like to give a major CHEER of applause for the resounding, epic music soundtrack and of course, to the overall, epic, dramatic feel of this anticipation heightening, movie trailer!
This movie trailer gets 4 Stars from us!!!!
Also, superherohype.com and Notfabio report that the FIRST time that THIS “Spider-Man 3” movie trailer may be shown in theaters, is a tentative showing with the motion picture, “Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby”, “a NASCAR action comedy” starring Will Ferrell and “Daredevil’s” “Kingpin”, aka the much talented, actor, Michael Clarke Duncan! The film will be released in theaters nationwide on Friday, August 4, 2006.
As the hype grows and film production continues on “Spider-Man 3”, this information is SUBJECT TO CHANGE, as ANOTHER “Spider-Man 3” movie trailer may debut in theaters, and may be scheduled to appear on a different date, with a different newly released film.
We’ll keep YOU posted. Same blog, same channel, at Super Hero © Copyright 2006 Marvel Comics/Characters/Enterprises: All Rights Reserved, © Copyright 2006 DC Comics/Characters/Enterprises: All Rights Reserved….once more that’s Super Hero Hollywood Central!
(Note: If YOU are wondering why we credited the term Super Hero as COPYRIGHTED by and to Marvel & DC, that is because the beloved, but mammoth, comic book icon corporations, are in the midst of legally copyrighting the term. YOU can READ all about it in the SciFi.com news link below.) Heck, we think they deserve it!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 20, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 20, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 20, 2006
Crack open the champagne and savor that lobster too! Here we have FOR YOU, the “Spider-Man 3”, FIRST LOOK, Movie Trailer for YOU to WATCH, courtesy of the super cool, kind folks at www.youtube.com and poster Judao! Thanks! Just CLICK on the LINK BELOW!
© Copyright 2006/2007 Sony Pictures/Columbia TriStar Motion Pictures: All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2006/2007 Marvel Comics/Characters/Enterprises: All Rights Reserved
Did you notice that actor, Topher Grace, as Peter Parker’s “Daily Bugle” co-worker, reporter, Eddie Brock, appears to be TRANSFORMING into the self attaching, black costume that turns him into the evil….VENOM!!!!!
It looks like that darn sentient Symbiote first tries its nefarious intentions, trying to fuse with Peter’s/Spidey’s body. But NO WAY, will Spidey let THAT happen!!
Also, from what we can see, we get a TRIPLE threat of villains! The Green Goblin, Sandman, and Venom! Wow!!!
But, really, do you have ANY doubt that “Spider-Man” can take out all 3 bad guys to the cleaners? Easy as pie! A cinch for Spidey!
Also, remember our concerns about Peter leaving OUR favorite of his lady loves, Mary Jane Watson, for supposed new love interest, Gwen Stacy? Well we think YOU can rest assured that, THAT won’t happen. As this movie trailer leads us to believe that Gwen makes but a brief appearance, and then exists to meet her maker, via an untimely death.
Unfortunately, according to the “Daily Bugle” headlines, it looks like some villainous baddie frames and pins the rap for Gwen’s death on “Spider-Man”!
Well, listen up! Whatever villain tries to frame Spidey is asking for a major butt kicking from US! Put the word out on the street! Nobody messes with our web slinging hero!
Oh, we would like to give a major CHEER of applause for the resounding, epic music soundtrack and of course, to the overall, epic, dramatic feel of this anticipation heightening, movie trailer!
This movie trailer gets 4 Stars from us!!!!
Also, superherohype.com and Notfabio report that the FIRST time that THIS “Spider-Man 3” movie trailer may be shown in theaters, is a tentative showing with the motion picture, “Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby”, “a NASCAR action comedy” starring Will Ferrell and “Daredevil’s” “Kingpin”, aka the much talented, actor, Michael Clarke Duncan! The film will be released in theaters nationwide on Friday, August 4, 2006.
As the hype grows and film production continues on “Spider-Man 3”, this information is SUBJECT TO CHANGE, as ANOTHER “Spider-Man 3” movie trailer may debut in theaters, and may be scheduled to appear on a different date, with a different newly released film.
We’ll keep YOU posted. Same blog, same channel, at Super Hero © Copyright 2006 Marvel Comics/Characters/Enterprises: All Rights Reserved, © Copyright 2006 DC Comics/Characters/Enterprises: All Rights Reserved….once more that’s Super Hero Hollywood Central!
(Note: If YOU are wondering why we credited the term Super Hero as COPYRIGHTED by and to Marvel & DC, that is because the beloved, but mammoth, comic book icon corporations, are in the midst of legally copyrighting the term. YOU can READ all about it in the SciFi.com news link below.) Heck, we think they deserve it!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 20, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 20, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006
"X-Men: The Last Stand" NEW Photos, Plot SPOILERS! UPDATE On Wolverine Spinoff Movie News!
““X-Men: The Last Stand” NEW Photos, Plot SPOILERS! UPDATE On Wolverine Spinoff Movie News!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 18, 2006
The VERY cool folks at Superherohype.com and CinEmpire.com have posted a rockin’ gallery of the latest photos from “X-Men: The Last Stand”. CLICK on the LINK BELOW, then CLICK on the MAIN photo of STORM, and you will see the entire pictorial gallery!
You can also view and enlarge each of the photos by clicking on each photo! Enjoy!
Wolverine Spinoff Movie News UPDATE!!!!
“Entertainment Weekly Magazine’s” online edition reports that, when actor, Hugh Jackman made a guest appearance at Thursday night’s ShoWest gala ceremony to accept his honor as 2006’s ShoWest Male Star Of The Year, as WE already reported in OUR article on Thursday, March 16, 2006, he also chatted up some JUICY UPDATES, regarding the Xciting, Xtraordinary, “Wolverine” spinoff movie!
Jackman told “Entertainment Weekly Magazine” that, “the 2nd screenplay draft by David Benioff is due momentarily” for the “Wolverine” major film spinoff.
Jackman says that, “Wolverine substantiates a feature film.” (WE wholeheartedly AGREE!!). Jackman continues, “I mean he’s a really intriguing, mysterious, enigmatic character, a la Mad Max, Dirty Harry, Han Solo….he’s that kind of screen antihero”.
“Entertainment Weekly” hit gold by prying the spinoff film’s potential, still in development, storyline, out of Jackman!
Jackman enthused, “I’d love to get into the origins of the character and find out what he’s really made of. So that was always my idea….Benioff came in with a pitch that was so brilliant, I was so excited, I actually tried to get (20th Century) Fox to make it (before “X-Men”). But they said, “No, no, no, we have a trilogy, let’s finish that.””
So if you are wondering if this means that Wolverine will indeed survive the ultimate war between Magneto’s evil, vengeful, Brotherhood of Mutants and humankind’s semi fascist military, and will live AFTER, “X-Men: The Last Stand”, Jackman ambiguously teased with this thought, “Well you never know. “Wolverine” might be a prequel.”
WE would be just as happy with a prequel! Especially, since as Jackman himself noted, YES, Wolverine/Logan is quite the enigmatic, mystery man, whose origins, at least in the first 2 “X-Men” films, “X-Men” and “X2: X-Men United” are STILL unknown.
Jean Grey herself, said in “X-Men” that Wolverine/Logan could be even older than Professor Xavier!
And since the malevolent, evil, Colonel William Stryker fittingly met his Grim Reaper maker in “X2”, Stryker’s last words taunted Wolverine, telling and leaving Wolverine only with a crumb of information that it was Stryker himself, who had “created” Wolverine’s indestructible adamantium metal alloy covered skeleton, and Stryker claimed that Wolverine had “volunteered” for the very experiment that involved that metal alloy and Wolverine’s infamous metal claws.
Stryker even told Wolverine, that Wolverine had at one time, been quite the opposite of the hero we have all come to know and love, working with Stryker, with perhaps nefarious intentions!
With Stryker now dead, we do NOT know if Stryker was lying or telling the truth.
HOW could what Stryker said, possibly be true?!
And if so, WHAT or WHO, redeemed Wolverine into the selfless, courageous, Super Hero who stalwartly stands with his “X-Men” compatriots and friends?!
Wolverine/Logan, with heavy heart, mind, and anguish, further clouded by a mysterious amnesia, has searched for the answers and the truth behind WHO, he is and how he became WHAT, he is throughout the first 2 “X-Men” films.
So the Wolverine spinoff major motion picture, IF it does turn out to be a prequel, would definitely deem appropriate, in at last, filling in the very vast, memory blanks (and what finding the truth may hold), that haunt Wolverine/Logan….and US!
Notfabio also reports that Hugh Jackman also screened THREE, Top Secret, Xclusive clips from “X-Men: The Last Stand” to the movie industry and press big wigs at ShoWest Thursday night as well! The clips are listed below.
Jean Grey and Wolverine In The Medical Bay
Rogue (giving up her powers) with Wolverine/Logan
Danger Room Battlefield With Wolverine/Logan
Final Trailer
Muse News And Micro Muse March 18, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 18, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 18, 2006
The VERY cool folks at Superherohype.com and CinEmpire.com have posted a rockin’ gallery of the latest photos from “X-Men: The Last Stand”. CLICK on the LINK BELOW, then CLICK on the MAIN photo of STORM, and you will see the entire pictorial gallery!
You can also view and enlarge each of the photos by clicking on each photo! Enjoy!
Wolverine Spinoff Movie News UPDATE!!!!
“Entertainment Weekly Magazine’s” online edition reports that, when actor, Hugh Jackman made a guest appearance at Thursday night’s ShoWest gala ceremony to accept his honor as 2006’s ShoWest Male Star Of The Year, as WE already reported in OUR article on Thursday, March 16, 2006, he also chatted up some JUICY UPDATES, regarding the Xciting, Xtraordinary, “Wolverine” spinoff movie!
Jackman told “Entertainment Weekly Magazine” that, “the 2nd screenplay draft by David Benioff is due momentarily” for the “Wolverine” major film spinoff.
Jackman says that, “Wolverine substantiates a feature film.” (WE wholeheartedly AGREE!!). Jackman continues, “I mean he’s a really intriguing, mysterious, enigmatic character, a la Mad Max, Dirty Harry, Han Solo….he’s that kind of screen antihero”.
“Entertainment Weekly” hit gold by prying the spinoff film’s potential, still in development, storyline, out of Jackman!
Jackman enthused, “I’d love to get into the origins of the character and find out what he’s really made of. So that was always my idea….Benioff came in with a pitch that was so brilliant, I was so excited, I actually tried to get (20th Century) Fox to make it (before “X-Men”). But they said, “No, no, no, we have a trilogy, let’s finish that.””
So if you are wondering if this means that Wolverine will indeed survive the ultimate war between Magneto’s evil, vengeful, Brotherhood of Mutants and humankind’s semi fascist military, and will live AFTER, “X-Men: The Last Stand”, Jackman ambiguously teased with this thought, “Well you never know. “Wolverine” might be a prequel.”
WE would be just as happy with a prequel! Especially, since as Jackman himself noted, YES, Wolverine/Logan is quite the enigmatic, mystery man, whose origins, at least in the first 2 “X-Men” films, “X-Men” and “X2: X-Men United” are STILL unknown.
Jean Grey herself, said in “X-Men” that Wolverine/Logan could be even older than Professor Xavier!
