‘’’’The O.C.’’ Wishes Everyone A Happy, Merry Chrismukkah!’’
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright December 17, 2005
Ah yes. Christmas and Hanukkah! It’s that wonderful time of year. And what better way to celebrate this duel holiday season that is upon us than with the Cohen, Cooper-Nichol, and Roberts families on the Fox Television Network’s own ‘’The O.C.’’ (our FAVORITE show!) and with our favorite holiday celebrating and combining the wondrous joys of both Christmas and Hanukkah….the mighty Chrismukkah!
For those needing a refresher course as to what in daylights Chrismukkah is, in ‘’The O.C.’s’’ first season, Seth Cohen, the sarcastic quipping, comic book and science fiction enthusiast son of Jewish, Sandy Cohen (the world’s coolest Dad; he surfs, he’s an Attorney for the poor and downtrodden in the Public Defender’s office taking on cases pro bono, he eats bagels with a ‘’schmear’’ of cream cheese), and Gentile/Christian, Kirsten Cohen (the world’s coolest Mom; she’s blonde and hot, she along with Sandy takes in misfit/homeless/impoverished teen Ryan Atwood into her home and loves him like her own son Seth, she runs and chairs The Newport Group, Newport Beach, California’s mega million real estate developer, she shares Sandy’s ‘’schmear’’ on a bagel), well, Seth has spent his youth reveling in the joys of both Christmas and Hanukkah.
Seth concocts his very own hodge podge combination of both holidays into one, which he aptly names, Chrismukkah, coining an abbreviated, mish mash of the two names of both winter seasonal holidays into one supersize holiday! Festive and joyous, Christmas decorations and trees, and Hanukkah decorations and dreidels, as well as the very best of merry making, yuletide joy, and happy traditions of both holidays, are abundant.
In Season 2 of ‘’The O.C.’’, for Chrismukkah, Seth’s girlfriend, Summer Roberts, created yarmuclauses for her man, Seth, and for Summer’s and Seth’s pals, Ryan, and his canoodling gal, Summer’s best friend Marissa Cooper-Nichol. Summer’s yarmuclaus, is a traditional yalmulka in keeping with those observing the Jewish faith, but is red in color and trimmed with white, snowy fluff, ala Santa Claus’s traditional hat.
Which brings us now to Season 3 and the Thursday, December 15, annual Chrismukkah episode!
This year, Ryan, who has been adopted into the Cohen family, gets an honorary Bar Mitzvah, giving us the ‘’Chrismukkah, Bar Mitz-vahkkah’’! For this most momentous occasion, also drummed up by who else, Seth, and for which the Cohen family throw a gala that all of Newport attends for their second son, Ryan, ‘’gelt’’ or money is the gift of choice, usually to be set aside for the Bar Mitzvah boy’s college fund.
The event is actually a selfless plan that Seth, Ryan, Summer, and Marissa (along with Sandy’s and Kirsten’s knowledge and blessing), devise to raise the money for the much needed knee surgery for their injured friend, Johnny. But why not enjoy the party anyhow as the fabulous foursome, their families, and friends get down at show’s end to the tune of ‘’That’s What Friends Are For’’.
Nobody knows how to throw a holiday party and celebrate Chrismukkah like the folks at ‘’The O.C.’’!
Indeed, we would like to take the opportunity to also wish to all of our readers, your friends and families, to you and yours….
Have a very Merry, Happy, Healthy, Joyous, CHRISMUKKAH!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse December 17, 2005
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright December 17, 2005
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