‘’Aquaman Gets His Own Show On WB TV Network!’’
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright November 15, 2005
Aquaman, whose recent appearance on an episode of the WB Television Network’s series, ‘’Smallville’’ clocked the highest ratings of any episode this season, is getting his own TV pilot.
The Aquaman pilot will be a collaboration from ‘’Smallville’’ creators Miles Millar and Al Gough, who will write the program. We saw the Aquaman ‘’Smallville’’ episode and admit, it is a keeper and that Mr. Deep Sea Super Hero deserves a chance at his own TV series. We’ll be watching!
Like ‘’Smallville’, the Aquaman feature will also be set in the present day world and most of the storylines and action will not take place underwater. Also, Alan Ritchson, from ‘’American Idol’’ who portrayed the underwater hero on ‘’Smallville’’ is not a contender for the role, which is still as yet to be cast.
In the same way that ‘’Smallville’’ concentrates on great character driven storytelling and narratives, showcasing Superman’s everyday ‘’normal’’ man, Clark Kent and his ‘’mortal’’ life making his way among mortal life (and love), so will the Aquaman show, which will focus on Aquaman’s mortal counterpart, Arthur Curry, a young 20 something, just realizing his special powers and abilities and how to best utilize them for good, long before being crowned as King of Atlantis.
We’re rooting for this Aquaman series as we LOVE our comics heroes brought to 21st century life. We just hope that if the series takes off, that the creators are careful to not let it run short of steam. ‘’Smallville’’ is one of our favorite shows, but the last 2 seasons…well we don’t know if it’s just us, but does it feel like the super is missing in Superman these days? Just a little sluggish of late. Great show, but the writing needs to get back to the superior storytelling of the 1st 3 seasons and honestly, Lois Lane is about as exciting as a dish rag.
It was SO much better when Clark and Lana kept their burning, yearning desire for one another, just a hairs breath apart!
Anyways, we can’t wait for Aquaman and we’re looking forward to it!
Speaking of….anybody catch the multiple, Xcellent showings (pun intended) of the film ‘’X-Men’’ just bursting at the seams with some of our all time favorite superheroes, (what a multi-talented ensemble cast! How about Hugh Jackman stealing the show as Wolverine, not to mention Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, James Marsden, Anna Paquin! WOW do we love this outstandingly written, character development and emotionally driven rush of adrenaline!) as well as the highly underrated and criticized film ‘’Daredevil’’ (a guilty pleasure which we happen to love, thank you!) repeated umpteen times this past week on the FX Cable Television Network!
As Xcellent as Professor Xavier played brilliantly by the most illustrious British actor, Patrick Stewart!
Rock on Superheroes as you save the day (and the world) from the most dastardly of supervillans! X-Men, UNITE!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse November 15, 2005
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright November 15, 2005
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