And since the malevolent, evil, Colonel William Stryker fittingly met his Grim Reaper maker in “X2”, Stryker’s last words taunted Wolverine, telling and leaving Wolverine only with a crumb of information that it was Stryker himself, who had “created” Wolverine’s indestructible adamantium metal alloy covered skeleton, and Stryker claimed that Wolverine had “volunteered” for the very experiment that involved that metal alloy and Wolverine’s infamous metal claws.
Stryker even told Wolverine, that Wolverine had at one time, been quite the opposite of the hero we have all come to know and love, working with Stryker, with perhaps nefarious intentions!
With Stryker now dead, we do NOT know if Stryker was lying or telling the truth.
HOW could what Stryker said, possibly be true?!
And if so, WHAT or WHO, redeemed Wolverine into the selfless, courageous, Super Hero who stalwartly stands with his “X-Men” compatriots and friends?!
Wolverine/Logan, with heavy heart, mind, and anguish, further clouded by a mysterious amnesia, has searched for the answers and the truth behind WHO, he is and how he became WHAT, he is throughout the first 2 “X-Men” films.
So the Wolverine spinoff major motion picture, IF it does turn out to be a prequel, would definitely deem appropriate, in at last, filling in the very vast, memory blanks (and what finding the truth may hold), that haunt Wolverine/Logan….and US!
Notfabio also reports that Hugh Jackman also screened THREE, Top Secret, Xclusive clips from “X-Men: The Last Stand” to the movie industry and press big wigs at ShoWest Thursday night as well! The clips are listed below.
Jean Grey and Wolverine In The Medical Bay
Rogue (giving up her powers) with Wolverine/Logan
Danger Room Battlefield With Wolverine/Logan
Final Trailer
Muse News And Micro Muse March 18, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 18, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
"Star Wars" TV Series Confirmed For 100 Episodes, Show's Storyline, News!
“”Star Wars” TV Series Confirmed For 100 Episodes, Show’s Storyline, News!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 17, 2006
Jedi’s everywhere! Join the celebration! Party and drink some lucky green beer on this St. Patrick’s Day at the “Star Wars” Cantina!!!!
SciFiWire reports that George Lucas’ “Star Wars” Co-Producer, Rick McCallum, confirmed to the BBC, that the GREATLY anticipated, “Star Wars”, live action television series, (not referring to the animated show), will run for a minimum of 100 episodes, and may far exceed that amount!!
McCallum, who was talking with BBC Radio 1 in London, enthused that the writing team for the project has already been assembled and will be meeting shortly to begin working on the series.
McCallum, Lucas, and company are hoping for film production to begin in 2008!
SciFiWire says that McCallum told BBC Radio 1 that, “Hopefully, if we can make it work, and everybody’s excited and watches it, (YOU know, that YOU will! As so will WE!), we will keep on going.”
We hear that the proposed series, still of course in development, will take place in the time period between “Star Wars”, “Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith” and “Episode 4: A New Hope”, spanning the back story and very early years of young Luke Skywalker, as we see him grow up from a child to the young man who became a top gun flight pilot, already a Jedi in the making.
When we last saw Luke, it was in the very end of “Sith”, released as the final “Star Wars” film in 2005, as a newborn infant, being handed over by Obi Wan, to Luke’s Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, who became Luke’s surrogate parents.
But, in “A New Hope” which actually was the first “Star Wars” film, released in 1977, we saw Luke, already a young man, bored with his mundane life as a moisture farmer on the rural, remote planet of Tatooine, eager to leave home, and journey the galaxies in search of adventure....
….which Luke certainly found when the 2 droids C-3PO and R2-D2 literally fell into his life and pointed the way to his much greater destiny as a Jedi Knight, Master, and the ultimate hero who would redeem Darth Vader, and by doing so, help fulfill the prophecy that Anakin, (Luke’s father), would destroy the evil Sith, bring balance to the Force, and bring peace back to the galaxy!
So now, we will get to see the first 20 some years of Luke’s life, including the events, people, characters, and FORCE, that all were pre-ordained, in shaping, perhaps science fiction cinema’s most iconic hero!
WE are quite excited, especially, to see Luke’s childhood friendship with fighter pilot, Biggs Darklighter, as the two hone their skills as young gunner pilots on Tatooine.
McCallum also says that we can look forward to “a whole bunch of new characters”, and that the series will be “much more dramatic and darker”.
Our biggest anticipation and excitement, obviously, is about which actors will be chosen to play the many stages and ages of Luke as he grows from toddler to strapping, youthful man!
We are also eager to see what other cast members join the series! And knowing how much of Hollywood’s elite have ardently expressed their own fandom of, and desire to work in the “Star Wars” film franchise legend….
….we recall in “Sith” press interviews, Samuel L. Jackson, Hayden Christensen, Christopher Lee, and Ian McDiarmid all but doing back flips about their opportunities to work in the prequels….
….and Samuel L. Jackson, in particular, openly expressing his exuberance, over perhaps working in the TV series….
….we have a feeling that the TOAST of Hollywood will be knocking on Lucas’ door to appear in this stratospherically touted TV series!
No word yet, on what television network will gain the privilege of broadcasting the “Star Wars” TV series, but you can bet the moisture farm! that whatever TV network garners this major feather in its cap, can be assured of a ratings blockbuster, so prepare for a bidding war among the TV Networks for this FORCEFUL, sweet deal!
Set your TV channel for 2008!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 17, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 17, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 17, 2006
Jedi’s everywhere! Join the celebration! Party and drink some lucky green beer on this St. Patrick’s Day at the “Star Wars” Cantina!!!!
SciFiWire reports that George Lucas’ “Star Wars” Co-Producer, Rick McCallum, confirmed to the BBC, that the GREATLY anticipated, “Star Wars”, live action television series, (not referring to the animated show), will run for a minimum of 100 episodes, and may far exceed that amount!!
McCallum, who was talking with BBC Radio 1 in London, enthused that the writing team for the project has already been assembled and will be meeting shortly to begin working on the series.
McCallum, Lucas, and company are hoping for film production to begin in 2008!
SciFiWire says that McCallum told BBC Radio 1 that, “Hopefully, if we can make it work, and everybody’s excited and watches it, (YOU know, that YOU will! As so will WE!), we will keep on going.”
We hear that the proposed series, still of course in development, will take place in the time period between “Star Wars”, “Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith” and “Episode 4: A New Hope”, spanning the back story and very early years of young Luke Skywalker, as we see him grow up from a child to the young man who became a top gun flight pilot, already a Jedi in the making.
When we last saw Luke, it was in the very end of “Sith”, released as the final “Star Wars” film in 2005, as a newborn infant, being handed over by Obi Wan, to Luke’s Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, who became Luke’s surrogate parents.
But, in “A New Hope” which actually was the first “Star Wars” film, released in 1977, we saw Luke, already a young man, bored with his mundane life as a moisture farmer on the rural, remote planet of Tatooine, eager to leave home, and journey the galaxies in search of adventure....
….which Luke certainly found when the 2 droids C-3PO and R2-D2 literally fell into his life and pointed the way to his much greater destiny as a Jedi Knight, Master, and the ultimate hero who would redeem Darth Vader, and by doing so, help fulfill the prophecy that Anakin, (Luke’s father), would destroy the evil Sith, bring balance to the Force, and bring peace back to the galaxy!
So now, we will get to see the first 20 some years of Luke’s life, including the events, people, characters, and FORCE, that all were pre-ordained, in shaping, perhaps science fiction cinema’s most iconic hero!
WE are quite excited, especially, to see Luke’s childhood friendship with fighter pilot, Biggs Darklighter, as the two hone their skills as young gunner pilots on Tatooine.
McCallum also says that we can look forward to “a whole bunch of new characters”, and that the series will be “much more dramatic and darker”.
Our biggest anticipation and excitement, obviously, is about which actors will be chosen to play the many stages and ages of Luke as he grows from toddler to strapping, youthful man!
We are also eager to see what other cast members join the series! And knowing how much of Hollywood’s elite have ardently expressed their own fandom of, and desire to work in the “Star Wars” film franchise legend….
….we recall in “Sith” press interviews, Samuel L. Jackson, Hayden Christensen, Christopher Lee, and Ian McDiarmid all but doing back flips about their opportunities to work in the prequels….
….and Samuel L. Jackson, in particular, openly expressing his exuberance, over perhaps working in the TV series….
….we have a feeling that the TOAST of Hollywood will be knocking on Lucas’ door to appear in this stratospherically touted TV series!
No word yet, on what television network will gain the privilege of broadcasting the “Star Wars” TV series, but you can bet the moisture farm! that whatever TV network garners this major feather in its cap, can be assured of a ratings blockbuster, so prepare for a bidding war among the TV Networks for this FORCEFUL, sweet deal!
Set your TV channel for 2008!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 17, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 17, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
"Spider-Man 3" Casts Elizabeth Banks! Hugh Jackman Cameo In "Superman Returns"!
““Spider-Man 3” Casts Elizabeth Banks! Hugh Jackman Cameo In “Superman Returns”!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 16, 2006
“Spider-Man 3” News!!
Actress, Elizabeth Banks, will reprise her role as Betty Brant in “Spider-Man 3” reports Sci Fi Wire. Banks is doing her own schmooze fest with the press to “remind Writer/Director, Sam Raimi that SHE, is in fact, Peter Parker’s FIRST girlfriend, according to the comic book history!”
We wonder what Mary Jane Watson (OUR favorite of Peter Parker’s lady loves!), would have to say about this?!
Banks is currently co-starring in “Slither”, portraying Starla Grant, alongside actor, Nathan Fillion.
Hugh Jackman News!!
This gifted actor, singer, dancer, GORGEOUS movie icon is so busy with NEW and XCITING projects! We just ADORE this Aussie actor!!!!
On the heels of finishing up acting in and production on “X-Men: The Last Stand”, Hugh Jackman will be making a Cameo appearance in “X-Men”’s and “X2: X-Men United”’s, Director/Screenwriter, (Genius!) Bryan Singer’s “Superman Returns”, which Singer is currently directing.
Jackman will have quite the iconic role in “Superman Returns”, “Playing the man of steel’s young dad in flashback mode.”, “Variety Magazine” reports.
Since the always sparkling, brilliant, Jackman, dazzles even brighter under Singer’s always magnificent directorial guidance, (Note: Jackman’s superb portrayal of Logan/Wolverine in the 1st and 2nd “X-Men” films directed by Singer!), we are thrilled with this news and can’t wait to see Hugh as Clark Kent’s/Superman’s venerable father!
We also want to personally CONGRATULATE....
….Hugh Jackman, for being the recipient of the 2006 ShoWest (Film Festival) Male Star Of The Year!
Hugh will be bestowed with this greatly esteemed, distinguished, (and in our opinion, MUCH deserved!) honor for Hugh, tonight, Thursday, March 16, 2006 at a gala ceremony, held in Las Vegas, as reported by “The Hollywood Reporter” and SciFiWire.
Way to go HUGH! (Our Delicious….Hugh, already has BOTH a Tony Award and an Emmy Award!)
Hey, judges at The Academy Awards! It’s about time you granted HUGH, Mr. Oscar Gold!!!!
Variety Magazine
Muse News And Micro Muse March 16, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 16, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 16, 2006
“Spider-Man 3” News!!
Actress, Elizabeth Banks, will reprise her role as Betty Brant in “Spider-Man 3” reports Sci Fi Wire. Banks is doing her own schmooze fest with the press to “remind Writer/Director, Sam Raimi that SHE, is in fact, Peter Parker’s FIRST girlfriend, according to the comic book history!”
