""Snakes On A Plane"! VIEW MTV's SPOILER FILLED SSSpectacular REVIEW!"
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright August 18, 2006
Though the film makers of "Snakes On A Plane" chose not to preview the flick to film critics, because the movie was made on BEHALF OF, and FOR the FANS, that didn't stop MTV's Kurt Loder from dropping in on a regular audience, early 10:00 pm screening last night, and just so you know!!!!....
....Kurt and MTV LOVED IT!!!!
....Loder elaborates, "I LOVED the new stuff. The snakes are nasty and they do a lot of damage. They CHOMP into EYEBALLS and CHEW through the plane's wiring. One really impressive specimen has the circumference of a fire hose and, and is SO EVIL, it actually GROWLS!!!!".....
....Loder continues, "These rampaging reptiles do a couple of things I felt like I'd waited my whole life to witness....There's a part where a giant python, busily squeezing the guts out of one of the more unpleasant passengers, starts sizing the guy's head with it's ever widening jaws, and then - whoa! Heaven!"....
....WE especially LOVED the part where Kurt Loder says, "There's also a cute little dog that something happens that's so horrible, so uncalled for, you want to stand up and cheer!" (WE take it that Fido gets MUNCHED!!!!)....
....Loder raves, "And of course there's (actor), Sam Jackson, roaring out his exasperation with these doggone snakes and wishing them gone from this doggone aircraft. FINALLY getting to hear him UTTER the ALREADY FAMOUS PHRASE, is pretty great too!"....
....Loder also takes sheer delight in the audience's overwhelmingly THRILLED, positive PARTICIPATION and CHEERS!!!!....
....What WE appreciate, is that Kurt Loder and MTV really enjoy the movie with unabashed, cheese filled, enthusiastic, delightful GLEE, with NO lofty expectations or analyzations, (and therefore no BASHINGS), of a serious or art house film!!!!....
....Loder and MTV simply get comfortable in their theater seat with their popcorn, jujubees, and soda, and REVEL in what this film is ALL about, and GET THE POINT of WHAT "Snakes On A Plane" is ALL about!!!!....
....Just a SSSStupendously enjoyable, over the top, action packed, fright filled, popcorn flick which WE can't wait to SSSSSEEEEE!!!!
Muse News And Micro Muse August 18, 2006
By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright August 18, 2006
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