Monday, December 19, 2005

"Star Wars' Sith", "Narnia", "Harry Potter" Top Contenders For Special Effects Oscar!

‘’’’Star Wars’ Sith’’, ‘’Narnia’’, ‘’Harry Potter’’ Top Contenders For Special Effects Oscar!’’

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright December 19, 2005

This year’s Academy Award race for Best Visual (Special) Effects is tighter, juicier, and better than ever with a wealth of super galactic contenders all vying for the coveted Oscar. This category, while usually featuring only a slimmer two or so films each year that even qualify for being nominated for such an honor, is this year, overrun with so many, it will be hard for the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences to even choose the films to make the last cut for nominations, much less the final, victorious winner. reports that the seven films who are indeed nominated in the first running for Best Visual Effects as of Friday, December 16, 2005, are:

‘’Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of the Sith’’, ‘’The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe’’, ‘’Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire’’, ‘King Kong’’, ‘’Charlie And The Chocolate Factory’’, ‘’Batman Begins’’, and ‘’War Of The Worlds’’.

As it is, the Academy had quite a tough decision just selecting these seven, as several special effect filled film favorites of this year, unfortunately had to be left out. Those not in the first seven that fans and critics will weep over, (us included!) include our personal favorite, the positively dazzling ‘’Sin City’’, the equally explosive and dynamic ‘’Fantastic Four’’, as well as ‘’Aeon Flux’’, ‘’Zathura’’, and ‘’Stealth’’.

On January 25, 2006, the Academy’s Visual Effects Award Nominating Committee will have the even considerably more daunting task of cutting even the, thus far, seven nominated films, down to the final three nominees. Oh, to be a fly in THAT room!

When The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences reveals the entire list of film categories and nominees for 2005 at 6:00 am PST, 9:00 am EST on Tuesday, January 31, 2006, we will know who the Academy deems the three nominated films for Best Visual Effects for 2005.

And of course, THE winner will be chosen, at the Academy Awards ceremony, to be held on March 5, 2006 and televised live, on the ABC Television Network.

While we love the first seven nominees, decisions, decisions, as we ponder and tap our forehead. We still, hands down, choose as the film we would love to see as this year’s winner of Best Special Effects, the epic, 8th wonder of the world (NO not ‘’King Kong’’, even if we are coining a line in the original version of the film. Sorry, Peter Jackson, we love you. But it’s just, so not ‘’Lord Of The Rings’’ and the recycled ‘’Kong’’ can’t even touch the original, though kudos for the thought!).

Why what else, George Lucas’s ‘’Star Wars Episode Three: Revenge Of The Sith’’ which couldn’t have been more eye popping, mind boggling, stunning, amazing, incredible, spectacular, a feast for the eyes…oh you get the picture!

We invite YOUR comments here as to what motion picture from the first seven nominated films YOU think should win the Best Visual Effects Oscar!


Muse News And Micro Muse December 19, 2005

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright December 19, 2005

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