We wonder what Mary Jane Watson (OUR favorite of Peter Parker’s lady loves!), would have to say about this?!
Banks is currently co-starring in “Slither”, portraying Starla Grant, alongside actor, Nathan Fillion.
Hugh Jackman News!!
This gifted actor, singer, dancer, GORGEOUS movie icon is so busy with NEW and XCITING projects! We just ADORE this Aussie actor!!!!
On the heels of finishing up acting in and production on “X-Men: The Last Stand”, Hugh Jackman will be making a Cameo appearance in “X-Men”’s and “X2: X-Men United”’s, Director/Screenwriter, (Genius!) Bryan Singer’s “Superman Returns”, which Singer is currently directing.
Jackman will have quite the iconic role in “Superman Returns”, “Playing the man of steel’s young dad in flashback mode.”, “Variety Magazine” reports.
Since the always sparkling, brilliant, Jackman, dazzles even brighter under Singer’s always magnificent directorial guidance, (Note: Jackman’s superb portrayal of Logan/Wolverine in the 1st and 2nd “X-Men” films directed by Singer!), we are thrilled with this news and can’t wait to see Hugh as Clark Kent’s/Superman’s venerable father!
We also want to personally CONGRATULATE....
….Hugh Jackman, for being the recipient of the 2006 ShoWest (Film Festival) Male Star Of The Year!
Hugh will be bestowed with this greatly esteemed, distinguished, (and in our opinion, MUCH deserved!) honor for Hugh, tonight, Thursday, March 16, 2006 at a gala ceremony, held in Las Vegas, as reported by “The Hollywood Reporter” and SciFiWire.
Way to go HUGH! (Our Delicious….Hugh, already has BOTH a Tony Award and an Emmy Award!)
Hey, judges at The Academy Awards! It’s about time you granted HUGH, Mr. Oscar Gold!!!!
Variety Magazine
Muse News And Micro Muse March 16, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 16, 2006
Nathan Fillion Gets Slimed In "Slither"! WATCH Movie Trailers!
“Nathan Fillion Gets Slimed In “Slither”! WATCH Movie Trailers!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 16, 2006
Scifi.com’s SciFiWire reports that actor, Nathan Fillion, is currently starring in the clever, dark, comedy horror flick, “Slither”, which involves some really slimy, creepy, crawly grub/worm like monster aliens that invade the earth. (Just like in the 1990 science fiction/horror/satire schtick film, “Tremors” which starred, actor, Kevin Bacon, who is infamous as being the very NAMESAKE behind what began, the legendary, Six Degrees Of Separation game itself!
So, in our book, “Slither” directly connects Nathan Fillion to Kevin Bacon by virtue of this semi-homage film, that takes a cue from “Tremors”!
Here are the LINKS to the MOVIE TRAILERS for YOU to WATCH of “Slither”, (and the plot, cast, etc.), which premieres in theaters, nationwide, Friday, March 31, 2006!!!!
© Copyright 2006 Universal Motion Pictures: All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2006 Gold Circle Films: All Rights Reserved
Frankly, we are positively “bugged” out by these icky bugs and we LOVE the movie’s tagline, “Slug It Out!”
Leave it to Nathan to take charge as the town’s sheriff, Bill Pardy, and show these slimers, there’s only room enough for earthlings in this here, corn husking, rural town of Wheelsy! Go round up the posse, Nathan!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 16, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 16, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 16, 2006
Scifi.com’s SciFiWire reports that actor, Nathan Fillion, is currently starring in the clever, dark, comedy horror flick, “Slither”, which involves some really slimy, creepy, crawly grub/worm like monster aliens that invade the earth. (Just like in the 1990 science fiction/horror/satire schtick film, “Tremors” which starred, actor, Kevin Bacon, who is infamous as being the very NAMESAKE behind what began, the legendary, Six Degrees Of Separation game itself!
So, in our book, “Slither” directly connects Nathan Fillion to Kevin Bacon by virtue of this semi-homage film, that takes a cue from “Tremors”!
Here are the LINKS to the MOVIE TRAILERS for YOU to WATCH of “Slither”, (and the plot, cast, etc.), which premieres in theaters, nationwide, Friday, March 31, 2006!!!!
© Copyright 2006 Universal Motion Pictures: All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2006 Gold Circle Films: All Rights Reserved
Frankly, we are positively “bugged” out by these icky bugs and we LOVE the movie’s tagline, “Slug It Out!”
Leave it to Nathan to take charge as the town’s sheriff, Bill Pardy, and show these slimers, there’s only room enough for earthlings in this here, corn husking, rural town of Wheelsy! Go round up the posse, Nathan!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 16, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 16, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Nathan Fillion Believes In The Supernatural! "X-Men's" Wolverines Spin Off Movie News!
“Nathan Fillion Believes In The Supernatural!, “X-Men’s” Wolverine Spin Off Movie News!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 15, 2006
Scifi.com’s SciFiWire reports that actor, Nathan Fillion, starring in the sequel to “White Noise”, “White Noise 2: The Light” tells SciFiWire that he is very much the believer in the still uncharted realm of the supernatural and paranormal phenomenon.
Fillion has done his own research into the supernatural and feels that indeed, there is a world or another outer reach plane of sorts, where the living may be able to communicate with those who have crossed over into what we consider the land of the dead.
Fillion, who portrays a character who after experiencing his own near death experience, gains a clairvoyant ability to predict people’s death’s, tells SciFiWire that, “I did the Ouija Board when I was a kid, and I’ve been hearing ghost stories and ghost experiences from people I love and respect.”
Fillion goes on to say that the character that he portrays in “White Noise 2: The Light”, “He’s a more vulnerable character than I’ve ever played before. He’s just a man; not a soldier. He’s a web designer; not a hero.”
Production is going well on “White Noise 2” and we must admit that we are looking forward to Fillion’s emotionally, soul searching imbued performance of a man challenged by the reality of what he actually sees with his own eyes, and what he can only see through what he BELIEVES, and HOW his belief and second sight, special ability, can save the lives of those who might otherwise die.
Nathan, also tells SciFiWire that, “Do I believe? Yes, I believe something is going on. Even if it’s NOT true, I love believing it.”
Fillion, who loves scary films, says, “I have a special way to watch scary movies. I have a blanket for protection”, (which he says he used, when researching and watching, the original “White Noise”, which he admits to being “terrified by”!), “and I had to switch the station to Jay Leno or something else for about 5 times that night, just to calm down and get my breath, and then flip back to the movie.”
Nathan, the thing most men LOVE about scary movies is they are GREAT date movies, because when a man’s lady love needs comfort and protection during a horror film’s most frightful moments, it makes for the perfect excuse for a man to cuddle up to her and hold her close in his arms!
Nathan, you DO realize, that your many female fans, already find your dashing charms and sparkling acting gifts irresistible from your role as the heroic, swashbuckling space cowboy, Captain Malcolm Reynolds in “Firefly” and “Serenity”!
NOW, we find out, Nathan, that if we watched a scary movie with you, YOU, would be the one, to want to be embraced and cuddled! WOW!!!! What a man!
“X-Men’s” Wolverine ought to be getting his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame sometime soon!
(Just kidding, though WE would love the idea!), since the clawed Super Hero is pretty much certain of cementing a done deal in getting his own spin off, starring feature film, with a possible sequel as well!
MTV.com reports that actor, Vinnie Jones, who plays the invincible villain, Juggernaut, in “X-Men: The Last Stand”, has been chatting up how much he enjoys his on screen, kick butt, action, fight scenes with Wolverine (and Wolverine’s real life namesake, actor, Hugh Jackman)!....
…and Jones has been dropping more than a few hints about a Wolverine spin off film (s)!!!!
Jones, who rose to fame in the U.K. as a soccer star, before he was bitten by the acting bug, having already appeared in several major motion pictures, tells MTV.com that “X-Men 3” Director, Brett Ratner has been discussing production of “X-Men” sequel films, after “The Last Stand”.
Jones himself, confirmed to MTV.com that he has already inked a deal to act in 2 more “X-Men” related sequels, and since we all know that “X-Men: The Last Stand” is the LAST film in the MAIN, ensemble, “X-Men” film franchise, that would pretty much point directly to the much hoped for Wolverine spin off films, which “X-Men” fans so ardently have been gushing about (and US TOO!), as the 2 movies that Jones is referring to.
Jones also tells MTV.com that in “X-Men 3: The Last Stand”, “We have some GREAT fight scenes involving Wolverine and Juggernaut.”
So Jones, who ambiguously speaks about what he, (and WE), are hoping are in fact the Wolverine spin off films, says, that when Jones signed on for the 2 sequels, Jones playfully enthuses that, “Hopefully the Wolverine/Juggernaut rivalry will come into it. There might be something for me and him to get together.”
Jones, ecstatically exclaims, “That’s my contract. I hope so….please God!”
We VERY much CONCUR!!!! Wolverine, Wolverine!!!! Yeah!!!!
So we got a little carried away here! Like YOU’RE not secretly leading a major cheer for the “X-Men’s” COOLEST character, EVER, to get his own spin off movie (s)!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 15, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 15, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 15, 2006
Scifi.com’s SciFiWire reports that actor, Nathan Fillion, starring in the sequel to “White Noise”, “White Noise 2: The Light” tells SciFiWire that he is very much the believer in the still uncharted realm of the supernatural and paranormal phenomenon.
Fillion has done his own research into the supernatural and feels that indeed, there is a world or another outer reach plane of sorts, where the living may be able to communicate with those who have crossed over into what we consider the land of the dead.
Fillion, who portrays a character who after experiencing his own near death experience, gains a clairvoyant ability to predict people’s death’s, tells SciFiWire that, “I did the Ouija Board when I was a kid, and I’ve been hearing ghost stories and ghost experiences from people I love and respect.”
Fillion goes on to say that the character that he portrays in “White Noise 2: The Light”, “He’s a more vulnerable character than I’ve ever played before. He’s just a man; not a soldier. He’s a web designer; not a hero.”
Production is going well on “White Noise 2” and we must admit that we are looking forward to Fillion’s emotionally, soul searching imbued performance of a man challenged by the reality of what he actually sees with his own eyes, and what he can only see through what he BELIEVES, and HOW his belief and second sight, special ability, can save the lives of those who might otherwise die.
Nathan, also tells SciFiWire that, “Do I believe? Yes, I believe something is going on. Even if it’s NOT true, I love believing it.”
Fillion, who loves scary films, says, “I have a special way to watch scary movies. I have a blanket for protection”, (which he says he used, when researching and watching, the original “White Noise”, which he admits to being “terrified by”!), “and I had to switch the station to Jay Leno or something else for about 5 times that night, just to calm down and get my breath, and then flip back to the movie.”
Nathan, the thing most men LOVE about scary movies is they are GREAT date movies, because when a man’s lady love needs comfort and protection during a horror film’s most frightful moments, it makes for the perfect excuse for a man to cuddle up to her and hold her close in his arms!
Nathan, you DO realize, that your many female fans, already find your dashing charms and sparkling acting gifts irresistible from your role as the heroic, swashbuckling space cowboy, Captain Malcolm Reynolds in “Firefly” and “Serenity”!
NOW, we find out, Nathan, that if we watched a scary movie with you, YOU, would be the one, to want to be embraced and cuddled! WOW!!!! What a man!
