Friday, November 25, 2005

Bob Geldof Receives Nobel Man Of Peace Award In Ceremony, Thursday!

‘’Bob Geldof Receives Nobel Man Of Peace Award In Ceremony, Thursday!’’

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright November 25, 2005

Sir Bob Geldof was honored with the 2005 Nobel Man Of Peace Award at a ceremony held Thursday, November 24, 2005 in Rome on Capitoline Hill.

Former leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev presented the award to Sir Bob, who dressed in style for the momentous occasion, in a pin striped, tailored suit.

The previous winning recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize through the years, who were in attendance not only for the ceremony, but for the opening of the 2005 World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, voted for Sir Bob to receive this most auspicious, esteemed award of the Nobel Man Of Peace, in recognition of ‘’his unflagging work and powerful voice on behalf of the poor of Africa in the last 20 years and in particular, the last 12 months. He has harnessed world opinion to make political leaders act immediately, improving the lives of millions.’’

Geldof, the co-founder and co-organizer of 1984’s Band Aid, 1985’s Live Aid, 2005’s Live 8, and the Band Aid Trust, all which have raised funds and awareness to stem and eradicate starvation and poverty in 3rd world nations, most notably in the African continent, while humbled and honored with the award, still utilized the event as a significant, high profile platform, with the eyes and ears of the world upon him, to speak out further in addressing global poverty.

Sir Bob adamantly stated that ‘’Africa must be allowed to trade itself out of poverty.’’ And went on to say that the circumstances in Africa are ‘’not only intellectually absurd, but morally repulsive.’’

Geldof then reamed the European Union (EU), demanding that they take a concrete stand at next month’s World Trade Organization discussions which will be held in Hong Kong. ‘’The EU must break the deadlock in the negotiation’s in Hong Kong and as of today it has failed to do so. We live in a broken world which has never been healthier and wealthier, but some 500 kilometers south of here they die of want.’’

Geldof further ripped into Italy for being ‘’the least generous of the developed world with regard to aid and that is a shame. We ask the political class, left or right, to change that.’’

Italy contributes the lowest amount of funds for 3rd world poverty in terms of the annual G8 Summit. The G8 Summit comprises annual meetings of the leaders of the 8 leading industrialized, western nations, holding talks addressing providing aid and formulating concrete solutions for the world’s ills including poverty, hunger, AIDS, fair trade, and global warming. Italy’s aid has actually been dropping annually despite the other seven, G8 nations’ aid increasing their assistance over the years.

Sir Bob, along with fellow musician, artist/social activist, Midge Ure, organized the all star line-up music group, Band Aid, in November, 1984, with its charity single record, ‘’Do They Know It’s Christmas?’’ and the mammoth 2 continent wide, music benefit concert, Live Aid in July, 1985, both which raised millions of dollars for African famine relief, and which spurned Sir Bob on, to form the Band Aid Trust. The Band Aid Trust has remained a vital, ongoing, active force in continually raising global public awareness, and much needed funds to aid the poor and starving in Africa for 20 years.

This July 2, 2005, Sir Bob made lightening strike twice when he and Midge Ure organized the global wide music benefit concert, Live 8, which not only had the same basic goals as Live Aid, but instead of asking the public to pledge funds to aid African poverty, as had been done with Live Aid, Live 8 was staged to raise enough public and political awareness and leverage to bring the issue to the table of the July 2005, G8 Summit, held in Gleneagles, Scotland.

It was at the G8 Summit, that Geldof hoped that the leaders of the world’s 8 leading western nations would heed Live 8’s initiative and call to arms, which was the monumental voice raised loud and proud by millions of socially conscious aware people around the world, to increase aid to Africa, forgive debt to Africa and many 3rd world nations, and enact fair trade.

Live 8 successfully convinced the 2005 G8 Summit leaders to double aid to Africa to $50 billion by the year 2010, and to grant $40 billion of debt relief (canceling/forgiving debts) for 18 nations worldwide.

Sir Bob, while he stood beside previous Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Lech Walesa and Mikhail Gorbachev, told Reuters News Service that he would prefer receiving an award honoring his work in music over his work in politics.

For the stalwart music artist/social activist, he stated that ‘’It’s a beautiful statue, but, you know, I can get it, I can go to the shop and buy a statue. They’re only useful if you can use them. The ones I love getting are music awards, because then I feel very proud of something I’ve done. But these are political and should be used politically.’’

Well, Sir Bob, true to form and his very words, did just that and used the award politically, as he seized the opportunity at hand, and best utilized his award reception to once again, step up to the plate, to use his voice to raise political awareness with the world’s media, politicians, and audience, listening….and hopefully they will continue doing their part, taking a stand, and shaping changes for a better world, without hunger, without want.

With the 21st anniversary of the song that started it all now upon us, on the heels of the USA’s Thanksgiving holiday, remembering what we are most thankful for, and with the approach of Christmas 2005, around the world, wouldn’t it be wonderful for each and every one of us, all part of the global humanity of mankind here on earth, to honor, and to act upon, every day, and every year, the words of Sir Bob Geldof’s and Midge Ure’s song, Band Aid’s ‘’Do They Know It’s Christmas?’’

...’’And in our world of plenty, we could spread a smile of joy. Throw your arms around the world at Christmas time.’’

And many heartfelt congratulations to you, Sir Bob!


Muse News And Micro Muse November 25, 2005

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright November 25, 2005

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