Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Joss Whedon Multitasking Projects Post Buffy: Is Spike Getting His Own Film?

‘’Joss Whedon Multitasking Projects Post Buffy: Is Spike Getting His Own Film?’’

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright September 27, 2005

With the success of ‘’Buffy The Vampire Slayer’s’’ Creator Joss Whedon’s theatrical release of ‘’Serenity’’, the hit film adaptation of his TV series, ‘’Firefly’’, Whedon has quite a few irons in the fire. One is his film, ‘’Goner’’ which the prolific Whedon hopes to direct. ‘’Goner’’ as Whedon tells ‘’Variety Magazine’’, is ‘’the story of a young woman’s journey that involves a great deal of horror and heroics’’. Meanwhile, Whedon is writing the script for the film version of ‘’Wonder Woman’’ which he will also be directing. But, if ‘’Serenity’’ continues its full steam ahead with fans, there just might be a sequel in the works for Whedon.

And for all you fans of the amazingly talented James Marsters, (us included!), Whedon is playing mum that there may be future plans for a made for TV film showcasing Spike, the sexy Vamp (ire) who brought fresh blood, (pun intended), saving the day (and the ratings), for both ‘’Buffy’’ and it’s spinoff ‘’Angel’’ and who gets our vote for the hottest Nosferatu ever! We want Spike, We want Spike! Hey fans, letter writing campaign please!


Muse News & Micro Muse September 27, 2005

By Arlene R. Weiss © Copyright September 27, 2005

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