“X-Men’s” Wolverine ought to be getting his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame sometime soon!
(Just kidding, though WE would love the idea!), since the clawed Super Hero is pretty much certain of cementing a done deal in getting his own spin off, starring feature film, with a possible sequel as well!
MTV.com reports that actor, Vinnie Jones, who plays the invincible villain, Juggernaut, in “X-Men: The Last Stand”, has been chatting up how much he enjoys his on screen, kick butt, action, fight scenes with Wolverine (and Wolverine’s real life namesake, actor, Hugh Jackman)!....
…and Jones has been dropping more than a few hints about a Wolverine spin off film (s)!!!!
Jones, who rose to fame in the U.K. as a soccer star, before he was bitten by the acting bug, having already appeared in several major motion pictures, tells MTV.com that “X-Men 3” Director, Brett Ratner has been discussing production of “X-Men” sequel films, after “The Last Stand”.
Jones himself, confirmed to MTV.com that he has already inked a deal to act in 2 more “X-Men” related sequels, and since we all know that “X-Men: The Last Stand” is the LAST film in the MAIN, ensemble, “X-Men” film franchise, that would pretty much point directly to the much hoped for Wolverine spin off films, which “X-Men” fans so ardently have been gushing about (and US TOO!), as the 2 movies that Jones is referring to.
Jones also tells MTV.com that in “X-Men 3: The Last Stand”, “We have some GREAT fight scenes involving Wolverine and Juggernaut.”
So Jones, who ambiguously speaks about what he, (and WE), are hoping are in fact the Wolverine spin off films, says, that when Jones signed on for the 2 sequels, Jones playfully enthuses that, “Hopefully the Wolverine/Juggernaut rivalry will come into it. There might be something for me and him to get together.”
Jones, ecstatically exclaims, “That’s my contract. I hope so….please God!”
We VERY much CONCUR!!!! Wolverine, Wolverine!!!! Yeah!!!!
So we got a little carried away here! Like YOU’RE not secretly leading a major cheer for the “X-Men’s” COOLEST character, EVER, to get his own spin off movie (s)!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 15, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 15, 2006
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Enter To WIN, NEW TV Reality Series, "Who Wants To Be A Superhero?"!
“Enter To WIN, NEW TV Reality Series, “Who Wants To Be A Superhero?”!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 14, 2006
Open casting! Calling all mild mannered mortals!
SciFi.com/Sci Fi Wire reports that Stan Lee, mythic creator of some of the comic book kingdom’s most legendary Super Hero stories and Super Hero characters (“Spider-Man”, “X-Men”, “The Fantastic Four”, “The Incredible Hulk”) is co-producing a NEW television reality series just for YOU, called, “Who Wants To Be A Superhero?”!
The SCI FI Channel Cable Television Network and Nash Entertainment are collaborating with Lee, as co-producers of this totally COOL, weekly, hour long entry into the TV reality show genre, which will be broadcast on the SCI FI Channel!!!!
The show will comprise 6 weekly episodes in a nationwide Super Hero search and competition to find some VERY lucky campers, who will be challenged to create their own Super Hero, and whose winner, will then receive the grand prize of IMMORTALITY!!!! (or at least the closest thing to it, as YOU, the winner will be the STAR, of YOUR very own comic book!)
That’s because the winner will have Stan Lee himself, create a NEW, original comic book all about and immortalizing YOUR Super Hero!!!!
The winner will also get to act and be featured in a role in an upcoming, original SCI FI Channel Television Network movie!
Requirements for the reality show’s competition are you’re very own original ideas for a SUPER SPECTACULAR, Super Hero, a costume, and some AWESOME, Super Powers/Attributes that will WOW the one and only, Master Judge….Stan Lee!!!!
There will be a nationwide casting call in which potential contestants must arrive in their original costumes and showcase their Super Powers/Attributes to the judges.
Eleven finalists will then get have the opportunity to appear on the show, to prove to Stan Lee and the viewing audience which ONE contestant, and why and how, is THE Pantheon Super Hero who will win, and then grace both the comic book pages and TV movie screen!
….You can call, FSA Casting at 310-360-6630
….OR GO TO….
Remember that what makes a Super Hero, well, Super and a Hero, are possession of flawless moral fiber/character, integrity and fortitude, steadfast, stalwart VIRTUE, unwavering courage, special, selfless, altruistic character traits, and POWERS that are not only Extraordinary, but serve in some way, to battle injustice, protect the innocent, slay villainy, and save the world!
(Being able to majorly kick, bad guy butt in a rockin’ way helps too!)
Make sure your costumes and any added gadgets, accessories, totally ROCK!
EVERYBODY!!!! Start your Super “X-Men” or “Wonder Woman” jets and “Batmobile” engines, NOW!!!!
Put your imagination, creativity, intellectual, clever, and MAXIMUM brain power on FULL THROTTLE now, to think up, conjure and create the ULTIMATE SUPER HERO!!!!
You must be able to Dazzle, Amaze, Delight, Exhilarate, Rally, Evoke and Resonate with the very best of our emotions,….and Inspire….Stan Lee….and us!!!!
So go for it!!!!
For ALL information and details go to:
….OR….The OFFICIAL MYSPACE WEBSITE for “Who Wants To Be A Superhero”?....at….
Muse News And Micro Muse March 14, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 14, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 14, 2006
Open casting! Calling all mild mannered mortals!
SciFi.com/Sci Fi Wire reports that Stan Lee, mythic creator of some of the comic book kingdom’s most legendary Super Hero stories and Super Hero characters (“Spider-Man”, “X-Men”, “The Fantastic Four”, “The Incredible Hulk”) is co-producing a NEW television reality series just for YOU, called, “Who Wants To Be A Superhero?”!
The SCI FI Channel Cable Television Network and Nash Entertainment are collaborating with Lee, as co-producers of this totally COOL, weekly, hour long entry into the TV reality show genre, which will be broadcast on the SCI FI Channel!!!!
The show will comprise 6 weekly episodes in a nationwide Super Hero search and competition to find some VERY lucky campers, who will be challenged to create their own Super Hero, and whose winner, will then receive the grand prize of IMMORTALITY!!!! (or at least the closest thing to it, as YOU, the winner will be the STAR, of YOUR very own comic book!)
That’s because the winner will have Stan Lee himself, create a NEW, original comic book all about and immortalizing YOUR Super Hero!!!!
The winner will also get to act and be featured in a role in an upcoming, original SCI FI Channel Television Network movie!
Requirements for the reality show’s competition are you’re very own original ideas for a SUPER SPECTACULAR, Super Hero, a costume, and some AWESOME, Super Powers/Attributes that will WOW the one and only, Master Judge….Stan Lee!!!!
There will be a nationwide casting call in which potential contestants must arrive in their original costumes and showcase their Super Powers/Attributes to the judges.
Eleven finalists will then get have the opportunity to appear on the show, to prove to Stan Lee and the viewing audience which ONE contestant, and why and how, is THE Pantheon Super Hero who will win, and then grace both the comic book pages and TV movie screen!
….You can call, FSA Casting at 310-360-6630
….OR GO TO….
Remember that what makes a Super Hero, well, Super and a Hero, are possession of flawless moral fiber/character, integrity and fortitude, steadfast, stalwart VIRTUE, unwavering courage, special, selfless, altruistic character traits, and POWERS that are not only Extraordinary, but serve in some way, to battle injustice, protect the innocent, slay villainy, and save the world!
(Being able to majorly kick, bad guy butt in a rockin’ way helps too!)
Make sure your costumes and any added gadgets, accessories, totally ROCK!
EVERYBODY!!!! Start your Super “X-Men” or “Wonder Woman” jets and “Batmobile” engines, NOW!!!!
Put your imagination, creativity, intellectual, clever, and MAXIMUM brain power on FULL THROTTLE now, to think up, conjure and create the ULTIMATE SUPER HERO!!!!
You must be able to Dazzle, Amaze, Delight, Exhilarate, Rally, Evoke and Resonate with the very best of our emotions,….and Inspire….Stan Lee….and us!!!!
So go for it!!!!
For ALL information and details go to:
….OR….The OFFICIAL MYSPACE WEBSITE for “Who Wants To Be A Superhero”?....at….
Muse News And Micro Muse March 14, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 14, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
"Aquaman" Pilot Has A Title! Joss Whedon Discusses What's Included In His Script For "Wonder Woman"!
““Aquaman” Pilot Has A Title! Joss Whedon Discusses Finishing Up (And What’s Included) In His Script For “Wonder Woman”!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 13, 2006
Aquamantv.com, http://aquamantv.com/
the fan website launched to give YOU, all the latest and greatest about the “Smallville” spin off, the highly touted, “Aquaman” pilot, tells us that the pilot NOW, has SORT of an UNOFFICIAL TITLE!
“Mercy Reef” is the working, tentative name that the CW Television Network is heralding for the pilot set to launch the TV series, which hopes to hit the TV airwaves this Fall 2006, about twenty something, Arthur Curry, better known to you as the water loving Super Hero, and native Prince from Atlantis, “Aquaman”!
Aquamantv.com also tells us that esteemed actor, Lou Diamond Phillips, has been cast in the role of Arthur’s adoptive, land loving father, Tom Curry.
Great news too! The first day of production, which is taking place, on location in Miami/Dade, Florida also has been completed!
It shouldn’t be long before the pilot is in the can and ready to take us fans along for an AMAZING swim with our seven sea bound “Aquaman”!
“Wonder Woman” is also moving along nicely in her big screen debut!
SciFi.com’s online news page, Sci Fi Wire, reports that Joss Whedon is tweaking the finishing touches on his script for the eagerly anticipated major motion picture adaptation of “Wonder Woman”!
Whedon tells Sci Fi Wire that he most likely will turn in the completed script to Warner Brothers Motion Pictures this week.
Speaking at the Los Angeles premiere of the science fiction comedy, “Slither”, starring “Serenity”, “Firefly”, “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” actor, cult fan favorite, and one of Joss’s favorite regular cast choices for his projects, actor, Nathan Fillion,….
…..Joss said, “I’m probably going to turn it in, in a few days”.
Joss says he will remain faithful to “Wonder Woman’s” cool, Super Hero gadgets, telling Sci Fi Wire that, “There will be all of the expected stuff. Of course, there will be the bracelets; there will be the invisible jet, the lasso, all of that.”
“Buffy” fans, who came to adore the kick butt, Girl Power of the vampire slaying teen, for her intelligent, quick thinking, courage and maturity, will be pleased too, in that Joss also tells Sci Fi Wire that, “It’s (“Wonder Woman”), about girls maturing, a rite of passage, that kind of thing.”
We hear that Joss and Warner Brothers are planning on starting production on the film sometime, later this year, though they haven’t done any casting yet, including what actress will play the title/lead role.
……But we certainly INVITE, YOUR comments as to who YOU think should portray and don the red, white, and blue bustier of one of the world’s greatest Female Super Heroes/Crime Fighters!
And that’s today’s news from Super Hero Hollywood Central!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 13, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 13, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 13, 2006
Aquamantv.com, http://aquamantv.com/
the fan website launched to give YOU, all the latest and greatest about the “Smallville” spin off, the highly touted, “Aquaman” pilot, tells us that the pilot NOW, has SORT of an UNOFFICIAL TITLE!
“Mercy Reef” is the working, tentative name that the CW Television Network is heralding for the pilot set to launch the TV series, which hopes to hit the TV airwaves this Fall 2006, about twenty something, Arthur Curry, better known to you as the water loving Super Hero, and native Prince from Atlantis, “Aquaman”!
Aquamantv.com also tells us that esteemed actor, Lou Diamond Phillips, has been cast in the role of Arthur’s adoptive, land loving father, Tom Curry.
Great news too! The first day of production, which is taking place, on location in Miami/Dade, Florida also has been completed!
It shouldn’t be long before the pilot is in the can and ready to take us fans along for an AMAZING swim with our seven sea bound “Aquaman”!
“Wonder Woman” is also moving along nicely in her big screen debut!
SciFi.com’s online news page, Sci Fi Wire, reports that Joss Whedon is tweaking the finishing touches on his script for the eagerly anticipated major motion picture adaptation of “Wonder Woman”!
Whedon tells Sci Fi Wire that he most likely will turn in the completed script to Warner Brothers Motion Pictures this week.
Speaking at the Los Angeles premiere of the science fiction comedy, “Slither”, starring “Serenity”, “Firefly”, “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” actor, cult fan favorite, and one of Joss’s favorite regular cast choices for his projects, actor, Nathan Fillion,….
…..Joss said, “I’m probably going to turn it in, in a few days”.
Joss says he will remain faithful to “Wonder Woman’s” cool, Super Hero gadgets, telling Sci Fi Wire that, “There will be all of the expected stuff. Of course, there will be the bracelets; there will be the invisible jet, the lasso, all of that.”
“Buffy” fans, who came to adore the kick butt, Girl Power of the vampire slaying teen, for her intelligent, quick thinking, courage and maturity, will be pleased too, in that Joss also tells Sci Fi Wire that, “It’s (“Wonder Woman”), about girls maturing, a rite of passage, that kind of thing.”
We hear that Joss and Warner Brothers are planning on starting production on the film sometime, later this year, though they haven’t done any casting yet, including what actress will play the title/lead role.
……But we certainly INVITE, YOUR comments as to who YOU think should portray and don the red, white, and blue bustier of one of the world’s greatest Female Super Heroes/Crime Fighters!
And that’s today’s news from Super Hero Hollywood Central!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 13, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 13, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
FIRST/EARLY Production PHOTOS From "X-Men's" Hugh Jackman's Travels Through Time To Save His True Love In Science Fiction Epic Film, "The Fountain"!
“FIRST/EARLY Production PHOTOS From ”X-Men’s” Hugh Jackman’s Travels Through Time To Save His True Love In Science Fiction Epic Film, “The Fountain””!
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 12, 2006
The March 17, 2006 issue of “Entertainment Weekly Magazine” heralds one of the most highly anticipated films set for release in the Fall of 2006, as being the motion picture adaptation of Darren Aronofsky’s DC Comics’ graphic novel, the science fiction, epic, “The Fountain” starring “X-Men’s” own Wolverine/Logan!!!!….
…..(aka) The brilliant, luminous, Tony Award Winning and Emmy Award Winning actor, Hugh Jackman!!!!....
…..And co-starring actress, Rachel Weisz (who just won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in “The Constant Gardener)”!
Since the film is still in production, we give YOU the LINKS to an EARLY LOOK/SNEAK PEAK with special thanks to www.joblo.com and www.yahoo.com at some FAB PHOTOS of our celestial couple and some EARLY scenes,….as well as a storyline synopsis, and information to date, regarding cast and crew credits, BELOW!!!!
Here’s are the LINKS to TONS of in production EARLY PHOTOS….PLOT, & MORE!!!!
“The Fountain” at heart, is in fact, a love story of epic proportions, which happens to be set within a science fiction framework.
The story sounds like a heartbreaking, yet inspiring tearjerker, charting the tireless, adventure filled, and sometimes danger ridden quest of Hugh Jackman’s character, as he travels through the course of a thousand years, to find a way to save his one true love, before she dies from an incurable illness.
Oh MY!!!! WE are IN LOVE already, with this emotionally resonant and fraught storyline. And who better to play the lead character, than our equal parts strong and sensitive, man of conscience, perseverance, courage, and hope than Hugh Jackman!!
The story takes Jackman down a path where he takes on the ongoing, evolving persona of several forms of the same character, through time and space.
As Tomas Creo, a 16th century Spanish Conquistador, his journey leads him to seek and find the Tree of Life, so that his terminally ill wife may drink of its magical sap, with its eternal life giving benefits.
Flashing forward to today’s current century , Jackman is Tommy Creo, a scientist, furiously fighting to win a race against time, to save his wife, Isabel from the ravages of a malignant, life threatening, cancer.
Tom then travels through the very far reaches of time itself, to the 26th century as an astronaut, in his ultimate quest for the meaning of life, death, love, loss, redemption, and….answers.
If traveling through and braving the wages of time and historic events, and enduring the emotional, soul searching questions, pain, and lord only knows what else, to spare the life of the woman he loves, his one and only beloved, even if it means challenging the Grim Reaper and altering destiny itself, doesn’t sound like a SUPER HERO in the making for our immensely gifted, Hugh Jackman, we don’t know what is!
We are also VERY much looking forward to Hugh Jackman (who in case you haven’t guessed we positively ADORE! and to us, is our FAVORITE leading actor of the last half decade!),….
……having a major, well written, character driven opportunity to stretch his acting wings in a more, shall we say, cerebral role, as a romantic leading man in a classic love story.
Yes, the science fiction elements are inherent, but in “The Fountain”, they serve as more of a backdrop to elevate the scope and magnitude of the eternal love story that takes center stage.
(Though we want to point out that Dr Jean Grey, Rogue, and WE, find Jackman’s iconic portrayal of Logan’s/Wolverine’s heroic charms and outstandingly written, intelligent, character development irresistible in the “X-Men” films too!)
Here’s a link to the DC Comics’ graphic novel itself, with some of its SUPER COOL artwork so you can bone up a bit on the original story and artwork that spawned the upcoming film!
Fall 2006, may sound like a bit long to wait for the release of “The Fountain”, but from what we’ve seen and heard about this glorious showcase for Hugh Jackman to tug at and embrace our hearts and minds, we KNOW it will be more than worth the wait!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 12, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 12, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 12, 2006
The March 17, 2006 issue of “Entertainment Weekly Magazine” heralds one of the most highly anticipated films set for release in the Fall of 2006, as being the motion picture adaptation of Darren Aronofsky’s DC Comics’ graphic novel, the science fiction, epic, “The Fountain” starring “X-Men’s” own Wolverine/Logan!!!!….
…..(aka) The brilliant, luminous, Tony Award Winning and Emmy Award Winning actor, Hugh Jackman!!!!....
…..And co-starring actress, Rachel Weisz (who just won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in “The Constant Gardener)”!
Since the film is still in production, we give YOU the LINKS to an EARLY LOOK/SNEAK PEAK with special thanks to www.joblo.com and www.yahoo.com at some FAB PHOTOS of our celestial couple and some EARLY scenes,….as well as a storyline synopsis, and information to date, regarding cast and crew credits, BELOW!!!!
Here’s are the LINKS to TONS of in production EARLY PHOTOS….PLOT, & MORE!!!!
“The Fountain” at heart, is in fact, a love story of epic proportions, which happens to be set within a science fiction framework.
The story sounds like a heartbreaking, yet inspiring tearjerker, charting the tireless, adventure filled, and sometimes danger ridden quest of Hugh Jackman’s character, as he travels through the course of a thousand years, to find a way to save his one true love, before she dies from an incurable illness.
Oh MY!!!! WE are IN LOVE already, with this emotionally resonant and fraught storyline. And who better to play the lead character, than our equal parts strong and sensitive, man of conscience, perseverance, courage, and hope than Hugh Jackman!!
The story takes Jackman down a path where he takes on the ongoing, evolving persona of several forms of the same character, through time and space.
As Tomas Creo, a 16th century Spanish Conquistador, his journey leads him to seek and find the Tree of Life, so that his terminally ill wife may drink of its magical sap, with its eternal life giving benefits.
Flashing forward to today’s current century , Jackman is Tommy Creo, a scientist, furiously fighting to win a race against time, to save his wife, Isabel from the ravages of a malignant, life threatening, cancer.
Tom then travels through the very far reaches of time itself, to the 26th century as an astronaut, in his ultimate quest for the meaning of life, death, love, loss, redemption, and….answers.
If traveling through and braving the wages of time and historic events, and enduring the emotional, soul searching questions, pain, and lord only knows what else, to spare the life of the woman he loves, his one and only beloved, even if it means challenging the Grim Reaper and altering destiny itself, doesn’t sound like a SUPER HERO in the making for our immensely gifted, Hugh Jackman, we don’t know what is!
We are also VERY much looking forward to Hugh Jackman (who in case you haven’t guessed we positively ADORE! and to us, is our FAVORITE leading actor of the last half decade!),….
……having a major, well written, character driven opportunity to stretch his acting wings in a more, shall we say, cerebral role, as a romantic leading man in a classic love story.
Yes, the science fiction elements are inherent, but in “The Fountain”, they serve as more of a backdrop to elevate the scope and magnitude of the eternal love story that takes center stage.
(Though we want to point out that Dr Jean Grey, Rogue, and WE, find Jackman’s iconic portrayal of Logan’s/Wolverine’s heroic charms and outstandingly written, intelligent, character development irresistible in the “X-Men” films too!)
Here’s a link to the DC Comics’ graphic novel itself, with some of its SUPER COOL artwork so you can bone up a bit on the original story and artwork that spawned the upcoming film!
Fall 2006, may sound like a bit long to wait for the release of “The Fountain”, but from what we’ve seen and heard about this glorious showcase for Hugh Jackman to tug at and embrace our hearts and minds, we KNOW it will be more than worth the wait!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 12, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 12, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Aaron Stanford's Pyro Ignites "X-Men: The Last Stand's" Firestorm!
“Aaron Stanford’s Pyro Ignites “X-Men: The Last Stand’s” Firestorm!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 11, 2006
Zap2it.com reports that actor, Aaron Stanford, currently doing press to promote his role in the new horror flick, “The Hills Have Eyes”, now in theaters nationwide, (which premiered, Friday, March 10, 2006!!), is also happily chatting up his role in the VERY much anticipated and ballyhooed, 3rd film in the “X-Men” film franchise, “X-Men: The Last Stand”!
Stanford, who plays Doug, the good HUMAN guy thrust in peril, in the case of “The Hills Have Eyes”, who is pursued by mutants who bear NO resemblance to the good, Super Hero mutants, in the “X-Men” films, since “Hills’” mutants are murderous, psychotic, drooling, cannibals, created as the result of humans being exposed to nuclear testing’s radiation, finds his role as Pyro/John, a natural born mutant with special…Super Hero, type abilities in “X-Men: The Last Stand” a totally refreshing and different venture altogether.
When we were introduced to Pyro in “X2: X-Men United”, Pyro was but a mere teen, just discovering and mastering his fire controlling abilities, while being mentored and sheltered by the virtuous Professor Charles Xavier and his “X-Men” at Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters.
Pyro was even happy to be pals and hang out with Rogue and Iceman.
But, when we last saw Pyro in “X2”, his allegiances were easily swayed away from the virtuous “X-Men” by Magneto’s seductive, calculating manipulations of Pyro’s young, and easily impressionable mind.
As Stanford tells Zap2it.com, in “X2”, “He’s (Pyro), got friends with Professor X, but on the other hand, he’s really called by Magneto, who Magneto tells him (Pyro), that he’s a God among insects. That’s a pretty attractive idea and concept. In “X3”, he’s totally surrendered to that. He’s off the fence and he’s with the brotherhood, dedicated and committed. Because of that, he’s off the leash and he’s just allowed to really let his powers rip and not hold back at all. It’s gonna be good.”
Zap2it.com also tells us that in “X-Men: The Last Stand”, Pyro gets a nice new, not so extreme, make over, and has a Delicious, blonde hair style!
So not only will Pyro’s look remain more faithful to his appearance in the “X-Men” comic books, but perhaps he will have more fun! Well, that IS what blondes have, you know!
Stanford also beams with enthusiasm about working with the stellar, heavyweight, Academy, Tony, and Emmy Award winning cast ensemble of Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Sir Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, and Famke Janssen, along with “Frasier’s” incomparable Kelsey Grammer, who joins “X-Men 3” as Hank “Beast” McCoy and “Six Feet Under’s” Ben Foster who portrays the white feather winged, Angel.
The March 17, 2006 issue of “Entertainment Weekly Magazine’s” review of “The Hills Have Eyes” gives major kudos to Stanford’s acting chops, which so far have been highlighted in a host of critically lauded independent films, proclaiming Stanford, “the GIFTED Aaron Stanford from “Tadpole”" (the 2002 independent film which Stanford starred in).
So, Stanford counts his very lucky stars to receive acclaim and recognition, for his roles and work in small, independent films, but of course he is thrilled that he now has such a unique opportunity to at last make the quantum leap to work in and be noticed from, the monumental status of a worldwide, blockbuster, major motion picture franchise with “X2: X Men-United” and “X-Men: The Last Stand”, collaborating on screen with such an immensely esteemed, talented cast.
Yet Stanford still has plenty of on screen time to showcase his own acting talents and shine in his role as well, telling Zap2it.com that, “I’m thrilled that I got as much screen time as I did, and that they do actually follow through with the Pyro and Iceman story and really take it to a nice conclusion.”
Great to hear that BOTH Pyro/John and Iceman/Bobby will have their characters more fully fleshed out this time around!
….But….we DO hope that Pyro sees Magneto’s war mongering, vengeful, malicious, calculated ways and comes BACK to Professor Xavier’s virtuous, peaceful, X-Men!!
And yes, Stanford has nothing but words of praise for “X-Men: The Last Stand” Director, Brett Ratner, telling Zap2it.com that, “He (Brett Ratner) just has boundless, boundless energy and came to the set every day ready to rock, just bringing everyone in for ideas. He was on top of it every minute of the day. I think people are going to be pleasantly surprised.”
You know something, we think Stanford’s words are positively incandescent (accolade pun intended!), and that we will be MORE than pleasantly surprised. More like we will be DAZZLED!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 11, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 11, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 11, 2006
Zap2it.com reports that actor, Aaron Stanford, currently doing press to promote his role in the new horror flick, “The Hills Have Eyes”, now in theaters nationwide, (which premiered, Friday, March 10, 2006!!), is also happily chatting up his role in the VERY much anticipated and ballyhooed, 3rd film in the “X-Men” film franchise, “X-Men: The Last Stand”!
Stanford, who plays Doug, the good HUMAN guy thrust in peril, in the case of “The Hills Have Eyes”, who is pursued by mutants who bear NO resemblance to the good, Super Hero mutants, in the “X-Men” films, since “Hills’” mutants are murderous, psychotic, drooling, cannibals, created as the result of humans being exposed to nuclear testing’s radiation, finds his role as Pyro/John, a natural born mutant with special…Super Hero, type abilities in “X-Men: The Last Stand” a totally refreshing and different venture altogether.
When we were introduced to Pyro in “X2: X-Men United”, Pyro was but a mere teen, just discovering and mastering his fire controlling abilities, while being mentored and sheltered by the virtuous Professor Charles Xavier and his “X-Men” at Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters.
Pyro was even happy to be pals and hang out with Rogue and Iceman.
But, when we last saw Pyro in “X2”, his allegiances were easily swayed away from the virtuous “X-Men” by Magneto’s seductive, calculating manipulations of Pyro’s young, and easily impressionable mind.
As Stanford tells Zap2it.com, in “X2”, “He’s (Pyro), got friends with Professor X, but on the other hand, he’s really called by Magneto, who Magneto tells him (Pyro), that he’s a God among insects. That’s a pretty attractive idea and concept. In “X3”, he’s totally surrendered to that. He’s off the fence and he’s with the brotherhood, dedicated and committed. Because of that, he’s off the leash and he’s just allowed to really let his powers rip and not hold back at all. It’s gonna be good.”
Zap2it.com also tells us that in “X-Men: The Last Stand”, Pyro gets a nice new, not so extreme, make over, and has a Delicious, blonde hair style!
So not only will Pyro’s look remain more faithful to his appearance in the “X-Men” comic books, but perhaps he will have more fun! Well, that IS what blondes have, you know!
Stanford also beams with enthusiasm about working with the stellar, heavyweight, Academy, Tony, and Emmy Award winning cast ensemble of Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Sir Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, and Famke Janssen, along with “Frasier’s” incomparable Kelsey Grammer, who joins “X-Men 3” as Hank “Beast” McCoy and “Six Feet Under’s” Ben Foster who portrays the white feather winged, Angel.
The March 17, 2006 issue of “Entertainment Weekly Magazine’s” review of “The Hills Have Eyes” gives major kudos to Stanford’s acting chops, which so far have been highlighted in a host of critically lauded independent films, proclaiming Stanford, “the GIFTED Aaron Stanford from “Tadpole”" (the 2002 independent film which Stanford starred in).
So, Stanford counts his very lucky stars to receive acclaim and recognition, for his roles and work in small, independent films, but of course he is thrilled that he now has such a unique opportunity to at last make the quantum leap to work in and be noticed from, the monumental status of a worldwide, blockbuster, major motion picture franchise with “X2: X Men-United” and “X-Men: The Last Stand”, collaborating on screen with such an immensely esteemed, talented cast.
Yet Stanford still has plenty of on screen time to showcase his own acting talents and shine in his role as well, telling Zap2it.com that, “I’m thrilled that I got as much screen time as I did, and that they do actually follow through with the Pyro and Iceman story and really take it to a nice conclusion.”
Great to hear that BOTH Pyro/John and Iceman/Bobby will have their characters more fully fleshed out this time around!
….But….we DO hope that Pyro sees Magneto’s war mongering, vengeful, malicious, calculated ways and comes BACK to Professor Xavier’s virtuous, peaceful, X-Men!!
And yes, Stanford has nothing but words of praise for “X-Men: The Last Stand” Director, Brett Ratner, telling Zap2it.com that, “He (Brett Ratner) just has boundless, boundless energy and came to the set every day ready to rock, just bringing everyone in for ideas. He was on top of it every minute of the day. I think people are going to be pleasantly surprised.”
You know something, we think Stanford’s words are positively incandescent (accolade pun intended!), and that we will be MORE than pleasantly surprised. More like we will be DAZZLED!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 11, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 11, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
Uncle Ben Returns To "Spider-Man 3", Jonathan Kent Returns To "Smallville" As Spirits Abound! Romance For "Smallville's" Lionel & Martha?!
“Uncle Ben Returns To “Spider-Man 3”, Jonathan Kent Returns To “Smallville” As Spirits Abound! Romance For “Smallville’s” Lionel & Martha?!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 10, 2006
One of the things we LOVE about our comic book, Film & TV Super Heroes, is that at least in their world, good not only prevails, it can’t die.
So you can imagine how happy we are to hear that that the character of Peter Parker’s (aka Spider-Man’s), beloved, Uncle Ben, portrayed by esteemed actor, Cliff Robertson, who met an untimely death in the first “Spider-Man” film, will be making a momentous return in “Spider-Man 3”!
Palmbeachpost.com reports that while Robertson enjoyed watching last Sunday night’s broadcast of the Academy Awards (Robertson himself, has a gold statue for Best Actor, from his sterling, starring performance in the 1968 film, “Charly”), Robertson let the cat out of the bag that he will, in fact, be reprising his role as Uncle Ben for “Spider-Man 3”!!
Palmbeachpost.com says that Robertson says, “I just got a call that they were going to bring my character back to life again”.
We hear that Uncle Ben’s presence will be in the form of a spiritual apparition, most likely to again guide Peter at a time when Peter’s fortitude will again be tested, clouded with doubt or confusion, and who better than Uncle Ben to put Peter back on the clear and solid path that will help Peter in his own soul searching quest to continue to battle injustice, while finding himself, his conscience, and his love for Mary Jane!
Uncle Ben, who uttered perhaps the single most signature, legendary line/quote from the “Spider-Man” film franchise, “With great power, comes great responsibility”, with all the enormity, weight, conviction, and depth that has since elevated it to movie and Super Hero mythic status, was murdered by a carjacking thief, and died right in front of Peter’s weeping eyes (and OURS as well!) in “Spider-Man”.
The 80 year old Robertson, whose stellar acting career has encompassed some 5 decades, (we love Robertson BEST in Director, Brian De Palma’s “Obsession”!), will begin filming for “Spider-Man 3” in May.
Jonathan Kent, the beloved, adoptive father of Clark Kent (aka Superman) in the WB, (now the CW), Television Network’s hit series, “Smallville”, who also met an untimely death just a few episodes back, is ALSO returning in (virtuous, not scary) ghostly form to guide Clark.
Zap2it.com reports that actor John Glover, (aka, Villain, Lionel Luthor), tells us that even though Jonathan died from a heart attack in the show’s 100th episode, actor, John Schneider is BACK on the “Smallville” set, putting in some spiritual overtime as Jonathan, once more, with Glover stating, “He’s (John Schneider) here today actually. There’s a nice twist to who he is in this episode. He’s made a couple appearances. There was some Krypton-ese thing where he comes back. This is his second appearance after that.”
GREAT to hear that at least in Super Hero Land, good guys (and their loved ones), live on forever!!!!
Glover also tells Zap2it.com that with Jonathan now at least out of the way in mortal/earthly form, Glover’s Lionel Luthor, who has made no bones about his romantic feelings for strong willed woman of dignified moral fiber, Martha Kent, (Clark’s/Superman’s adoptive mother), in “Smallville’s” past seasons, will pursue the grieving widow, who has now taken over Jonathan’s Kansas State Senatorial seat, which Jonathan won on the very night that he died.
Glover tells Zap2it.com that, “Lionel’s been in love with Martha for a long time. This has been coming for awhile. They teased with us last year, then it never came to fruition. Annette (O’Toole, who plays Martha Kent), and I are tickled pink, because we love to play with each other.”
This should make for some interesting strange bedfellows as we know Martha is a woman of wisdom and virtue, and Lionel is, well, let’s just say he could teach Satan a thing or two about unscrupulous, VERY nasty doings.
But, hey, they do say opposites attract!
Plus, Martha, who in past seasons worked with Lionel and felt her inner savvy, businesswoman busting out, but constrained (and sometimes unappreciated) by her down on the farm, domestic homemaker, life with Jonathan, will now have a chance to take charge! Nothing like a little POWER and POLITICS, indeed, the strangest of bedfellows, to challenge the good side of Martha and tempt her to Lionel’s wicked wiles and ways.
Oh, good lord! You KNOW, how this will all wrap up though! No way will our Martha be corrupted by the serpent’s whispers of Capitol Hill or Lionel.
Clark’s/”Superman’s” Mother is a pillar of virtue. Or….is she? Hmmm.
Stay tuned. Same blog, same channel, same breaking news from Super Hero Hollywood Central!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 10, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 10, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 10, 2006
One of the things we LOVE about our comic book, Film & TV Super Heroes, is that at least in their world, good not only prevails, it can’t die.
So you can imagine how happy we are to hear that that the character of Peter Parker’s (aka Spider-Man’s), beloved, Uncle Ben, portrayed by esteemed actor, Cliff Robertson, who met an untimely death in the first “Spider-Man” film, will be making a momentous return in “Spider-Man 3”!
Palmbeachpost.com reports that while Robertson enjoyed watching last Sunday night’s broadcast of the Academy Awards (Robertson himself, has a gold statue for Best Actor, from his sterling, starring performance in the 1968 film, “Charly”), Robertson let the cat out of the bag that he will, in fact, be reprising his role as Uncle Ben for “Spider-Man 3”!!
Palmbeachpost.com says that Robertson says, “I just got a call that they were going to bring my character back to life again”.
We hear that Uncle Ben’s presence will be in the form of a spiritual apparition, most likely to again guide Peter at a time when Peter’s fortitude will again be tested, clouded with doubt or confusion, and who better than Uncle Ben to put Peter back on the clear and solid path that will help Peter in his own soul searching quest to continue to battle injustice, while finding himself, his conscience, and his love for Mary Jane!
Uncle Ben, who uttered perhaps the single most signature, legendary line/quote from the “Spider-Man” film franchise, “With great power, comes great responsibility”, with all the enormity, weight, conviction, and depth that has since elevated it to movie and Super Hero mythic status, was murdered by a carjacking thief, and died right in front of Peter’s weeping eyes (and OURS as well!) in “Spider-Man”.
The 80 year old Robertson, whose stellar acting career has encompassed some 5 decades, (we love Robertson BEST in Director, Brian De Palma’s “Obsession”!), will begin filming for “Spider-Man 3” in May.
Jonathan Kent, the beloved, adoptive father of Clark Kent (aka Superman) in the WB, (now the CW), Television Network’s hit series, “Smallville”, who also met an untimely death just a few episodes back, is ALSO returning in (virtuous, not scary) ghostly form to guide Clark.
Zap2it.com reports that actor John Glover, (aka, Villain, Lionel Luthor), tells us that even though Jonathan died from a heart attack in the show’s 100th episode, actor, John Schneider is BACK on the “Smallville” set, putting in some spiritual overtime as Jonathan, once more, with Glover stating, “He’s (John Schneider) here today actually. There’s a nice twist to who he is in this episode. He’s made a couple appearances. There was some Krypton-ese thing where he comes back. This is his second appearance after that.”
GREAT to hear that at least in Super Hero Land, good guys (and their loved ones), live on forever!!!!
Glover also tells Zap2it.com that with Jonathan now at least out of the way in mortal/earthly form, Glover’s Lionel Luthor, who has made no bones about his romantic feelings for strong willed woman of dignified moral fiber, Martha Kent, (Clark’s/Superman’s adoptive mother), in “Smallville’s” past seasons, will pursue the grieving widow, who has now taken over Jonathan’s Kansas State Senatorial seat, which Jonathan won on the very night that he died.
Glover tells Zap2it.com that, “Lionel’s been in love with Martha for a long time. This has been coming for awhile. They teased with us last year, then it never came to fruition. Annette (O’Toole, who plays Martha Kent), and I are tickled pink, because we love to play with each other.”
This should make for some interesting strange bedfellows as we know Martha is a woman of wisdom and virtue, and Lionel is, well, let’s just say he could teach Satan a thing or two about unscrupulous, VERY nasty doings.
But, hey, they do say opposites attract!
Plus, Martha, who in past seasons worked with Lionel and felt her inner savvy, businesswoman busting out, but constrained (and sometimes unappreciated) by her down on the farm, domestic homemaker, life with Jonathan, will now have a chance to take charge! Nothing like a little POWER and POLITICS, indeed, the strangest of bedfellows, to challenge the good side of Martha and tempt her to Lionel’s wicked wiles and ways.
Oh, good lord! You KNOW, how this will all wrap up though! No way will our Martha be corrupted by the serpent’s whispers of Capitol Hill or Lionel.
Clark’s/”Superman’s” Mother is a pillar of virtue. Or….is she? Hmmm.
Stay tuned. Same blog, same channel, same breaking news from Super Hero Hollywood Central!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 10, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 10, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
"The O.C." Returns Tonight With A NEW Love Triangle!"
"“The O.C.” Returns Tonight With A NEW Love Triangle!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 9, 2006
Apparently, “The O.C.” Creator/Writer, Josh Schwartz paid us no heed in our Friday, February 10, 2006 article, when we specifically instructed dear old Josh to “STOP IT! Stop it now!”, when he started up and left us hanging in the last episode prior to the series going on a month long hiatus/break during February, with another one of his water logged story arcs driving a wedge between, (or rather, throwing a wet blanket over) our FAVORITE, sparkling love birds Ryan and Marissa, which Schwartz seems to have a nasty habit of doing whenever he runs out of new and intelligent story ideas.
So when “The O.C.” returns from its break, on tonight’s Thursday, March 9, 2006 episode, “The Heavy Lifting”, Marissa will still be pining away for the deceased, Johnny, just CERTAIN, that it was Johnny that was her soul mate/true love and not Ryan.
(Marissa, you remember Ryan, the solid, stalwart, pillar, sexalicious hunk who has loyally and faithfully stuck by your side through your numerous confused, romantic dalliances, and dysfunctional foul ups with alcohol, drugs, attempt at suicide, kleptomania, expulsion from Harbor High School (which Ryan went on a personal one man mission to get you re-admitted BACK in, so that your entire life wouldn’t be a 10 car pile up!).
Ah yeah.
Ryan, understandably ticked off that his woman, once more, refuses to stand by her man (Ryan), and make up her darn mind about who she REALLY loves, (uh, that would be Ryan!), will be tempted by the flirtations of Johnny’s newly arrived cousin, Sadie, played by newcomer, actress, Nikki Reed.
We love romantic tension on “The O.C.”, our FAVORITE TV show, but not the kind Schwartz always does when he screws up the ONE romance on the show (ok…2 if you count the dazzling, steadfast Sandy and Kirsten), that should be OFF LIMITS!!!!
As we said before, “The O.C.” can have as many romances, trysts, hook ups, affairs, as it wants with all of the OTHER characters on the show, but Ryan and Marissa have some kind of special, magic, GOOD mojo formula that makes the show sparkle!
Mess with that, and you mess with the secret formula that makes the show so delicious, and well, you just plain create a MESS!
We also are sick and tired of the way Schwartz makes Marissa out to be a perennially, wishy, washy, ditzy, indecisive flake (when she is NOT! We LOVE Marissa!), who constantly thinks that the grass is greener and goes back and forth, questioning her love for Ryan by consistently dabbling in bad boy toys, nut jobs, losers from Johnny to DJ to Alex to the dreaded OLIVER!!!!
Oh the horror!
Anyway, watch tonight with terror as “The O.C.” becomes the House of Horrors when the script and story take us yet again down a dark and forbidden path called, crap!
Josh, will you PLEASE leave Ryan and Marissa alone and let these two canoodle and snog forever as a couple, as their love is written in the stars above Newport Beach!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 9, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 9, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 9, 2006
Apparently, “The O.C.” Creator/Writer, Josh Schwartz paid us no heed in our Friday, February 10, 2006 article, when we specifically instructed dear old Josh to “STOP IT! Stop it now!”, when he started up and left us hanging in the last episode prior to the series going on a month long hiatus/break during February, with another one of his water logged story arcs driving a wedge between, (or rather, throwing a wet blanket over) our FAVORITE, sparkling love birds Ryan and Marissa, which Schwartz seems to have a nasty habit of doing whenever he runs out of new and intelligent story ideas.
So when “The O.C.” returns from its break, on tonight’s Thursday, March 9, 2006 episode, “The Heavy Lifting”, Marissa will still be pining away for the deceased, Johnny, just CERTAIN, that it was Johnny that was her soul mate/true love and not Ryan.
(Marissa, you remember Ryan, the solid, stalwart, pillar, sexalicious hunk who has loyally and faithfully stuck by your side through your numerous confused, romantic dalliances, and dysfunctional foul ups with alcohol, drugs, attempt at suicide, kleptomania, expulsion from Harbor High School (which Ryan went on a personal one man mission to get you re-admitted BACK in, so that your entire life wouldn’t be a 10 car pile up!).
Ah yeah.
Ryan, understandably ticked off that his woman, once more, refuses to stand by her man (Ryan), and make up her darn mind about who she REALLY loves, (uh, that would be Ryan!), will be tempted by the flirtations of Johnny’s newly arrived cousin, Sadie, played by newcomer, actress, Nikki Reed.
We love romantic tension on “The O.C.”, our FAVORITE TV show, but not the kind Schwartz always does when he screws up the ONE romance on the show (ok…2 if you count the dazzling, steadfast Sandy and Kirsten), that should be OFF LIMITS!!!!
As we said before, “The O.C.” can have as many romances, trysts, hook ups, affairs, as it wants with all of the OTHER characters on the show, but Ryan and Marissa have some kind of special, magic, GOOD mojo formula that makes the show sparkle!
Mess with that, and you mess with the secret formula that makes the show so delicious, and well, you just plain create a MESS!
We also are sick and tired of the way Schwartz makes Marissa out to be a perennially, wishy, washy, ditzy, indecisive flake (when she is NOT! We LOVE Marissa!), who constantly thinks that the grass is greener and goes back and forth, questioning her love for Ryan by consistently dabbling in bad boy toys, nut jobs, losers from Johnny to DJ to Alex to the dreaded OLIVER!!!!
Oh the horror!
Anyway, watch tonight with terror as “The O.C.” becomes the House of Horrors when the script and story take us yet again down a dark and forbidden path called, crap!
Josh, will you PLEASE leave Ryan and Marissa alone and let these two canoodle and snog forever as a couple, as their love is written in the stars above Newport Beach!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 9, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 9, 2006
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
"X-Men: The Last Stand's" Triumphant NEW Movie Trailer, Plus Review!
“”X-Men: The Last Stand’s” Triumphant NEW Movie Trailer, Plus Review!”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 8, 2006
In case you haven’t seen it, here is the link on www.youtube.com to WATCH the NEW, Full Length, promotional movie trailer for “X-Men: The Last Stand” with MANY, SPECIAL thanks to www.youtube.com and poster, Solideye, who posted it, just for YOU!
© Copyright 2006 Twentieth Century Fox: All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2006 Marvel Comics/Enterprises: All Rights Reserved
This NEW, movie trailer is nothing short of brilliant and spectacular!!!!
We can NOT wait until May 26, 2006!
From the looks of this movie trailer, we think that perhaps, Director Brett Ratner, and his screenwriters, will put all the naysayers (including us, we admit it!), to rest, as this 3rd chapter in the “X-Men” films, seems to be not only a sterling entry into the “X-Men” film franchise, but the glorious, pinnacle triumph we all have hoped for in being the finale, closing act of our beloved “X-Men” films, (spin off films not withstanding).
We think the entire ensemble cast has and WILL rise to the occasion and leave us all cheering, with their superb acting performances, as they certainly have left us after we viewed this incredible movie trailer!!!!
What can we say! The ALWAYS supreme ensemble cast including, Sir Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, Patrick Stewart, Rebecca Romijn, Ben Foster, Kelsey Grammer, Anna Paquin, James Marsden, and….
…..in particular, the transcendent, celestial Hugh Jackman!!!!….
….all who literally leave us awestruck, with tears in our eyes, and our heart, emotionally torn and shattered, yet also soaring, inspired, and breathless with the emotionally resonant sheer power, depth, and utter conviction of their performances!!!!
(The same kudos as well, for the amazing script and dialogue!!!!)
…..And this is only in the movie trailer!
If the cast and crew can deliver the same sublime magnificence that we see in this trailer, for the 2 hours or more, duration of the completed film, we might wind up with an “X-Men” film that will go out with more than just a bang, but with a permanent place in the most esteemed pantheon of Super Hero cinema and Classic cinema as well, that we can all be proud of, leaving a legacy and legend that will stand the test of time for our beloved “X-Men”.
In the full length movie trailer….
….Magneto himself says, “When the air is still, and the night has fallen, there’s only one question you must answer….WHO will you stand with?”
We know who….the “X-Men”!!!!
And as Storm, so earnestly and proudly says about the so called manufactured, feared “cure” for the mutant X gene developed by mankind to inflict on our virtuous mutants….
…..“There’s nothing to cure. Nothing’s wrong with ANY of us for that matter.”
We AGREE with you Storm!!!! We love and adore all of you, as you ARE, and for WHO you are, imbued with each of your own special, unique, and wonderful, natural born, mutant Super Power attributes, as well as the very best in virtue, courage, camaraderie, compassion, faith, and hope.
….to which Storm says to Jean, like the beacon of light and reason that Storm IS, in the darkest days of a brewing war between Magneto’s Brotherhood of Mutants and human kind, that the “X-Men” must intervene in and stop, before the world sees blood shed like never before, culminating in the end of mutants and humans, good and innocent, as well as evil….
…..in the “X-Men’s” last stand for justice, in the battle of good versus evil…
…...Storm defiantly, stalwartly, and resoundingly proclaims…
….“It’s time to make a choice. If you’re with us, then BE with us.”
WE are with YOU, Storm, and….the “X-Men”!!!! Forever!!!!
Fabulous! A triumph! Bravisama!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 8, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 8, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 8, 2006
In case you haven’t seen it, here is the link on www.youtube.com to WATCH the NEW, Full Length, promotional movie trailer for “X-Men: The Last Stand” with MANY, SPECIAL thanks to www.youtube.com and poster, Solideye, who posted it, just for YOU!
© Copyright 2006 Twentieth Century Fox: All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2006 Marvel Comics/Enterprises: All Rights Reserved
This NEW, movie trailer is nothing short of brilliant and spectacular!!!!
We can NOT wait until May 26, 2006!
From the looks of this movie trailer, we think that perhaps, Director Brett Ratner, and his screenwriters, will put all the naysayers (including us, we admit it!), to rest, as this 3rd chapter in the “X-Men” films, seems to be not only a sterling entry into the “X-Men” film franchise, but the glorious, pinnacle triumph we all have hoped for in being the finale, closing act of our beloved “X-Men” films, (spin off films not withstanding).
We think the entire ensemble cast has and WILL rise to the occasion and leave us all cheering, with their superb acting performances, as they certainly have left us after we viewed this incredible movie trailer!!!!
What can we say! The ALWAYS supreme ensemble cast including, Sir Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, Patrick Stewart, Rebecca Romijn, Ben Foster, Kelsey Grammer, Anna Paquin, James Marsden, and….
…..in particular, the transcendent, celestial Hugh Jackman!!!!….
….all who literally leave us awestruck, with tears in our eyes, and our heart, emotionally torn and shattered, yet also soaring, inspired, and breathless with the emotionally resonant sheer power, depth, and utter conviction of their performances!!!!
(The same kudos as well, for the amazing script and dialogue!!!!)
…..And this is only in the movie trailer!
If the cast and crew can deliver the same sublime magnificence that we see in this trailer, for the 2 hours or more, duration of the completed film, we might wind up with an “X-Men” film that will go out with more than just a bang, but with a permanent place in the most esteemed pantheon of Super Hero cinema and Classic cinema as well, that we can all be proud of, leaving a legacy and legend that will stand the test of time for our beloved “X-Men”.
In the full length movie trailer….
….Magneto himself says, “When the air is still, and the night has fallen, there’s only one question you must answer….WHO will you stand with?”
We know who….the “X-Men”!!!!
And as Storm, so earnestly and proudly says about the so called manufactured, feared “cure” for the mutant X gene developed by mankind to inflict on our virtuous mutants….
…..“There’s nothing to cure. Nothing’s wrong with ANY of us for that matter.”
We AGREE with you Storm!!!! We love and adore all of you, as you ARE, and for WHO you are, imbued with each of your own special, unique, and wonderful, natural born, mutant Super Power attributes, as well as the very best in virtue, courage, camaraderie, compassion, faith, and hope.
….to which Storm says to Jean, like the beacon of light and reason that Storm IS, in the darkest days of a brewing war between Magneto’s Brotherhood of Mutants and human kind, that the “X-Men” must intervene in and stop, before the world sees blood shed like never before, culminating in the end of mutants and humans, good and innocent, as well as evil….
…..in the “X-Men’s” last stand for justice, in the battle of good versus evil…
…...Storm defiantly, stalwartly, and resoundingly proclaims…
….“It’s time to make a choice. If you’re with us, then BE with us.”
WE are with YOU, Storm, and….the “X-Men”!!!! Forever!!!!
Fabulous! A triumph! Bravisama!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse March 8, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 8, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Real Life Super Hero, "Superman's" Christopher Reeve's Widow Passes Away
“Real Life Super Hero, “Superman’s” Christopher Reeve’s Widow Passes Away”
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 7, 2006
We make it a point to keep you regularly posted with upbeat, fun and FAB news stories, and of course anyone who reads our articles, knows that we are an unflinching, devoted fan of Super Heroes. Sure the ones we tell you about, right here, are from film, TV, and comic books, but today we want to observe a moment of silence and pay our deepest respects to a TRUE, real life, Super Hero.
We are most earnestly saddened to report to you that, Dana Reeve, the widow of “Superman” actor, Christopher Reeve, and to us, a Superwoman without equal, herself passed away, at the age of 44, late in the day, yesterday, Monday, March 6, 2006 of lung cancer.
Zap2it.com reports that Dana Reeve was diagnosed with cancer only less than a year ago, and died close to a mere year and a half after the death of her husband, Christopher Reeve, who died on October 10, 2004, as the result of complications brought on by a fall from his horse, during a steeplechase competition in June 1995, which left Christopher a totally paralyzed quadriplegic.
Dana Reeve was greatly admired as an immensely devoted, loving, courageous, and compassionate woman, wife, and mother, who stalwartly stayed by her husband’s side, during the entire nine years after his debilitating accident, until his death.
Dana tirelessly campaigned with Christopher for spinal chord and stem cell research, and the two were thought of with immense regard by both the Hollywood film and entertainment industry, and fans around the world, alike.
Dana was also the Chairwoman of the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation and was pivotal in raising some $60 million in research funds and grants.
Zap2it.com reports that today, Tuesday March 7, 2006, the President of the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation issued this statement. “On behalf of the entire Board Of Directors and staff of the Christopher Reeve Foundation, we are extremely saddened by the death of Dana Reeve, whose grace and courage under the most difficult of circumstances, was a source of inspiration and comfort to all of us.”
We want to say, that while we may look to the fantasy of film, TV, comic books and such for our Female Super Heroes, we think that the “X-Men’s” Dr. Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, as well as Elektra, Super Girl, Wonder Woman, UltraViolet, the 3 sisters from “Charmed”, “Dark Angel’s” Alex, and all the rest, themselves, would be humbled by the immense courage, faith, and hope that Dana Reeve continuously had and found within herself despite the most daunting of real life battles and circumstances, far worse, that any fictional villain or foe, and that she was a heroic role model who inspired those same virtues in all of us, as well.
And so today we all honor the passing of a once in a lifetime, true Super Hero, Dana Reeve.
We offer our condolences and sympathies to Dana Reeve’s family, including her son, Will, her 2 stepchildren, her father, and her 2 sisters.
Dana, we hope that you are flying high above the clouds, soaring in the sky with Christopher, happy and at peace, and we want you to know that both of you will always be in our hearts, our beloved Superman and Superwoman.
With regards.
Muse News And Micro Muse March 7, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 7, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 7, 2006
We make it a point to keep you regularly posted with upbeat, fun and FAB news stories, and of course anyone who reads our articles, knows that we are an unflinching, devoted fan of Super Heroes. Sure the ones we tell you about, right here, are from film, TV, and comic books, but today we want to observe a moment of silence and pay our deepest respects to a TRUE, real life, Super Hero.
We are most earnestly saddened to report to you that, Dana Reeve, the widow of “Superman” actor, Christopher Reeve, and to us, a Superwoman without equal, herself passed away, at the age of 44, late in the day, yesterday, Monday, March 6, 2006 of lung cancer.
Zap2it.com reports that Dana Reeve was diagnosed with cancer only less than a year ago, and died close to a mere year and a half after the death of her husband, Christopher Reeve, who died on October 10, 2004, as the result of complications brought on by a fall from his horse, during a steeplechase competition in June 1995, which left Christopher a totally paralyzed quadriplegic.
Dana Reeve was greatly admired as an immensely devoted, loving, courageous, and compassionate woman, wife, and mother, who stalwartly stayed by her husband’s side, during the entire nine years after his debilitating accident, until his death.
Dana tirelessly campaigned with Christopher for spinal chord and stem cell research, and the two were thought of with immense regard by both the Hollywood film and entertainment industry, and fans around the world, alike.
Dana was also the Chairwoman of the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation and was pivotal in raising some $60 million in research funds and grants.
Zap2it.com reports that today, Tuesday March 7, 2006, the President of the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation issued this statement. “On behalf of the entire Board Of Directors and staff of the Christopher Reeve Foundation, we are extremely saddened by the death of Dana Reeve, whose grace and courage under the most difficult of circumstances, was a source of inspiration and comfort to all of us.”
We want to say, that while we may look to the fantasy of film, TV, comic books and such for our Female Super Heroes, we think that the “X-Men’s” Dr. Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, as well as Elektra, Super Girl, Wonder Woman, UltraViolet, the 3 sisters from “Charmed”, “Dark Angel’s” Alex, and all the rest, themselves, would be humbled by the immense courage, faith, and hope that Dana Reeve continuously had and found within herself despite the most daunting of real life battles and circumstances, far worse, that any fictional villain or foe, and that she was a heroic role model who inspired those same virtues in all of us, as well.
And so today we all honor the passing of a once in a lifetime, true Super Hero, Dana Reeve.
We offer our condolences and sympathies to Dana Reeve’s family, including her son, Will, her 2 stepchildren, her father, and her 2 sisters.
Dana, we hope that you are flying high above the clouds, soaring in the sky with Christopher, happy and at peace, and we want you to know that both of you will always be in our hearts, our beloved Superman and Superwoman.
With regards.
Muse News And Micro Muse March 7, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright March 7, 2006
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